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1NA M PnmVAJmmBZef XtStohtt T j Proí. W. HiKeië,-WRo m T Ttiakes a specialty o J I I Li Epilepsy, Jias without M% I I L. doul)t treated and cnr cd more cases than any J living Physician; hdj JÊk, M WfB %Y have heard t cases OL so years' standing V;U curad b ■ this dis. VilU LUiici Ho of h3 absoluto cure, free to any suffererg ;vho may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing' a cure to addresg Prof.W, E. ?ELSE, F, D., 4 CeUar St, Hew Yori Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made in Hic payment o( the rnoney secured bracertaln mortgagti exeented iy AleXandor W. Hamllton and May Hale Hamilton, hls wlfe then of t!ie City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State ol Ml Mps. H I, Gcnung [non decuased) nf Geneseo in the orNew Vork, us mortgagee, to secure the payment of the sum of ono thousand and h'fty dollars and Interest thereon, dated the tourteenth duy uf Augustonetliousand eisjht bundrod and Dinety-three, and recorded on ath (luy ol Alyfust A. D. 1893 at 2:22o'clock p. M. in the office nf the Register of I)eed tor the Oountyof Washtenaw In the 1 f Michigan, in Liber Eishty-onc of iges on pago flve hundred and slx and wmen sale waa dulyasslgned by Addle B. Genung the Admlnlstratrls of sald ilrs. 11. L. Genung, dec i Hio under1 Mrs. .In lia 1. Scorilleby deed of asslenI the thJrtleth day of October, ■ liich asslgnment was du'ly recorded in the office of the sakJ Keglster of Deeds on thetw Dty-seveuth day of November A U .'clock p. H. n Llber seventy-tour of mi : d page four liundrec and nlnety-nine, and, Wheieas, the amount clalmedtobedue on said mortgage, at the date of this nótice, is the sum of twelve hun'■n dollars of principal and .'.. and also the fnrther sum of twentyÖT8 dollars as ;ui attorney fee, stipulate-i for in said mortgage, and as provlded by law. and no suit or proccediiiKs at law haTlug been instit ut ed torecover tho debt secured by said mortual , or any part thereof . whereby the power ol sale contained in said mortgage qas liirome operalic. Now. ïherefore, notice is hereby glven that by virtueof the power of saie contained In sald mi ;i in pursuance of the statute In sucli c;isi! made and provided, I shall on Saturday the twenty-seventh day of February A. IJ. 197 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thai day. foreclqse said mortgage, by sellinfïat public auction to the liigbe&t bidder (the sale to take place at the Kast front door of the Couri Boqse in tho city of Ann Arbor to sald County , sald Court House being tlittor holding the Circuit Court for said Oounty of Waslilenawi liie premlses describid in said murtgage, or sö'much thereof as shall be necessary, to satisfy th amount due on said m mpcage. aud lejial costi and charges of said sale, and the attorney fei . as above set forih, that is to say ; all those certJn pleces or pareels of land sitúate and beIng in the City of Ar.n Arbor in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and d scribed as follows, to wit: Belng a, one thlrd Interest In the lots numbor twn (;) to Twcnty ((l) Inclusive in Block sli (ü); lots one (l)tosixteen (l(i) inclusive except lot flvo i.".) in Bloek Seven (7); lotsone(I) to Twolve (l. inclusivo excebt lot Six 161 in Block (S) lots one(l) two (2i, Four (4). and Five (5) in Block ten in); lotsone (1) toTwenty-three(i3i lucluicept lots live (3i ind Twunly (20) tn Block KIi.'vlmi ill). all in Ilamilion, Kose ana SheeIfan's Aduition to tho City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan Dated the seconddayof D.'cember A. D. 1896, Mbs. Julia B. Scoville. Zina P. Kiso, Asstgoeeof Mortgage. Attorney for said assignee. (57) Probate Order. (JTMTEOF MICHIGAN i 0 County 01 WA8HTBHAW f At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the i ity of Ana Arbor, on I hursday the 7th day of Januarj in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-aeven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jeremnh D. Williams, deceased. William Blair, the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render his annual aocouut as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the fifth day of Febmary next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exatnininur and allowing siieh account, and thal the heirs at luw of said deeeased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause. if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further Ordered, that said administrator give notiue to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the Jioariiiji thereof, causing a copv onfehis order to be pulílished in The ann Arbor .Register. a newsp&per printed and circulating in said County tbree successive weeks previous to said day of bearinir. v H. Wirt Newkirk [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Register. 