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Come. Come Saturday. Come Saturday, July 3. Come Saturday, -I uly :, to Ann Arbor. Como Saturday, July 3, to Aun Arbor and have the biggest time of your life. There is now some hope that Packard street wiü soon be put in passable conuiiion. Archie WilkinBOD, of Chelsea, has been appointed deputy oil Inspector for this district. The County Clerks's offioe will he headquurters for all sorts of information oa the Third. The U. of M.elosed its year last Wednesday nignt. It ünds itsolf as usua considerable in debt. The excavating for the new addition to the Cook Ilouse is well under way. Mr. C. J. Snyder has the contract. The commeneement address at the Dexter high school last Friday evening was given by Mrs. Eüza K. Sunderland. Ambrose Kearney, Kenny and Quinlan, Arlington House, and Tucker and Co. have all put in the new telephoues reeently. .Members of the Unitarian church and Sunday school picnieked at Campbeli's grove ou the motor line road, last Saturday. The third anuual V. M. C. A. excursión to Detroit and St. Ciaire Flats will oceur July 1"). The round trip will eost $1.00. The Salvation Army people have erected a tent on the market lot back of the county jail, and will hold meetings there. The first oi' the union Sunday evcning services will be in the M. E. church next Sunday. Sermón by Uev. .T. M. Gelston. The Ann Arbor Browns and the Jackson Athletic Club team wiil cross bats in a ball game on the athletic field Saturday afternoon. The teachers of the First ward school ave a pleasaut spread to their pi nci)Ml, Mrs. C. G. Plymptou at the mjuiki! ) ist. T.iui'dday afternoon. MUd Lacy K. Cole took part in ti.e i rog ram at the meeting uf the MicUj iii ..lusje Teachers' Assoeiatiun inlJoliOii ibt! flrst of the week. editor uf The Register iki.í y, c'osk udoraed 'luesday by a large I e; beuuliful roses sent ultli the;ilueulft of llie Ann Arbor V. C. T. U. JJuCloüan M. Mojfk lef t for California Taesday. iie expeets to locato thee pormaneully. Mr. Mogk has for t!.e past ten years been a clerk in the Bhoe store of Leonard Gruner. Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Tedrow invited all the studente from Mt. Union college who are in the University this year, to a pleasant party at the former's home last Wednesday afternoon. A number of well-known wheolm. ;i, of Vpsilanti, rode over to Ann Arbnr last Saturday night and partook of ;i frofi supper at the Cook House. Tl wheeled back the same night. Dr. Mary Wood-Allen, on last V. - nesday afternoon, addressed tlie VV.i man"s Press Association of MlchlpHn at Gmnd Hapids on "How Cau ;i.o Business Woman Keep Well." Last Wednesday night a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Nichola assisted them in celebrating . the 17th anniversary of their wedding. A very delightful time is reported. Antón Otto has presentod a claim against the city for $250 damagea lor injuries becsiuse of a defeeti ve sidewalk. It is claimed that the city authorities had had due notice of the defect in the walk. The Douglas-Benient wedding was celebrated at St. Andrews church last Thursday evcning. It was one of the most elabórate allairs of the kind that has occurred in this city for many years. A pleasant scène took place last Friday afternoon when ueaily iifty of the young men and women who has just received their diplomas at tbe High School, rnarched to President Angell'a office and matriculated as students of theclassof '01 in the University. A bright baby girl was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kun. Karl now has two jobs, ono carryiug mail and the otter is uarrying female, One of Holmes' livery teams run away last Thursday night while conveying one of the gnests to the BomentDouglas wedding. The runaway were stopped by Archie Miller. Luckily no one was injured. The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Eieetric railway announce that the'y will put on extra cars Saturday and i'xpect to be abie to handle atcely all who may wish to use the road that day. The round tr) tare wil! be only 2.