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Real Estate Transfers

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David Meyer to A ,raham Meyer, Lodl $ 1 00 J. C. and Wifo Wildon 1,0 Mury Vincent, A nn A 'oi' 500 00 Win. Robb'ns and ife to Frank Kathfon and wif ■■, Ypailanli. . 1 00 J. W. Abbotand wife to Wtn. Sraitb, Augusta 500 00 (■'. VV Finch and wif-i to Ijjuisa D.u'i,, Vot-k 150 00 I. I,. Lioc ■ and wife to Ueo. ü. ]{had, Ann Arbor 1750 00 Cico. SiiPrmun Di al to Adam J. Klinc and wi ., Si'ine 1 00 J. T. Ja"ol und wife to the Washin;on IJMg. Oo., Ann Arbñp 15000 00 Anna M. lcliin tu E. W. líat.l,awy, ïork :!50 K) David VfiuGeison und wife 10 Jas. H. Stevens, LoCA and I'ittstíeld 7000 00 Peter Coldron toCaa-, H. ren, Salem 1000 00 Peter ColOren and wlfetuClias. II. Coldren, Salem 1 00 J. L. Carroll to D. Ei. dt-ts, Ypsilanti 00 00 Wm. Croft mfl wife to Maorsfie Qucirojr, s.i!-ai loj oo Milla'd Busby toj.larrlt;t Djly, Ypsilauti J 00 Lesla M. Edington to Harriet Doty, Ypsilanti 1 00 J. L. Heinman and wife to Harriet Doty, Ypsilanti 1 00