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ELY'S CREAM BALM I a positlve cure. Apply into the nostrils. It íb quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Draggiets or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHEK8, 86 Warren SU, New York City. Avoid An Early Grave. How ofteu ilo we hc-ar, that the avenue to ui carly grave was opened by neglecting a slight cougli and cold. Profit by lliis trutli, and provide yourself with J)f. Buirs Cough Syrup, wtaich iustantly cures all throat and huig affections. Mr. W. II. Mahouey, Lowell, Mass., writes : "I was taken sick with a bad cold. The doctors did not soeni to help me, and everybody said I was getting consunipüon, when a relativa recommendcd l)r. Uull's Cougli Syrup. i'got a bottlc and it helped me, and aftcr taking two bottles I was cured, to the surprise of everybody. I shall always recommend it to my friends, as I know it to be a suie cure." Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Dou't accept a substituto. V CEREAL Tlila gieat Hcaltli Ivcrage, prepared f A by the Bi'.tlj Crecit S.initamun llealtli ê T rood Company. lias been demónstrate to t be tlie only scientlficaily prepSied Á t ite lor Cüftee, by receiving the FIRST f J AWARD at tlie ' J GREAT ATLANTA EXPOSITiöN. é An eminent Waahingi ia ttoray wrote f the manufacturéis: " I tind A T real nourishing as we'.l as relresliinp, and T # lways t:ike a cup wlien I return home at 2 Btehtaftêfaliardday'swork." A W Caramel - Cereal possesses the ad vin T 4 tage, that while palat.iUe and refieshing, 9 i it is tree trom deleterious properlies, and V liencemav be freely taken bychildreu and T ê invalids. lt ought t displace 'Jeu ari.i # lee everywhere, and in dolnjz so woiiïd save ' W aaenormous amount ol s!ckner ?nd m (erlng. Persons sulferini; fn, ", Slok 9 Ache are Genera21y Cnrcl by substitut Á ing Caramel-Cereal for 'fea er Coifce. i BATTLE CREEK J Sanifarium Healin Food Coinpany, [ BA TTLE CBCEK,, MICHIGAN. ( l'or SalO'iDy Stimson. State Street, 7 ulS Girl is au accjnaintance I I in thousands of American homes I III wuere sne '9 kuown as " The I II None Such Minee Meat Girl." I 11 Her stnile is rcflected in every II II liome she enters for shc briugs M H delicious minee pie to all, and fl H. at the same time saves the jÊt ■K housewife from the jfm B& erv that oíd time minee flJL [f f MEBRELL-SOULECO., Vf Syracuse, N. Y., Mfrs. of DR. A. KENT HALE, Physïan and Surgeon. . . . i: s ion i, pr.vctice. prompt tenttonto office, Hennïng Bik. OHice Hours: 3 to n_j - ■ 5 p. m. Tto8p. m. M HOON ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmerand Funeral Director CAILB ATTRNDED DAT OR XIGIIT. Nu. S Fat Liberty Kt. Plione liit. ■ iisiili n ', 75 S. lm Are MONEY TO LOAN OX REAL ESTÁTE BY : : : L. D. CARR, Real Rstato and Loan Agroncy, ove Ann Arbor Savings Bank. WILLlAfl H. MURRAY, ...LAWYER... AH Legal BusluesíandColleetlona l'rompify Attcndod to. OFFICE IN COÜKT ll((l m:. E. SEARS WOOD TURNING. . . , o all kindgtdeo JOB WORK.... o even dtacription. llaltt Keaaouable BkoPiOorner N.öthAve. nud Kiusstey-st Bcgldeeoe, 9S S. M:dn-st. RInfrr1 Rn Irlno Who can thlnk fr..Iiit your Ideas; ipt nu; briug ycm wealth. Wrltct JÓHÑ WKUDEUIiUUN & CO.. Patent Attortoys. Washington, I). C.for thelr $l,öuo fcrlie oller -. nt of iwo hundreü lnntlonii wan eed. Fine Job Printing at the Herfster OU1 e, SO K. II uron at.


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Ann Arbor Register