ï cents. Monday morning-, Uorman Kim, a mem be r of the Piro Department, met with a serious accident. While niovving away a load of hay he feil tVoni the loft and broke bis left leg. Drs. ])arling and Blair reduced the fracture. Oscar Schmkl, son of Mr. and Mts. Frederick Schmid, ot this city. fas married last Priday evening to Miss Ellon O'Dwyer, Öf Jacksou. Theyoiing couple will reside in Jaekson whére Mr. Schmid has made a great reputation as a ehemist. The bicycle races at the fair grOuttdd on Saturday afternóon wiil consist of a mile novice race, Eigbth-milefootrace, tlalf-mile open bicycle race, Two rods bag race, Milc handicap bicycle race, Eighth-mile wheel-barrow race, a:id mile consolation bicycle race. Those who had charge of the High School Alumni Banquet may l'eel probd of the success of the eutertainment. Everbody seemed to enjoy the aiïuir. the refreshments wsre good and weil served, the speeches were short and to the point and the music of an excellent character. The board of public works did not, succeed in securing bids for cuttintr the iirass along the streets in all the wai-ds. Thos. 'Eagle seeured the job in the 9econd, Air. Mora in the Beventh and Mp. Mast iu the third. President Siniih was authorized to employ men to cut the grass in the other wards. Mrs. Eliza North, of Kansas City. Mo., widow of the late Revi Lewis Nortl), formerly of Lodi. this county, died at lier home in Kansas City last Tuesday morning' at the advanced ag-e of 9ti years. Remains were brought here last Thursday and interred in the afternóon in the Lodi cemetery. Miss Marie E. Bruegol, of this city. was married last Wednesday night to M.r. D. F. Maher, of California. Miss Bruegel is one of our well known and popular young ladies. Her husband is a gradúate of the law department, class of '95. The Register wishes the young people a long and happy life. Miss Hilliard, who ha3 beon a member of the Stenograpliic Instituto of this city during the past si x months, went to Chicago, Tuesday, to accept a position as stenographer with the Indiana, Illinois & Iowa R. It., at a Brood salarjr. Miss Hilliard was a hard woi'king student and is deservin; nf the line position she has socured. Justice Pond has given his decisión in the case of Dr. Ruch vs. Dr. Anderson Taylor. It seems that Dr. Ruch removed from Ypsilanti to New York and on leaving bargained to sell her practice to Dr. Taylor for $200, enefourth cash. Dr. Tayior refused to pay the remaining $150 claiming that the practice she got was "nit." Henee the suit. Dr. Ruch wins.- Times. Iiesides vetoing the action of the council in accepting the bond of tho N.r.v State Telephone Ci. Mayor Hiscoi-k has also vetoed the appropriatlon oflu,")to complete the curbing on S Univ-Hve , and also the approprlation of 85 per montb out of tho poor Cund to MrB.Evans. Mayor Hiscock claims that enough money has been epeat ou S. Cni v-ave., this year. Also that Mrs. Evans can be taken care of out. of _the poor fnnd in the usual way. Last nipfht, at the quarterly meeting of the Star of Bethlehem, Ann Arbor Lodge No. 26, the following offloera were olected for the eusuing quarter: Coramander, .lennie Hughes, M. D. ; vice-commander, Mrs. Minnie Trojanowski:sci-ibe. Mrs. Öetsy Lee; accountant, Chas. W. üoso.v: treasurer, Miss M. Sraith; cbaplalii, Misa M. Otto; marshal, Vita. J. Sebring; insidesentinel, Mra Annie Doseyjoutsidesentinel, Mrs. Mary Kejuski; physician. Dr. Jennle Hughes: P. Commander, Mrs. Jeunie Wotski. The lta Theta Pi fraterolty held : its biennkil banquet at the Oook House !;isl night. Titu8 V. Hutzei tma secured the contract to flll In the old Hurttorpond on Washlngtmi-êt. Glenn Trowbridge was yesterday Bentenced to one year in tho I (etroi House o.' Correci ion. O'Hara, Hoyle & Co. will run a restaurant Saturday in the old Glasier stand on E. Huron-st. Geo. Wahr and all of his clerka are bard at work taking an inventory of his largo stock of books and w all paper. The wheeling on tlie fair ground race track is said