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Pp' ' of the circulation, ifpfoes 01; fjg&r poisoning the entile constitu ' 0jV tion just as surely as if a man was diinkitiff prussic acid. Every part of the body is polhtted. Tnc digestivo juices are suppiessed and wiakeued. The kidneys and skin are cloprgcd with impurities and the lungs and broncliiai tulies overloaded with morbid Becretion whicfa eat away the delicate tissue, and brují abont broTiehitis and eonsunintion. All the diseases caused by tliis subtle process of bilious poisonhtfi are cnied by tlio marvelous allerative action of Dr. Pieiee', Golden Medical Discovery. It direetly increases the liver's natural excietive and purifying powers; (fivea the digestive and biood-makltiK organs power to manufacture au abundance of red. ïich. liealthv blood. It drive out all irapurities, and vitalizes the circulation with the liie-gtvinK elementa whicli restore perfect nutrition, solid muscular power, and healthy nerve force. " In August 1895, I was taken down in bel with aburning and severe palua in niystomadi and under my slioulders, and iliziness in my head, ' writes Ira I. Heiriugr, Saq., of Needmore, I,nv Co., Fla. " My home physician was called and he said my Byraptoms were more Hke consutnption thau aoytbiug else. I lineered in thls way seven mont hs tryiug different kinds of medicine. Nothinij thal I ate ivould digeat. and I had great uistrrss in myntotnach. I was persuaded lottysome of Dr. I'ierce's remedies 01 tt wliat lie thought of ui caae. I wrote liitn and received an aultwei tating that my sufferiuK was from Indigestión and torpid livei, and novising me to take Dr. Picrce's (lolden Medica! Discovery. The first bottlc gave pleasing resulta. I have taken four bottles of the 'Oolaen Medical Discovery ' and three small vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets ' I am abli." to do my work :tnd eat what J could uot before I took these medicines." I


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