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Tariff Reform Being Now Practically

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out of the way, the administration will next give ïta attention to currency reform, and will probably ask Congress to authori.e the appointment of a currency commission to consider the entire question and recommend a plan of action. __ Ghaitíman Bynuin oí the old Democracy announces tliat his party is preparing to make a fight againstthc freesilver issue wherever it appears in the coming campaigns this fall, and tnat the mere fact thata da ngerous doctrine is claimed as a part of Democratie principies will not prevent organized opposition from Democrats who favor sound money. _______-____ COMPLAINTS rcach our otlioe that ladies on their wheels at night persistently take the left sido of the road, and so ïncur great risk of colusión. Keep to the right, ladies, especially in the evenin?, and watcli the crossings. Where 10 wheels pass every minute as happens often, the danger is very great and extra caution necessary.- Ypsilantian. Ameuican dairymen are airead y beginning to feel the effects of Secretar} Wilson's efforts in their behalf. A London firm has just placed an order for the entire butter product of th Iowa State Agricultural College, whic amounts to about 80O pounds per day and there is reason to believe that th: will be followed by a general foreig doraand for the dairy iroducts of thi country. RUNNING a newspaper is sometimef a mountain of an undertaking. If you print soine things you get the devil for it, and then. if you don't, you get the devil ; for you know what suits one rea(r rouses the ire of another to tht tighting point. When we were youngei in the business we tried to please everybody, but now that we are of age we don't care a continental, and juat print everything - if we believe il is for the best interests of the whole people.- Manchester Enterprise. Many people ia this city are not aware of the pleasantest mannor o! passing these hot evenings. If thej vill go to the river and obtain a boai they can have a quiet rovv over a long stretch of water, and the cool evening breeze will be a welcome relict aftei the heated houses. There is only one ilrawbackand that is the presence ol men bathing in the river. This Is againstthe ordinanccs and surely our - valiant marshal ought to be able to secure for the citizens almost the onl relief they havo against this terri blo heat.- Times. Last week The Register publhhed an interesting news article concerning some recent occurences in the medical department. Because we did so a numbei' of people have taken it upon themselves to accuse ua of ill-will towardu the University. Such accusations are the veriest nonsense. It is ti resome to hear everybody dubbed an enemy to the University who will not daneo attendance when the leader of a certain corterie crooks his little finger The Register always endeavors to Keep strictly within the limit of facts We believe we did so in this instance. If we were mislead as to the facts, we will thank anyone who will show us where ,we were in error. We are well aware that there ma.y be circumstances in which publishin facts would work an injury even to innocent people without any compensa good. The Kecister has always made it a rule, in such cases, to niaintain a perfect silence. But where privileges are being abused, and the in. dications are that such a state of aifainis likely t) continue, we hí.vj no hesitation in raaking' thé facts public espscially vvhen, by so doing-, abuses may be checked. We feel the less hesitation in such cases -vhen publicity vill reflect mainly npon those who deserve censure. The anxiety of the Tlepiiblicans to et the tariff bill upon the statute bcoks the cxplanation ottho fact that the nti-trust amendment wit not insortcd in that measure. They saw that the discus9ion of it would occupy much time, and tor that reason decided to push it , as a supérate measure and not. delay the tarilT bill by complieaUng It with this proposition. With a year's supply of foreign wool nd several months supply of other forign goods in the warehouses. it is not xpected that the new tarifl law wi)l meet the running expenses of the Govrnment in the lirst lew months of it xistcnce. Chairraan Dingley and ther membors of Congr68B, however, xpress the belief that, the bill will eadily produce sulllcient revenue ti meet the current expenses after tho present stock of foreign goods lias been absorbed. The average farmer who recognizes the great possibilities of beet-sugar production in this country, which sends a hundreJ miilions a yearabroad for iugar, will not rolisb the action of the Democratie party in the Senate witb reference to tho proposed bouoty of a quarter of a cent a pound on beet sugar. The Republican Senators offered an amendment to the tariff bill proposing to pay a quarter of a cent a pound bounty on Ameriwin beet sugar produced during the five years following the enactment of the law, and would have promptly passed it but the threat of Chairman Jones of the Democratie National Coramittee and his col. leagues in the Senate that the proposition would be bitterly fought and action upon the tariff bill indefinitely delayed on account of this proposition. Xot a little oomment has been caused by the act of Glen V. Mills in killing the cur that attacked his little cliikl. Some people havo pretended that .Mr. Mills laid himself Hable to criminal prosecution, while the owner of the dog even attempted to have such proceedings started againsthim fortheaet. [t is no doubt unlawful to wantonly destroy a person's property, even to the killing of a peaceable dog, but to contend that killing a vieious cur that was unquestionably disposed to attack and mangle nelpless babes, and which had actually done so in more than one intance, was a criminal act, ís absurd. He would indeed be a heartless parent who would allow anythiüg to interfere with his efforts to dispose of so daugerous an animal. There may be, lierc and there, a porson who thinss it is right to keep a viciousdog and to allow it to run at liberty, but they must not be surprised if sueh anímala are shot as a protection to the public safety. Indeed people who harbor such dogs may consider themselves luuky that damage suits are not begun agaiast them for harboring such creatures thut are a menace to everybody who happens to come in contact with them. The new tarift' will restore the duties on Canadian and other foreign coal to practically thoso of the McKinley law. Aa soon as the Wilsoa law was enacted, coal from Nova Sootia invaded the eastern market, driving out the Virginia and West Virginia product, which had to this time suppliedoastern oities and compelled the mines o' that section to lind a market elsewhere. The result was that their coal went west instead of east as it formerly had done and with reducert railroad rates was laid down in the markets of Cincinnati, Chicago and other western cities at such low i-ates that a coal war followed by a railroad rate war was precipitatcd. The natural result of this and the reductions in prices which followed was a reduction in the wages of ■;oal rainers, all of which is thusclearly traceable to the Wilson law and its reduction in dutiea on coa). The coal ■niners' strike has brought to the pubiic attention these and other interesting and important facts as to the effect of the Wilson tariff law upon this iniustry and upon the miners theraselves. The w'ilsÓn lav reduced the ratcs of luty on coal f rom 75 cents per ton to 40 ecnts per ton. Thia is just about the amountof reduction in minera wages of which complaint is now being made uid emphasi.ed by the strike announc)á for July 4th. President Ratchford jf the United Mine Workers' As3ociation, in a communication to the New V'ork Herald, indieates that the wages of miners havë"been reduced since 1893 iriavëragëof 30 cents per ton, which is just about the amount of the reduc"ion in duties made'by the Wilson law. C u-iously this reduction in wages is thuTéoincident as to time and amount wTïïi t ho reduction in tariff. That the reductionin'wages was a directj result of the low tarifl' is thus aecurately sbown. It is bclieved, howeVer, that with the iDcrease of duty dader the Diuglcy law tho previous eonditions will be restored and that the coal ïniners, as well as all other workingïnen. will feel the olTects of a new prosperity. Apples are estiinatcd to yield less than one-half and peaehes less than one-fourth of an average erop. The second edition of the July Alumnus is out. It is the comme ncement annuai number and gives most of the addresses of commeneement week. A gang of tramp3 was discovered near the railroad who had with them a lati of twelvc years who begged and made himself gencrally useful. The boy was locked up and will be taken before Justice Pond today. The class of '96 ordered casts of the figures on the famous ' 'Arch of Trajan," at Benevento, Italy, to be made and sent to the IT. of M. asa class memorial. The casts have been expected for some time but did not arrive until last night. They are very valuable and the University is fortúnate in securing them. It is not yet decided where they will be placed.


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Ann Arbor Register