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Who Pays The Tax?

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The Republican clatm iliat "the fm-eigner pays the tax" is amply provèd by the following letter, which will appeal to the people of Nebraska and Iowa, as it interests them parlicularly: Omaha. April 10. The Albion Milling Company, Alblon, Neb.: Gentlemen: Ans wering your inquiry of the 7th inst. The explanation of .the recent marked advatnce in the price of burlap lags is in the prospeetive changes in the tariff. ITnder the Wil son bilí they are on the free list. Dut the Dingley bilí provides for a duty which would amount to gometUlng over 1 cent per bag on the G8-inch eight-ounce burlap. The price made you on your recent invoice is the lowest which we can offer on the present market. Yours truly. Bemis Omaha Bag Compuny. M. C. Peters, Manager. The consumers of burlap bags wha live in this soction of the country n ed not imagine that the increased prlce of bags concerns them. The foreígner has to pay it. Congressman "Champ" Clark, in his speech on the Dingley tarifï bil!, sald "the passage of the bill will force every nierchant in the land to make a tariff for revenue only speech every time he sells a bill of goods across the counters." The above letter is only one of the tariff speeches referred to by the eloquent and witty Missouri


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