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LEGAL NOTICES, Notlce t relï lor, QTATE OF MICHIGAN, I ÖCflUMTOl' WASIITKNAW. f Notlce íh nerebyglven.that by an order oftlie Probate Court fñr iin County oí Washtenaw made un tbe llih Uay of June, A. n lii ■flx months f rom thai ilute were allowed for lo present tbelr claims agalnst tlie estáte oí Estber I). lüKs. late oí sald county, deceased, and thal all credltora of said deceased are required to present thelr claims lo said probate court, at 1 1,(. probate office ín the city oí Aun Arbor, for oxatnlnatlon allowanee, on or beforo the llth day of December irext, and lliat such claim-, wi be neard bofore sald court.on tbe lltb day September, andón the llth day of Decen ber next, :it leu o'clocfc In the forenoo of eacü of said days. (75) Dated, Aun Arbor, June iith, a. l . 18B7 II. WIKT NEWKIRK, Judice oí Probate. l'robate Duin. O'I'ATK OF MICHIGAN, O OOCMTTO IVaslITfiXAW. " Ai a seaslon oí the Probate Court for th County of Wash'enaw holden at tbe Proba t office In the Uify of Aun Arbor, on Monday the 2lst ilay of .ruin', in the yearone t hou.-;, a eiKht hundred and alnet y-seven Present, II. Wiri Newkfrk.Judgeof Probad In the matter of the estáte ol Peter Co dern, deceased. On readlng and Bllng the petltlon dul reriSed, of Coartes H. Coldern praying tba acertaln Instrument iiowon Bleln thljCoui purportlng to be the lasi will and testamen of said deceaaed may admltted to probat and that admlalatration ofsald estáte ma begrantedto nlmself the executor ín sai will named or to somo other sultable persoí Tliercupon il. is orde red, Lliat Saturday th I7thday of.July uext. al ton o'clock iii th forenoon, be ansigued for thu hearing of sal petltlon. and that tbe di viscos, legatees, au neirs al law ofsatrl deceased. and all othe persona Interested lo sald estáte, are reaulre to appear at a sesslon ol ail Oonrt, tben i do holden at the Probate Court In the (Jll of A n 11 Arbor, :ini sIiojt cause, if any thei be, fh.v tlie prayer ol the Dutltioner shoul aot be granted. AiH ii is lurther ordere that said pctitloner glve notlce to the peí sons Interented Ín sald estáte, of the pend ency ol said petltlon. and i he hearing theri of, bycauslni! a copyot tiio order tobe pul lished in the Aks Aitiioi: Bboistib, a news papec printed and clrculated In said county three successlve ■(■!- prevlous to sald da of hearing. LATRUECOPV.] H. WlUT N'EWKIltK. P. J. I.KMMAN. Judgc of l'roliati Probate Register. (77) Probate Order lor Ilearius; Account ( Excrutor. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 O OOUNTYOr WASHTEXAW. I ss' At a seaslon ol the Probate Oonvt tor tli Oounty of Washtenaw, holden ai the Pmbat office in the city of A 11 n Arbor, on Thursday the 1T1I1 day of June in the yearone tbousam elghi hundrqd and irinety-seven Present, ll.Wirt Newkirk, Judgaof Probatt In the. matter of the estáte of Janvier Oros deceased. Theodore Bogers, trustee of safd decease namcd in tbr last will and testament 1 A. Rozen, comes Into court an( representa that he is now prepared to rende liis final account as such trastee. Therenpon it is prdered, that Saturday hi'irtli day of July ncxt. al ten o'clock 1 the forenoon. bc assigned lor examlnlng an lllOWjjlg SUCb account, and that, the divisee-, legstees, and helrs at law of sala decease i!i(l all other persons Interested in said es Cate, are requfred 10 appear at a sesslon 1 -.aid court. then to Ijc holden al the Probat ilfice, in the city of Ann Arbor, In sai, ■ounty. and sho.v cause, if any Hiere be, wh : hc said account, should not bé allowed; uu It is f urther ordered, that said trustee glv notlce to the persons Interested in sald'jes tate. of the pendency of said account and the hearing tnereof, iy causlnga copy t'f thi rdr to lx pulillsbed in the axn Abboi Begistkb, a newspaper printed and clrculat iiiL.' In sald county, for tbree succcsslve week provlous to saiil day of hearing. [ATKUECOPV.l A. WlRT NrWKlllK. I'. ,). Leihhx, Judareol Probati Probate Betoter. (771 Probate Order. Htale of Michigan, County of Wash tonaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court foi the County of WashteBaw, holden a the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tl. e 14th day o Juno in the year one-thousand eigh hundred and ninety-sevun. Present. EL Wirt Newrklrk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of D. Frey, minors, Leonard Grtmer the Guardian