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Real Estate Transfers

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Benjamin Simons to Lillie Simons, Ypsilauti $ 700 00 George McElcbren and wifo to Wilhelmina Wilson.Ypsilanti 1 00 David J. Malloy and wife to William Aprill, A,nn Arbor. 100 00 Wm. McNaugrhton, et. al., to Isabella McNaughton, Ann Arbor 1 00 Cornelia P. Kerr to Mary L. Kerr, Lüdl 1 00 The Ann Arbor T.-IÍ. Electric Co. to the Ann Arbor Klectric Co 1 00 Helen M. Wheden to Mattie M. Milligan, Ann Arbor 2,300 00 Thomas Bogg by heirs to Priscilla M. Boj, Dexter 100 Carric C. Fay to Julia Dunn, Ypsilanti 2,000 00 Caroline Phillips toJ. H. Phillips, Ypsilanti 1 00 Willard Phillips, et. al., to A. C. Phillips, Ypsilanti 1 00 Willard Phillips, et. al., to D. C. Phillips, Ypsilanti 1 00 D. C. Phillips and wife to Caroline Phillips 1 00 E. C. Phillips and wife to Caroline Phillips, Ypsilanti 4 00 VVm. Dansingburg and wife to Francia St. Johns, Ann Arbor. 00 00 Chas. W. Alban by heirs to MaVtha W. Alban, Augusta. 1 00 Geo. L. Al Dan, et. al., to Chas. E. Alban, Augusta 1 00 K. Stmlh to.M. E. Nash, Seio, 1,750 00 E. L. Brown, et. al., to Samuel Barnard, Ypsilantl 2,GüO 00 Martha A. and Samuel Barnard to El L. Brown, Ypsiliinti 3,200 00 J. N. Wallace and wife to J. F. Bycraft, Ypsilanti 500 00 J. P. Bovnton to Union Trust Co., Ypsilanti 100