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Among Our Neighbors

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Burglars visitcd the residenae f D. W. Ilitchcock Sunday night and stvlo his watch aud cüaiu and ;i pockótbuok cpntainiDg somethlng over a dollar in ch ia ge, wliirli they extractad a id thocinpty pocketbook into Frank TrusaeU's back yard. Ttiey or sorae ottier ráscala also gof lato O. L Vounys' house, but wrere frlghtened away without taking aaythiiifi. Chklsea Standard. Archio W. Wilkinson has beeu n - ceiving tbc coogTátulations of dis Criénda for the past fc:w d;is ovor bis appointment as dcimty oil LoapectOr fór this district from P. tt. Smitb, oil Lnspectoi1. This appointment is adeserved recogaition of the hard work done in the past by Mr. Wilkinson for the republioan party and its nominees, to wtioiti he has always been faithful. lf ArcK malies as ;ood an inspector as James L. Gllbert, wbo hasoocupled the poáition for thu past four yoars, hc wil! need to keep moving. Manchester Enterpiuse. Jas. Waters was riding along the highway recently and in crossing a little ditch hcard a noise in the water. Jumping from his earriage to inve.ütfate, lie B&W a fish, Btruok it with a stick and took it from the water. It was ;i largo The Iïiidgcwater band has made arrangemeuU to celobrate tho anniy irnary of Amei-ica's iadependence on Saturday, July 3d. on the shady shoros of Joslyn laké, just simth of Bridewater Station. All f-orts of sports and prlze contosts to amuse the peoplo will be had, also lircwurks in the evcnin. Ciielsea Hekai.d. Conressman Spaldingr has named Supervisor Preston as postmastir a! (rass Jjtike. The Chalker famüy, soatterod abont in the vii'inity of Stockbrldge, are ootod at leftstför om? thin?. uiiicU will b seen by perusinff the lollowiny: 'i 'iiO expect to hold a reunión woon. uno wlien they come together tney will tip tho beain at a coinbined weight 01 1,651 pounds. Joba weighs 180; he is the featherweigbt. Afterbim are William 208; Llwellyn,.326; Zera, 193;JeBsie, 275; Phobe, 349; David 233. The parenta of this heavywöleht famlly of chitdren owned a farm [n l'utnam townsliip. tvhore thcy realdad for many years. . Ypsilamti Skntin el. Tho namo of John T. üavis, of Ypsilanti, iá on Tuesday's liet oipensio'uerB for :i reatoratioQ and i'o-inSiio. Miss Nèllle l'omeroy will leavo Juno 29th for San Francisco, Cal.-, as delégate to tho International Y. I'. 8. C. E convntion frora the Freabyterian anc ( longregationsl C. li. sooieties of tliis city. E. P. Allen will accompaoy her as an bonorary delégate. Kiijrene Fair and family, of Knox ville,"Tenn., have moved to Aun Arboi to spend the summer. He is a prosperous foundryman, a gradúate of the Normal and ('nion schools at Ypsilanti and a former resident of Ann Arbor tovvn He has a brDthcr, VVm. M. Pair, resid ing in Ann Arbor. VVallace & Webb, for John and George Puller of Augusta, have oom meoced a snit for damagea ogainst De juty Sheriff Martin Waokenhut. The case arises in an ovoreeakras attempt on the part of ihe officer, who lookinji for an esoapëS prtsoner, to intereepi tho brotliers under a belief tnat in out. of them he min-ht find his wan. The officer, it is claimed, drove his rig by them in such a mannor as to crowc them into the diteh, then facod anou and held theinupwith adrawn re; vol ver Tin-; Vi'siL.wi'iAN. [Ion. Androw Campbell ís bulldicg a bicycli: path along ono siile of bis íai-in. A carrier nigeon wearlnaf th" number 29,528 eamoiiito Mr. f-'i 1 1 ;; ; I--' ■ ííiilor sbop 'Vi dneeday. m JDr. C. E. St. .lohn. al present instructor in pbysica af the I ,' n i ■ r-ty of Michigan, l;ts accepted Ihu ulmir of hysica In Oberllu col lego. Tho Fligh School Alumni As nciatioo ed M. T. Woodruff, '70. i :--- 1 I at [ate O. Ai-nold, '1)2, seeretni-j' ; 1) :Lyon )eubol, '95, treasurer. Prof. 1. L. D'Ooge haa b!en aíkcH to ssist in tliu revisión of t.hc .l;'-n and reenougrb editionS of classics aml will )(í)id part -of the su mu ut in ( '.tmliiii hu-, lass. 5 psiLANTi Commercial. Dr. Helen McAndrew and daughter, label, left for Brooklyn, New Vork. 'hcv wil! be gODe serveral weeks, and vül visit Dr. McAndrew 's son. A ncw machino for makinqf drcss stay tips aml islets lias jiist heen COmpletod i;y Samuel Websler, the niacbioIst. It is a strictly automatic macbiue and Mr. Wester claims Ihat it has tho capacity of slxteeu machines of the pattern now in use. While driving nto the city, Thuraay eventng, V. 1T. Weed, the operadr at Ged dés, dwuve hís horse Into a ivo wire, whieh was down at the corifi' of Congresa :md Adams streets. Che wire caught the borse across t.lio jreast, iiistantly killinji it. It la claimid that tbe wiro belontfed to the l'.oll l'elephoae Company. SAI.iNK OBSEBVEE. Pred Cook Taesday waivid examinaion to the' of extortio); rnoney ihroDgb Intlniidatioa aoil waa bound to the Circuit eourt for trial. The old Bohool flag tliat has been loatiiiff over tho, school house for the jast week, carries the marks of a hard ouiht battle, only a portion of it 10nains to teil the story. Walter Cpo was the oaptaio Tuesday nifiht at i little past tea o'clock when lin I(k' lnformed hlm that somethin was wrong a bout the yard, and on - ng out with a club in hand lm enuountered a full grown badder with claws loarly two loches in lougth. Waltei' with his well aimed blow broke the jaw of his iierce eneray and so crlppled it ;hat he vva-; alilo to kill it without bomtr iDJured himaelf. Dexter Leader. When the sun is hot and tho wind is in the BÓuttJ-west, the mili pond frequently 'fgmella lo hi-aven." Someday publio health will demand that the pond bc cloaned out. C. II. Stannard, the new tobe postmaster has leaeed the now oocupied by the American express oliiee, and when hc tukes charge of the postoffice will move it there. Four boys claiming to hail from Detnjit werc arrested here Monda eveniog'forrlding their bicyeles on thesidewalk. They were linea $5 apiece and costs but as none of them had a cent tiioy were given 24 hout-s in the village loclcnp. ïhis orefttöd sueh a furor that ti:: neart finally rnelted and fnKlaj CDOrniug he released them afwr half their sentenco had been aërved. Thc.v wrre very anxious to Z-A uway and it is n.iW believed that it wou ld have bren a cood idea to have held them as suspiclous characters until the Detroit olíicers were communiuated wilh. [Later.- They were apprebended in Jaük8OO, Tuesday, charged with Blealiny thrce oí tho whoals in Detroit.


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Ann Arbor Register