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No More GREASY LAMPS I Can be Handled with Kid Gloves NOM:rXPLOSlVE Patentedln the Unlteé States and Principal Countrles oí the World. Sendfor copyoi "Nsyerouf'Marchfree. Price, $4.00 of your dealer, or dejiyered free on receipt of price by ROSE MANUFACTURING CO. 311-13 N. THIRD ST., PHILAOELPHIA. TAI 1TION I Do not b decelved Into taklng any VAUllUll I other, asthe"NEVEROUT"sthe onlylamp thatis guaranteed to positlvely stay llt (or noneyrefunded), thatlsfreefrom grease-vet burnt MroMAS- and that t absolutely non-txplotlvt. Wanted- An Idea "n liaillUU Mll lUÖU thlng to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may brlng you wi-ulih Wrlte JOHN WEDDERBÜEN & CO.. Patent Attorwys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prize offer md Hst oí two hundred lnventlous wanted wr REVIVG f5ik RESTORES VITALITY Mt'Dw.WfeWell Man löthDaylpn of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. FREXCH XlE3VrEI3"5r produces the above resul! s ln'.3O days. It acts powerfu)ly and ouickly. Cures when all others iail youngioeuwillregain their lopf jnanhppd, and old men will recover tUeir you'tufui using REVIVO. It quiekly and surely restores Nervous ness. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nigbtly Emiseions, Lost Power, Faillng Memory, WastinK Diseases.and all effecttí of self-abusc or csce: sand indiEcretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonlc and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale checks and re storing the Ure of youth. It wards off Jnsanitj and Consumption. Insifit on having REVIVO nc othcr. It cm bs carrie in vest pocket. By mail 81.00 por paclwsc. ur ti:; tbr SiS.O, with a post tive uriltcu puarantce to care ór letani thoruoney. Circular f ree. Address íoyal Medicine Co„ %%Sföï& For salo by Eberbaoh Drng and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mich.


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