of said ward comes nto court and represtints that lie is 110 prepared to ivnder his annnat ad'nunt as such Guardian. The reu pon itisordered that Frlday, the" Otli (liy of July next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for oxaniioii, hud allowing such account, and that tne next kin of said waru, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further Ordered, that said Guardian give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thercof, bj causingf si copy of this order to be published in The Anx Arbor Register. a newspaper printed and circulating in said County three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. Wirt Newkirk, A true copy.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Register. 76 Probate Order. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday the 15th day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. Present, II. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probato. In the matter of the estáte of John Uobbell, deceaseu. On reading and filing the petition, duly vcrificd of MarthaCobbell praying that a certain instrument now on file in tliid Court, purporting to be the last will and testaiHent of said deceased may be iidmitted to probate and tliat adniinibtration of said estáte may be granttfd 10 herself the executrix in siiifi wül named or to sorae other suitable person. Thcreupon it is Ordered, that Tuesday, the K!th day of July ncxt. at 10 jo'clock in the forenoon, be assigncd for the hearing of said petition and that the evïaéea, legatees, and heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Court, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County and show cau&e, if any there be, why the prayer of thcpetitioner f hould not be grantod. 4lid it is furtherordered thatsaid petitioner give notioe to the persons interesad in said ostato, of the pundency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauï-ing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arisor Registe iï, anewspaper printed and circulated in said County three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. Wikt Newkirk, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Register. "ü Probatr Hriet. ST.VfÊ OP MH'lin.AN, COUltTT 01 kgBTKN 11 Al h newton of the Probate üourt tot Lúa Cuuuty of tVasbttmaw, bolden IK Hu-V, ' bateofecoln theOlty of Ann Arboi nnWoL day, the ZMh tay of June In Ihe v.n ,,,,, thousami eight liimdied and ulnel y-seven l'n-...,,!. il Win Sewklrt, Judgeof píoIn the Matter oí the Esfate of Marlette Bonnette deceased. On i readiag and flling the petltlon, dulv v-erlfled, of Jeroine Sciiermerliorn pr.i vin'" thai M eer tal n Instrument now on lile In thla i ourt, purport Ing to be i lie last Hl and testament oí sti (I ased m:iy bc acimlt eil to Probate and ttial adrolnUtralh f saldes tatemaybu granted to himselfor to some other suiiahie perron. 'i'hereupon ii la ordered, thal Saturdav theSlthday uí.Jnly next. atteo o'clock in' i be rorenoon. be asslgned for i he hearing or sala petltlon, and i hut i de v Úeen legateer and helrs ai law nf sui.l deceased. and all othar persons Interested In said i,! are reqnlred to uppear al aaeasion of sald Uourl then ii be hulden tt the Probate Uourl in tlii'City of Aun Arbor, and show cause l( any ihuif be, why iliu prayer of the petltioner snould not be granted . And it is further ordered. thataatd petltloner ive notlce to the persone interested In sala estáte of the pendency of said petltlon, and the hear m: thereof, by causlng acopy oftliis order publlshed'ln Tuk Ann Abbor Segistek, a newspaper prlnted and circulated In said eounty, tbreeauccesslve weeks prevlous to said diiy of bearlng II. Wikt Nrwkdik, La tki-k r.opy.] J ndfte of Probate. I'. .1. Lehman, Probate ItegUter. (7si Otaaneery oiic. In pursuance and hy virtuc of ;i decree ol tlic Circuit Court for bbe County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in chancery, made and entered the 24th day of Marcli, 19T, in a certain cause therein pending wlierein William H. Buvke and Ilerbort J. Burke, executors of tlic last will and testament of William Burke, deceased, are the eompluinants and John J. FJurka and Margraret Burke, defondants. Notice is hereby given that I will sell at public metion at the east front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in the said county, (that being tb.e building in which the circuit court for the said county