53 Prob te Order. state of Michigan, County of Wasb tenaw, ss At a session of the Probate Court foi the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 7'h day ol .lanu r. in the year one-thousam eight hundred aud nmety-8"on. Present. H. Wirl NeaUirk. .fini_ of Probate. In i Qiatterof ! ie - í ;tt f .J d i 1 l'lllis. ii i'Cil.iSfll CaroliQ I' BI i a iti L ■ h ú ru f'isoi Uu' last wi i and lesiam m df said deceased, '-omes inio couri ano represent tliat, they are now prepaiefl to render .heir annual account, as such executors. Thereui)on it is ordered, that Friday the 5th day of Peb, next, at ten e'clock in iho forenonn, be assined for ixaraining and allowiDK account, and that the dev - eyratees and heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ai-c required to appear at a session of said court, then in be holdeo at the ProbateOffice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if a:i the.v. be, why the said account, should not be ailowed: And it jé furth'T ordered, that said exeeutors Sfive notie to the persons interested in saiii rsiat''. of í ii cy of said account and the hearing th causing a oopy of this or pubMN A.UBOB EIEGI9TEK, 8 : printed and clrculatod iu j said county, three Buncessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) H. Wirt "Newkirk Judge of Probate P. J. Lehman, Probate Register. 53 No morphlt'e or opium 1" fr. Miles' PAI Pills. Cure All Pain 'Oí o cent a. dose." Waníed-fln idea SSS Protect your Idean; thpy mfty bring ym wealth, Wrlte JOHX WEÜDEHBÜRN & C.. Patent Attorneys, WasUington, D. C.for thelr !. praocittt ritftóVultunuiVlIWlJV%ifWK . _ Notico is hereby given thát by virtue of a writof fleri faciasússuedoutof and under the sea! of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, in a suit commenced by attachmcnt in favor of Noah W. Cheever aod Edward Treadwell, executors of the will of Hiram Arnold, deceased, against the goods, chattels and real estáte of Joseph Wilsey and Alvin Wilsey in said County, which writ was directed and delivered to the sheriff of said County, and by virtue theieof he did on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1894 levy upon and take all the right, tule and interest of the said Joseph Wilsey in and to the real estáte hereinafter described, and also that by virtue of an alias writ of fierifacias issuedoutof and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan in favor of Noah W. Cheever surviving executorof the will of Hiram Arnold. deceased, against the goods, chattels and real estáte of Joseph Wilsey and Alvin Wilsey in said County to me directed and delivered, I did on the )th day of December, A. D. 1896, levy upon and take all the right, title and interest of the said Joseph Wilsey in and to the following deseribed real estáte that is to say : All of the following described land situated in the Township of Pittsfield, n Washtenaw County and Stato of Michigan, viz : The south iifty (50) acres of the cast ïall (E i) of the south-east quarter (S. E. ij of section No. seven (7) in Towntship No. three (3) south, in Range No. six (6) east. All of which I shall exxse for sale at public auction or venduetothe highest bidder at the east ront door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor in said County of Washtenaw. that being the place of ïolding the Circuit Court for said Couny, on Saturday the30thday of January, A. D. 1897, at ten o'clock "in the forenoon. Wm, Judson Noah W. Cheever, Sheriff. Plaintiffs' Attorney. Dated, December lOth, A. D. 1896. (53) JÈ$ "Complete Jif ú SlMf UJiy How to_Attain It." f 'n h m B A Wonderful New J (t l iuff Medical Book.written Cvl fc (llKTT ior Jien Only. One VIKW IVI ft I v I copy ma5' be had iree YW1 AnkV 11 J sealed, in plainenvelfS!?I ERIE MEDICAL CO., lV % ' f"J 66 Niágara Si, V F BUFFALO, N. Y. Toar REVIVO IfSi RESTORES VITALITY. stnay. pJyjWel Man 15'hDay.lO Of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. otiucos he above resalts in 30 daya. It acts i - i fnfly aud íjuickly. Cures wheu all others fail 'Uïib meu will reyaiu tbeir lost manbood, and old n a wlU recover their youthful viRor by using IEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervout 8, Lost Vitaïity, Impotency. Nightly Eraissiond, t Power, FaiiiiB Memory, Wastinir Diseasee and 1 effects of self-abusö or exce-sand indiscretion. hich unfits one for B'iidy. oitKiness or marriage. It t only cures by Rtartini? at the pat of disease. but afjreat ñervo tonto nnd blond builaer. bringg back the p-nk glow t pale "he#k and ro O'ing the iire of youth. It wards off JnRanity d Consumplion. Insisï on havine KKVIVO,no hor. It can bo raiTied in vest pocket. By mail, 1.00 per pttDkaxe, or eix tor iSö.OO, vrith a posl vo written giurnte6 to rare c refund he money. Circular free, Aiirlress OYAL rAEDïCINR CO S3 RHef St.. CHICAGO. II For sale by Eberbaeh Drug" and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. 'BIG FOUR" Solid Vestibuled Trains Betwebn Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit I'AST Tl TIK EXGLLENT EQUIPMENT, THE. SCHEDULE. :0O;im n:lSpm Lv ('in'ti Ar. (:4"am 6:00 pm :25 im 3:R5pm Ar. Toledo Lv 11 :45 pm 11:36 am :ipm(j:15im ArDetroitLv 9:40 pm 8:15 am Tlirouftl' Douches and WagncrParlor Oars n Day Truiris. Thioufrli Coacheo aud Wagcr Slèeping Carsou NiVtbt traías. As G od as our New York Lino 1 As Good as our Chicairo Line ! As Good as our St. I ouls Line Buy vnur tlck'ts through vin ■ B: F mr. F"r full infnrniHtion h J 1 on agents or ld ress . o. i rmlrk, l. H UarHn. l'a r n ü r S. o"I Paan. & Tkt. Agí SeethePoint? THE INVENTION -OF THE- ipth CENTURY. 4 PENCIL that can be sharpened without a knife, without soiling the fingers -without trouble. he BLAISDELL PAPER PENCIL 8 the fiuest thing of the kind to be found. Ask Your Stationer for Them. WM h :iD, Local Manager PITTSRL'ilGH PLATE OLASS CO. Dsaot,l4 lo 12S Limad ?, V.. DETROIT, JÍICH. Doyou knowthnt Platb ULAsawill auvt CO per ceiil tonlwiü'pneai-ance oi your projieriv, anïl oiüy a. trUiö to ití fo.-t. JJn ather r no rehuiré i.-. ito iia: 'orta.ut , V bon i.i want of (ir..--1 ;-..;'■ r t i I


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Ann Arbor Register