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SPECIAL MARKET LETTER The following market letter ia furnished us by McLAJLN líaos. & Co., Oomnii.ssion Merchante, liialto lUiilding, Chicago: The Reneral security market continúes íaiiiy uctive and lirrn. with S moderate increase in tlie volume of business transjicletl by brokers. There is i Btrong utiileitunti o the lailvvay share list, wliich inspires confldence in tlie fature of pteaeral buxiness, and dispels fearsof relapse into a condition of stHgnation wliicL the apatliy of the public and iu or two otlier unfavorable symptoms liad exeited. Tlie improved deinmid [3 manifest in an advance rf tliotit the eustoinmy teuctioii;--. and has been more pionouneed in stocks and bomlw if ivads iravevsing the greal ;:i.iin heil of Ihe country. Hailway otHciitln u(Hiiinut) lepoiting favorable ciop [irosjcts. and are antiCjpating future bimineis in paying volimic. The mos) encoiu-acing reporta, Bo'far'aB tlm ncar Inture is concerned, uome from ibe, from wbence a heavy mul contiuued tnillic is promis:J(l. There are stil] indications of a free outward move me ni uf (toïd, which imnnsis ti be quitK Inreu il uring ilic week, liul wlicli, white the look tor ahiimümt crojis and the demaiul foi Sfciuilies continue promises toaxert birl liüledifqnieiin;rinnuence. Tlie jubilee 1'estivitie.x luive heen of sueh absorbí n interest to all Ëutand that. oim mode rut e interest has been manifest Ihere in American securititw l)iit the nhseiice uf tl sim! demaucl from that sourcc lias not iiiieci:ihlv retarded ili n wnt mlvanee. and wlieii ii is again renewed tlie danser of itnv disasti-ous i-eaction wilt be muteriallj lessi-ncd. The attention of wJieat trmlera has been directed to tlie eourse of ihe inarket for tliu July future wiili more than usual interest, nul conjeetures as to the ontcomeof the deal are varied and nuineioua; however it inay termínate it vy-ill affect onerations in llie deferi-ed futures but uioderatly, its only nfluciice beine: lo deteroverconOdeni short selling and to eiicoimiKe believen in tlií' detened futures of vvlieut at present prlces. Specnlation has r:n.;div changed to ihe September option llierê benig but liule now hidulged in by iiiNonc ui Jiily. tJlüse now intoiested in contiolüng the market and shorts wlio have doi enverad. The inereased tntde in September has ulready enl,ive!ic(l Huil liiiurc mikI widoiied ts range of fltieUiittiona. [ts gradual ilecliue, uit!;. ui hii.v Bciisatioiml ipnctions, tor so lon a iim. lias devclnpeil ;i liberal hliort inlemsl w Inch u )„■ come au element of siienjfUi vvheiiovet iinytliingoccmslo titiiiiltte buyin 'on mui-e tlian in onlinai y scale. ' Fureinera liavt receutlj sliown H aispositioii i" miclias i now erop fnUires more lllienilly in consi-qneni e of leports of rinllier tlamaRe to crops in the Danubian eouutries md in llu.-sia the l:i!cst uhiccrf .x'.atin t [ : i L in a Idltion to injury to wh ■.,; üw rye erop of lUi.ssia wil) be considttruUy odor'x Doinesliccrop reporta are almnsl of ui iiiivHryinjt tenor- impmvrmenl beUig Uu khmcihI verdict, li; wany loealiiics wlij'nj luit little or nu iVid iiaa In-. 11 i':ktu-.. Ia: resulta uro now asRiiml. and In.ra ihe pfieat sónthwest ;il1 aluiiKijmt hai-visi ivill [loiihücss soon liinüüli lilraj Mipüts. 'I are (iiinicruii.H icispitji !ur HiiticinutiJi" ui i'X(?l!ein ilciriühil i.,, [le iiev heat ■-1 : !1' pnces. ,,,,, i'. ;iS now s, ems I"'11 I ;':!) üJsorbed, Hiere '' ■'■ '-1' suli' ! ,::■ -i ciinnuasd-uieiil lor Hit! I. :;;.(■! (1, ,;, IVireii llillirus :it a d'scomit friíin i-iiitühÍ rces ín spot whoat. , ínter ivheai millors evldenti" secure iiew vvheat in ■. xiiiilam:.-. fr they tre offeriiiK new ■v'lifut Iloíir at iiiati!tialiy redured lricea. to tlie, discuiutlturtí oi' sprins !!"at eumpeí tora. Tiic coiii iiiarket luw afiiiin beoooMi un olijec.i of less interest, the gri ictlvlty ni whial aial the more favorahle crop (irospecls being responsible roi-theoíianca, ifcccii.U continue fait i.iKl erporta liberal. The followine f'-om tl ■ Corn Bclt s a statepnnt oí i lie erop sitiuition: "Taking tire cora belt región an a hole, 3UÜ corre8pondent8 renort. ti,. Ki-ouml to be in excellent condition .vvjiilu 83 say it is fair, and only 54 out Df tlie total number recelved complain 'i wek ol moiattrre. As to weatliei wnditions. 394 correspondenta say n-UiiiiK heller eould Ije desired. wliile i'ly si report the went her as nnfavoribe. u, (1 !es Hum n dozen of these to mi. !i v.'. ( xient tliat iiiiiii woik is Inw-jerwl ftiili. A.i to thegeiieral eon''in oi tlie erop and iu henUhy npIJPaRince, 37-i reports are of the 'most tiivoraiiln clntracter, while 49 say the ; luir. Ten corre8on]ents alone rcporl iIih erop asa failure. live of these lfiti in lowa nul live in Kastern Nelna.sJ;ii. i'he (Tieut majority of the refKirts hhow that ilie outlook lora full ■ i "■ ■ ; erop is excelient," Xiie viaiuie BUfipty of graln in the United States an.i Canada shows the ioil()winKc.liar)ire8forthe week: Wheat ■i-'.-rease.i 1.879.000 iu, corn deweased U a üüt.i bn and oat deoreased 57,000 bu Mv ic .a ríes. Ouc Wy nnd Kou ml Trip Ticket to the Soa th- Slimmer üsiiV. Ou the (rst and tblrd Tuesdaya of each month. .Juno to October iDcliisive, he Soutbern Uaihvay arraog-od for one way Bettlers tickets frora Ohio and Mississippl Rier points to tbc south at rate of two cents per mile. Alvo round trip tickets at rato of one fase plus two dollars for the reund trip. The best time to go south la the present time. Information as to convenientlv arranged seheduies and special rates to all points south upón application. Wm H. Taylor, Asst. Geni. Pass. Agent Lomsville. Ky. The southern railwav istheonly line penetrating the eight Great Southern States. 7 "THE GENDRON" ñ BICYCLE [LJ5) Wp" öade. itrong and easy running. 'Mil" s a" tlle late8t aevices. A wheel ui V" UK)'0 dat(; in eveT particular. Wrilo to : IM1 A' BEESCH. No. 613 Summit Street ' iÁ Vfl TOLEDO. OHIO, and learn how to I 1 -ONE p0R N0THNC [


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