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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK, NERVOÜS, DISEASEO MENl 250,000 CÜRED IN 2O YEARS. ESCURES GUARANTEED OR AO r'AY ! ÈÈiiÊÊk $1000 IN GOLD L ' r ■ Sli, v;r f gJöFr Sl SELF-ABUSE, ET.ISSIONS, VAR1CÜff iaffÜÜbk CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICTPliji URE ÜLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED SÍÉP?íf PARTS, LOST A1ANHOOD, 1MPOTENyp' IEmErM cy' nervous uebility, unnatSTÍlÍi lH The New Method Treatment isthe 't#HHP Greatest Disco very of the Age A.NEBvoDswuECK. FOR CU Rl IMG TH E S E DIOEASES Thousands of young and mlddle aged men aro annually ewept to a premature grave thro,ll;h bArtLV INDISCRhTDNS. EX -l-SSEs, AND r LOOI) DlSFAsÉs H yon have m, oí the iollowlng symploms consult „s bcforo it too Utó. Ar. you ne" thën, w ii' a. 't'"'"'1'"1 -V"1 ilopmy. specka bofore the eyea wlth dark circles undor ÍÍsTbb h„ ,"Í' xl"1"y8,lrri,tttble' palpltatlon ol the héart. bashtul, dreams and lossee. sediment In urine, pimplos on the faco, oyes sunkcn hollow cheeka oarewoiï oxprrssio,,, poor meinnrr'. llfolo83, distrustful. lajk enerj? nd l Sett red nS Vpt H5VH SEMINAL WEAKNESS l OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alono can curo yon, and make a man of you. üiulorits inlluTHMnL_' ' É" ■- enco llio tiraln bcuomos active, the 'J pur.fl.-.l 't T 80 thatall pimples, blotcbe and ulcera disami nr E tho nervos becomo stront; as steel, so tliat norvuusB neas, bashfulness and dospondency dlgapin-iiri'iif'"-'.'" thocyes boconio hrlght, tho face íuil mui ,■],„,! b Á ■ar;T íi enerKyrouimst.i thci !,n.iy, and tlin moral, pliyslr.-il F '- Tn"1? and sexual systems aro invlgoratid ; al drains 'ffí3r conso -no mom vital wastn from tlie ystem Tho í2 HP various orirans become natural iin.l munly. You ' ?'", 'ïï teel yourself a man and know marrlage eaiinot bo ' ftíSsJM x atalluro. Wo invite all the aflllcted to consult us ap iiW""a confldentlally and freo of.-harKn. Don't letquacks Í-k.üH5 and fakirs rob yon of your han! earncd dolliira. !' fc : Wewill cura you cr no pay. ' J5 ■ ': HKV HCfl HAS YOUU nLOOI) BEEN DISEASEM Í 'E' " SYPHIUSls the most prevalentand inostsnriona '' ' % ' BLOO J dlsease. Itsaps the very lito blood of ihe L'i notim and uniera entlrelyeradlcated trom the ' ■ " . " - - ■ tem will affect the offgprtng. Beware ot Meroury derkditaey bi.ood dishvse. It oiily BQppresus (tho our NtW ME i HOD poUÖTely cures lt tor ever. nf ,r.í ir IDljLI;:AQE[) MAN-You've led a gay Ufo. o Indulged iu the folUM ofyouth. SeU-abuse or later exoesseehave broken down your uystem. Jfou teel the symptoms stóallngOTer you. Mentally, physloall, and soiually jou ,-..:■,■ ,,,t 1 man dangeY2lÍ!naU. praotloeg reap Hch harvosts? Wlll you Leed the rí ñ II R ! o y" ayictlm? Have F l"st hopo? Aro vofl marrlaJ Treatmenl wlll cure jou. Whatlt has done tor othera it will do for yoa. ConsuUatlon Pree. Komatter who bas treated you.wrlte tor an honest opinión Freo "t Thargft Chargea reaaonable. Buuka Prea - -The Golden Monitor" (lllugtrated) nn Diaeasoaoï Men. tnclose i tage, icents. Sealnd. Book on "Dlaeasoa nf WoTnan" FrJ mrm names used without WRirrEN coNSENr p . vate ie m c o d. mcnt!7-KEE "" " CnV P6S' Everthn9 Question Hst and eist"; No. !43 SHELBYST.I DETROh, MÍCH. J


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