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The Astronomy of Life. I titjf"Mrffi When an ■ P8 mer foretells the WBss Sm& act minute at which Br A tlfosyíí Lwo planets will cross fik wUi&JSjitííhH each other, we know Br-jSj there is 110 magie RT I 'Vi0Em H universe is governed TiT 1 1 ' WIW B toy laws. A man vvho studies these laws of nature carefully and reduces them to a scienee, pan eount on exact results every time. A doctor kf!OWS that certain remedies affect certain dlaeaseb, When a dlseasc sceias to have no remeds the doctors pronounce it incurable. All the time Nature may have the remedy right at hand, but it will only be discovered by the doctor vvho has studied longer and deeper than others into this particular disease. Consumplion seemed for a long time without a remedy, utitil Dr. Pierce made his wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" 34 years ago. H hs proyed to be a marvtlous and almost unfaillng h]itüifie fpr consumption and all forma of lung, bronchial und throat difficulties. lts effects seem almost magical but its operation is based upon simple natural laws. It has the peculiar property of enabling the blood-making glands to manufacture healthy, red blood and pour it abundantly into tiie circulation. This nourishiny, vitaliz!(? effect s rapidly manifested in the hings and broncblai tildes vhere it stops the waslingprocess and builde up htaithy tlwtte, It is readilyassimilatedbvstomachs which are too weak to digest cod liver oil, and it is far superior to nialt-extracts as a permanent and seientific fiesh - builder in all vvastintr diseases. " Xwetity -fivc yc-ars ago eifílit differeut doctors told me that I wöuld live luit a short time. tliat I had conv.iuivtioH and must die," writes Geo. R. íO0)P, lii'l . uf Mf'FI y'ley, I'oltawatoinie Co., Kant. " 1 KnallycqrameoLej ts)i!g Plrce' Colden Medical Ulsi-overy an( am stul f,i t lip land and among the living. J have failh to t.f lieve that it has leiiííthenea my life for the Iflst lwe)ity-five years, and I have so nuich faitli in all of your medifincs that I want one of your ' Commou Sense Medical Advisers.' " pr. Pierce's medicines are recognized as (tandsrd remedies throughout the world. is "Picasaut Tellet " cure


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