to be in most excellent condition for the races to be held there Saturday afternoon. Prof. B. I. D'Ooge od Tuesday resigned the deanshtp of the Litcrary Department and the Regente appointed Prof. R. Iludscn to suceeod him. Jüdge T. M. Cooley, who has been gradually failing in health, has beeome seriously affected mentally. Tt is to be hoped tbat he may recover, but there seems to be small chances of any improvement. About the busiest man iti the city during the past week has been E. Y. Hangsterfer. the caterer. He. has bad twn or tbree rceeptions or banqueta on his hands every day and seeras lo thrive under responsibility. Our mammoth industrial parade for the 4th of July celebration hasbrouirht out many novel schemes in the line of advertieisg bot ooe of the moei liberal is the Ann Arbor Music Co'a plan of giving :nvay Bheel muslc from their lioat. C. J. Chandler & Co., of Chelsea, made an assignment yesterday. Thia oompany has been doincr an immense ommission business, having branch establishments is eight or ton different places. Geo. H. Kempf was made assignech The Alumni Aasociation lid a proper yesterday in rocommendinsr that tho Regents appoint Prof. I. IJ. Steere, Williams professor of Ethnoloy, the payment for his services to come from ihe proceeds of the Williams l'und. The appointment will undoubtedly be inade. Prof. De Voïron Wood died at Boonton. New Jersey, last Sunday. He was professor of physics and civil engineering in the University of Michigan from 1859 to 1872. tíince that time he has leen professor of civil engineering and kindred subjects in Steven's Instituto of Technology at Hoboken, New Jersey. His remains were brought here (or tmrial.- Times. The National Convention of the Young People's Christian Union of the üniversalist church of the United Statea, will meet at the church of ( ur l'ather, Detroit, next weekWednesday, July 7, and continue six days. A larpe attendance is expected from all paris of the country. A delegation of twelve or ttfteen young people of the Unitarian church of this city will attend. A burglar entered the Alpha Phi s Kiiety house at the corner of Ann and Dlvision-sts. Tuesday night. One of the lady members had lef t her window open and the burglar entered about one a. ui. He frightened the lady ne;ir!y to death by telling her to keep quiet or he would kill her. He (lien took a gold watch, diamond pin and some casli and left. Thus far no ulue has been t'Dund. There will be special "parlor services" at the Unitariati church evory Sunday evcning during July and August from 7 to 8 o'ciock, conducted by various members of the congregation. The meeting next Sunday will be led by Rev. Adelaide A. Ölaflln; mbject, "Thoughts suggesteJ by the Queen's Jubilee and the Fourth of July." The morning services, which were discontinuad during the vaeation of the schools, will be resumed September 1. The members of the old class of 1n,7 re here in force holding a reunión and iwisiting the "scènes of other days.'' Last night tbey banquetteü at Hangeterfer's. By a peculiar coincidence, ihe funeral of one of their old professors, Dr. Wood, of New Jert-ey, who was professor of physics and civil engineering here frora 185!) to 1872, occurred i:'Mv yeeterday. The "old boys" attended the funeral in a body.- Times. Students of the StenograpMe lostituteof this city alwas seem to önd positions as soon as they complete the coursu when thcy have any ambition and push, and will go where auch work can be had. Air. Wesley Wilkinson who graduated from the above school a short time ago, immediately went to Detroit and secured a good position wlth theChrisliansen Harncss Mfg. (Jo. He reporte that it took hlra just two days to persuade tho above company that they needed his aervises as a BtenQgrapher. The latestfind is tiie Peerless Steam Boilur, a i„ a crackr-jack. The flret one used io thlf city, will i,c pa!, n,u Andrew Juckson Sawyr'ii house on 5u.u, Suliü street. J. p, SchuD bas Uiu contract. (


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Ann Arbor Register