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WM REÍD, Local Manager PITTSBl'm-íH PLATE LASS CO, ) Depot, 134 to 128 Lamed Sí, W., DETROIT, MICH. IV) you know that Plate Glass will add M per cent to the uppearance of yaur property, and only a trille to lts coj ti No othflr mie feature ís fo iiunurtunt. - Wbea iu waut ot (JLass et uur prices. Wanted-ñn Idea -s ■ ■Ul.iUU Mil IUUU tüingtoraienti Protfict yotir Idean: :ov ntay brlnir yuu wculth JÓHJÍ WEDDEl'.BCHN & CO., pitra t Attor3V3, WaahUigtnn, 11. C.,for thelr 1,BUC! prizo oiTer L!VE_AGENTS 500,000 Sold and n Use ? Make $20.60 on each $3.50 investod, WS?y sellisg uur 2öc. novelty. Everf family that cooks three mculs u da7 will buy it. Send 15c. in stamps for saiuple or write for particulars to OVAL KINULKK CO., Btoomfield, Ind. Mention Kegister in answoring thig advortisoment. Vit&éAáj . SO VEARS' WB K, CXPERIENCE. ' PT TRADE MARKS, Tv99fr desicns, rrr COPYRICHTS &c. Anyone sendlnd a sketch and descrlption may qii.tklyaseertain, freí;, wlietliur un íiirentinn is probably patentable. l'uinmunlcationg Btrictly conflüeiitial. Oldost aitency for seouriiiK patenta in America. We have a Washington office. Patenta taken throuxh Munu i receive special uotice in tbo SGIENTIFIG AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, lüreet clroulation of any scientiiic Journal, weakly.tertns íyi.lX) a year: ■LeO sil tnonths. Upecimen copios ad Hisii Buuii u. l'ATKSTS sent íree. Atkiruss MUNN & CO., 361 Broadwnv, New York. LADIES' $ CH1LDRENS' BOOTS f f AYlíS B3AICH, 1 n Tarar REVIVO Hl BE8T0RES VITALITY. ïstWpfi-fflWell Man i5thDay. 1WY#r of Me. THE GR E AT 30 th Day rn.E3xroiac niETtnsiD-xproduceg the above resnlts In'3O day. It acta Kwerfully and quickly. Cures wLen all others (ail. ïouuKmeuwillregain their lost manhood, "and old nen will recover their youthful vigor by tuing SEVIVO. It quickly aod Burely restores Nervousnees, Lost Vitality, Impótency. Kightly Eruissloas, jost Power, Faihng 3Iemory, "SVatinc Diseases, and 11 effects oL eelf-abuee or exnsand indiscretion, vhich unlits one for study, bnülnaaa or marriage. It not only cures by starting at tio f eat oL disease, but sagreat nervetonic nnd lilood buüdcr, brini; ng back the pink g'v to pale cheeU s and rotoring the Ore of vonih. It wardB off JuBanity nd ConBumption. Insirt on l.aving REVIVO, no other. It can be oarrted in vest pocket. By mail, S1.00 perpackage, or Bis tor incoo, wlth a poai ;ive ivritten gnarar.tee to rure or rofaud ;he moncy. Circular irn. Addresa Royal Medicine Co., hÍcÁgíÍ; For salo by Ej rbuh O.a and Cbemical Co., Ann Ai-bor, Mich.


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