Real Estate Transfers

David Meyer to A ,raham Meyer, Lodl $ 1 00 J. C. and Wifo Wildon 1,0 Mury Vincent, A nn A 'oi' 500 00 Win. Robb'ns and ife to Frank Kathfon and wif ■■, Ypailanli. . 1 00 J. W. Abbotand wife to Wtn. Sraitb, Augusta 500 00 (■'. VV Finch and wif-i to Ijjuisa D.u'i,, Vot-k 150 00 I. I,. Lioc ■ and wife to Ueo. ü. ]{had, Ann Arbor 1750 00 Cico. SiiPrmun Di al to Adam J. Klinc and wi ., Si'ine 1 00 J. T. Ja"ol und wife to the Washin;on IJMg. Oo., Ann Arbñp 15000 00 Anna M. lcliin tu E. W. líat.l,awy, ïork :!50 K) David VfiuGeison und wife 10 Jas. H. Stevens, LoCA and I'ittstíeld 7000 00 Peter Coldron toCaa-, H. ren, Salem 1000 00 Peter ColOren and wlfetuClias. II. Coldren, Salem 1 00 J. L. Carroll to D. Ei. dt-ts, Ypsilanti 00 00 Wm. Croft mfl wife to Maorsfie Qucirojr, s.i!-ai loj oo Milla'd Busby toj.larrlt;t Djly, Ypsilauti J 00 Lesla M. Edington to Harriet Doty, Ypsilanti 1 00 J. L. Heinman and wife to Harriet Doty, Ypsilanti 1 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
David Meyer
Abraham Meyer
J. C. Wilson
Mary Vincent
William Robbins
Frank Rathfon
J. W. Abbott
William Smith
F. W. Finch
Louisa Davis
J. L. Rose
George B. Rhead
George Sherman
Adam J. Kline
J. T. Jacobs
Anna M. Alchin
F. W. Hathaway
David VanGieson
James H. Stevens
Peter Coldren
Charles H. Coldren
J. L. Carroll
D. H. Curts
William Croft
Maggie Cooling
Millard Busby
Harriet Doty
Lesla M. Edington
J. L. Heinman