is held.) on Saturday, the 24th day oï Julv, 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoonof said day, the following desci'ibed real estáte: vil that certain piece or parce) of land ■iituated in the townshipof Northfleld, VVashtenaw County. Michigan, and de■jcrJbed as follows, to-wit: Beginnin? at a point in the south half of the west half of the south east 'luarter of section twenty-one, in lownship one. soutli of range six east, vhere the territorial road intersects he north and south road on said secMon; thence east, four degrees south, along the center of the territoria] road to a point sixteen chains cortb of the ;outh east corner of seetion twentyone; tlience south along said section line to said section corner; thenco south, twenty-nine degrees west. four .hains and twenty-live links: thence south, thirty-one degrees west, two :lmins and twenty-five links: thence south, eight degrees east, two chains und seventy-five links, thence south eighteen degrees east, eleven chains ,md fourteen links: the nee sou tb, tbirtyive degrees east, one chain and ninety inks to the section line; thence south n the section line live chains and forty-tive links to a point seventecn 'hains and sixty-six links north ol' the quarter post between sections twentyseven and twenty eight; thence north. iighty-three degrees west, eighteen chains and thirtj-one links to a point ■lineteen chains and sixty-six links north of theeast and west quarter line; thence north two chains and eighteen links to a stake standing south, foityone degrees west, thirty-nine inches trom an Elm tree, five inches in cianietei'. and north (7 degrees west one ühain and fourteen links from a swamp oak tree. twenty-eight inohes in diameter: thence westerly twenty-six chains and fifty links to a point in the center of the highway south. sixty-seven degrees west, thirty-two links from a Black oak tree, six inches in diameter and north 27 degrees east, scventy-five links from a Black oak tree, six inches in diameter: thence north along the center of the highway to the place of beginning. Joseph F. Webb, Circuit Court Cominissioner. LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIELD, Solieitors for Complainants. (78) Morlgagc iale. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made jy Blair Hinkley and He.nrietta Hinkley, lis wife, to Joseph T. Shaw, dated the lst day of April, 1893, and recorded in ,he Register's office, of VVashtenaw üounty, Michigan, on the lst day of April, 1893, at 5 o'clock and twentyfive minutes p. m. , which mortgagc was duly assigned by said Joseph T. Shaw to AdahZ. Treadwell by Jeeds of assignment datod the oth day of April, 1893, which said assignment is recordfd in Liber 11, assignments of mortgages on page :W8, in the Register's flice of Washtenaw County on which mortgage there is claimed to bo due at the date of this notice the sum of Thirteen Hunóred FortySix Dollars and Nine Cents (11346.09) principal and interest (tbc undersigned electing to eonsider the whole amount of tíic principal of said mortgage as due for the non-payment of interest and installments of principal as provided therein) andnoproceedinj;s in law or equity having been institnti ,1 to recover the amount of said mortgnge or any portion thereof : Noa therefore, by virtueof the power of sale eontained in said mortgage iml he statute in auch case made and provided notice is hereby givon, that nn Saturday, the Hth day of August. ISS)T, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of niut ay at the east front door of the Cnurt House, in the City of Ann Ai Uu-, Michigan, that being the buildint; n which Circuit Court of said cuiiu.i is leid, there vfüI bc sold at publiouuo,ion to the highest bidder the premi-ns escribed in said mortgaíre or so mm:h hereof as may be necessary to Bal Is f y he amount duo on said mortgage and he expenses of this foreclosure. 'I lie )remises to be sold are describeil as ollows: The eat eighty and thirl.yureo one-huudredili acres ofl frora the ast side of the gouth-east quarteis nf ection fourtoen in the Township of cio, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Dated, May 19, 1893. Ad ah Z. Trkadwell, Assignee of Mortgagee. v. I). Habriman, Attorney for Assignee. (81 Xew Type and New Presse do the -out work-botli are fouud at the Ut-ftlster Office. 3O K. Huion St.


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Ann Arbor Register