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Within Our Walls

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The mystery surrounding Min robbing and blowing' up of the va n 1 1 in the ónice of Secreta ry Butterfiekl, pL the Michigan Agricultura! college, on the nigïit of April o, has been &ölvcfl, umi Clinton I). Butterfield, áged 10. youngest sou of Socretarv J. II. Bullerfield, of the state board, of agricnliuro. and (I. Dovere Miller, ged 20, son of Dr. Carrol I B. Miller. of Cadillac, both stndents at the college have onfessed the Orime. 'l'lic fatliers of tlie boys were wellligh criished by the confession of Uu ir Mms. Uut both aided the office rs in 'verv possible way to et at the trut li )1' the matter. Xhisdone, thev li;ured up the loss to the state and (jovcrpuifiit, a ml arranged to make itroo;l. The ainoiiut taken fiom the vaull was II 82,300. It ÍS under stood that Ï700 ivas ivturned by young Butteriield and (860 by Millor. The balance tliey had spent. Buttcrfieid had got away tvith the larg'er sum, it his o.t ia vagan t expenditures which led to his detection and the uaruvelipjf of the mj Story. Millerand Butterfield have been bcfore the V. S. commissioneis and givca baü for their appcarance at the fall term of tlie district court. Hfcblgau'a Dápnty Oil Jnspe.iors. State ()1 Inspector T. R. Suiitli. of Lawton, lms appointed hiBdeptities for the rarious distriets of the state, with the exception of three - the Niath, Thirteenth and Fourteenth- as follows: First and Second distriets- W P. T. Burton eend Chas. Hinekley, of Detroit. Third- F. .T. Temple, of Tecumseh. Fourth- A. Hoover, of Col d water. Fifth- P. B. Burke, of Kalamazoo. Sixth- A. D. Youn-v, of Niles. Seventh-C.VV. Edison, Grand Rapids. Kig-lith- II. A. Wolft', of Muskêg-on. Tenth - S. W. ai Doe. of Corunna. Eleventh- A. VV. Wilkinson. Chelse. Twi'lfth- Arthur Curry, of Owosso. bifteenth- W. E. Hogers, of Alpena. Sixteenth-i-ti. Astrvjp, of Menomiuee. Se venteen th- II. S.Uoodell.Hougli ton Eigliteenth- F. E, Withey, Nineteenth - F. L. Baldwin.Muuisiug-. Twentieth - C. A. Injrerson. Graylioff. Tu-entv-tirst - F. Fredcrkks, Travers ■ City. Twenty-seeond - I?. F. Brazil, Ironwood. Detroit'! Masonic Temple Dedieatecl. The magnificent new temple of the VfasoDS of Detroit was dedicated by he fíi-and lode officers with interestu-r ceremonies. A bifr parade in whieh all of the Masón ie bodies of the :ity part.icipated preceded the actual li'dication and was witnessed by many thmisands of people who thronged the streets. The formalities of the dedi■at ion proper were particularly intcrstjnj; and impressive. They wre onducted by Most, Worsbipful Gwvnd iaster Lou 1!. Wiusór, assisted by the ther grand lodg-e ofBcers and the fficers of Zion lodg-e No. 1, the oldest odg-e in the city or the .state. In the a reception was tendercd the :rand Lodge officers. Tliere were u uimberof splendid speeches and plentv of frotxl musie, so that the thöusandsof Masons. their wives, dang-hlers, sisters and friends, who swarmej throughout the whole of the immense buildlu?, which was prettily deeorated with flowera and plants, all thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. I'atal Shooting Resulta From a Joke. Samuel Ketchura, oí Kalamazoo, was shot, by liis ne 'k-w. Bertie Haines, at South Haven, and died in five minutes. The men were staying in a eottag-e owned by T. E. Thompson, and had been jolcs on one another, and someone was throwing water into tlie house. Samuel Ketohnm lauhinn-lv remarked. "I will put on an oíd coat, and don't care whether I get wet or not." ,Iust as lie stepped outside the house, the shot was fired, striking him in the shoukler and an artery. He bied to death beiore help eould ai rive. üertie Haines said he thonght Ketelnun was a tramp, wlien lie fired. The corone r's jhry rendered a verdict of accidental and unintentiouai Too Mnch u vini..i in. The Adrián high school picnic at Batid lake was spoiled by an incident nrt on the program. Frank Boyd -ave a display of nis power by hypnoüzing several of the boys. Mary Channer, daughter of Rev. C, Fl. Channer, iesired Jíoyd to put her Vinder hvpnotic nfluenee and he did bo effeotnally. VVhen he broughther to consdousness she fainted. and it u-as a half bour be!oi-e shecould be brought toher senses. ïlie fainting conti nned all w:iy ïome, and serioua resul ft ai-4 feáred. i'licre are nuuiy amateur hypootisla tle high school BUtdènto, and tliis has dampened thelr ardor for the eraze. The train dispatchers' offices of the 3., (j. R. & W. will bo morcd from Ionia to Grand Bapids. Frank Hodge, aged 14, and Albert Peters, aged 11, both of Ironwood, vere drowned in Montreal river near lurley. Receiver Foster of the defunct Pcople's Savins banli, at [.ansinj. han alled for a 70 pent cm assessraeút aa tockholders. While Ed Janard was at the to;. Jf an electric %ht polo at Pontiac L Leiper dug it out and .Janard icll. auc his ley in two plact-i,.


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