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James E. Harkins was in Detroit last I'Yiday. Mrs J. C. Taylor left last week for Keokuk, Iowa. Louis I!oes is visiting fr'ends in Kiehmond, Ind. ])r. and Mrs. N. S. Hott' spcnfc Monday la Detroit. J. E. Beal, of The Courior, was in X. Y. City last week. Mks Ihittie Kieth, of Dexter, is with Arm Arbor relatives. Prof. and Mrs. Rebéc are visitinj;relatives la .Sagicaw. Miss Abbie Pond has gono to California for a short visit. II. L. Rose, of Manchester, was in the city last Thursday. Mrs Lockey, of El more, Ohio, is visiliiig Mrs. G. G. Darling. Miss Belle Sperry left Tuesday night forasuminer trip in Ëurope. J, A. G. Hildner will leavc August 2ii for a year's study ia Gerraany. Pred A. linker and family are visiting friends in Jackson this week. F. P. Glazier, of Chelsea, did somo leyal business in the city last week. Mrs. John Perne, of Pittsburg-, Pa. is visiting relatives in Ann Arbor. Miss Graoe Tinker, of Jackson, is calling upon friends in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Samuel Krause, of Grand Kanids is spandin the week in the city. Mr. Charles V. Brinkman, of Golden, N. M., is visiting hiends in the city. i . 'ity Clerk, Glen V. Mills, has been in Plint this week on directory business. Samuel Krause, of Grand Rapids, spent last Sunday with relativea here. Mrs. W. D. Adams returned Saturday from a visit with relalives in Jackion. Miss Graee Dietz, ol Detroit, is tho guest of i Stofilet and family this week. Prof. 11. O. Austin, of the Saline High School, has been in the city this week. Miss Estelle Keeler, of Detroit, is visiting friends in Ann Arbor this week. M iss Cook, daughter of Regent C'ook, is in the city atteudiug coraraencement exercises. J. M. Grant, oí Manistee, is here to attend Commeneemeut and cali upon old friends. Geo. Hay Ier, of VanWirt, O., spent last Sunday visiting with hia parents in this oity. J. W. Goodspoed, of Grand Rapids, was in the city last Thursday calling' upon friends. Mrs. George Green, of Ilowell, is visIting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seyler, of Thompson-st. Miss Mabel Galbruith, of Plint, is visiting Miss Nellie MingttJ, of East Washington-st. M. W. Blake. who is rustica ting oear Chelsea, was in the city Monda au I Tuesday. Prof. H.C. Aclama and family wlll leiive thu lattoi1 part of Juli forayoar'H Stay ín tëurope. Prof. A . Lovi bas gone to New York Ciiy. Uesails Jul.y ti for a sunimers study in Prance. Ki.'v. c. O. stnniriT, of Elmhurst, HU., will --ml the slimmer wltll bis ïnothei' ii this city. Prof. R. H. Keinpf is In Detroit attendinsr the meeting of the Music Teachers' Assoeiation. .lames Barker, of the firm of Kichraond and Backus, of Detroit, visited r?l .tives hcro ast week. [Iari-y Watts, of Kansas City, Mo., is in the city vistting his father, Mr. J. C. Watts, of B. Liberty-st. Prof. T. ( '. Trueblood is in X, V.CItj atlendlng i meeting of the National EKxru Motílate' Asaociatton. Clarence Henderson, of Mason, was in the city last Thursday to attend the Douglas Uement wedding. Miss 1011a Bennent and Carrie Ferryled Tucsday for California to attend the Y. P. S. C. li. Gonvention. Dr. J. G. Lynds left Monday a. m. for N. Y. City to spend six weeks at vork in thu hoepitats of that city. Miss Roae M. Allen leavos this weck for Waldron, Mich. where she will epond her vacation with friends. Mrs. Dr. 1). D. McNaagtaton, of Arryle, Mich., is t-pending commoncement week with her raother at 5 Geddes Ave. Miss Gertrude Divine has gone to Sycqmore, Hls., to visit her grand mother before leaving for her trip abroad. Mrs. C. J. lloimold, of Saginaw, ia in tlie city to attend commencejaent exercises. Her son graduates with thib year'sclass. August Dieterle, formerïy with E. F. Mills & Co., has secured a position as travtfling salesman for Ëdson, Moore & Co., of Detroit. Mrs. O. L. Spaulding, ot Washinsjtun, D. O., wife of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, is visiting Mrs Boyd, 11 N. State-st. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Hendrickson lefi Tuesday for Chicago where they wil' in the future mako their home witl their son, F. Hendrickson. Prof. Louis Hill and family, of Gold en, Colorado, are here for Commencement week, the gue3ts of Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Hose, Mrs. Hiil's parents. Bert Girard, a former student of thi Stenographic Institute, now witl Holmes & Co., of Chelsea. visited Am Arbor friends the iirst of the week. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, of the Homoeo pathic Department, returned a few day.igo from Buffalo, N. Y., wherc he attended the Xaiional Homoeopatbic Convention. Dr. and Mrs North, of Jackson, were in the city last Wednesday attendiny the funeral of the late Mrs. Louis North. Thursday morning .Irs. Nortb met with an accident by which sbt broke her left shouider blade. Dr. A. C. Gibson, of Kansas City, Io.. lias been in the city for the pat week. (Ie camo to Ann Arbor tobrinu the remains of the late Mrs. Eli.a North, who died recently in Kansas City, to Ann Arbor for burial. Mrs. Florence Kraeger of Brooklyn, N. Y. visited her unele Andraw E. Gibson over Sunday. She was cali' d here to aucnd fhn funeral of hei4 gr.ui - mother Mrs. Eliza North. Slie l.-ft Tuesday for Kansas City, Mo., to virlt her father Dr. A. C. Gibson of thatcity.


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Ann Arbor Register