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Riehmond wants an $8,000 eleetric light plant. Howe & Prevette"s store at Stanton nas burned. Loss $3,000; insurance $2,500. The 535,000 strect paving propositiou jarried by a big majority at üwosso, at the special election. An infant child of James Oibbons, aear Holland, feil into a tub of hot inilk and was fatally scalded. Pólice Justice Kelly tined Thomas Laderack $50 íor proíanity at the eirjus grounds at Bay City. It is estiinated at Iloughton that the profit on the 1897 output of eopper will not be short of 87,000,000. The verdict of the coroner's jury in the Interurban bridge disaster near I5ay City, charges Motorman Keilly and Conductor O'Hrien with criminal negligence. It also charges the Interurbau Oo. with uegligenee in not enforcing arderá issued to motormen and eonIuctor3. Capt. and Mrs. Persons, of Thundcr Iiiiy island, and Mr. and Mrs. Case, of Alpena, went down to the famous Pewabio wreek in tlie Smith diving bell, remaininff an hoiw and a half. These are probably the only women who ever went down in 1U0 feet oL water and came up alive. Isaac fiisgar, aCasco.St. Clalrcounty, farmer, was kick3 while cnrrySng i hor .■■'. and cauuol rocoveí", ÏI ■■. lloícl Nilès, at Niles, larost hotel i,i touthwestern Micliiffan, long closf!, v. U bo opencd by E. S. líosvvel1. i ? Sooknk, la. White camping at Lyon luUe, near Mar; aU Clias. Swineford, aged 16, accido . ■ íy shot Cari AVagner, aged it, kililug liim instantly. 1 rank Phik'osky, has just arrived at B'aroda f rom Alaska with over $90,000 In gold. He is a Bcrrien county man and lcl'l Boroda a yoaragofor the gold fields. An Eaton c0unty correspondent says: Potatoes are fast being devonred by bugs. li ; jf strawberi ies baked by the sun and all kinds of bewies are drylng on the bushes. John Kilday, aged 35, of Elkhurt, Ind. , aad on nnknown man about 85, botli t'.eaf nutes tramping through the counirv, were killed by a Lake öhure '.rain near Monroe. Peter Manard and Geo. Bradford, aged 17, vrbile fishing in Wnite'a lake, near Kalamazoo, accidentally ovcrturned their boatand were thrown out and drowned beiore help arrived. Arcliey Hunter, one of the oMest and most pioneers of Ludinjftoö, dled of too inuch morphine. Il is believed that he committed suicide becauao of poverty and ill-health. Wbile ïleury Sponcy and wife, of Warren, were atvay from home tlieir children toolv souie matches and went to the barii to plav. ïhe barn burned, and the chÍLdren liad a narrow escape. Miss Mftmie Vuylsteke, of Benton Harbor, v. ho was already worth $ÍOO,000 in her own name, lias received the Information that she luis been left 9750,000 by tlie death of an uncle in Paris, Labor Commissioner Cox says chairs must ba provided for woraen ii stores while tliey are not busy, and separate tavoratories must be provided in faetoiies where men and woinen are employed. Miss Myrta Scott, aged 31, of Kalamo, who was soon to be married, ate some eherries and cheese at the home of a neighbor. Soon afteruards she was taken sick and within an houtwas ilead. Joi.n Osler, aged 80, of Belleville, told his wife he was going to visit his sister. Toward evening Mrs. Osler had accasion to pro into the woodshed where she found her husband hanging f rom a raí ter. VTbile painting the cupola of a large barn at Big Beaver, John Grovos feil 35 feet to the ground, badly lacerating his head, breaking one arm and leg and receiving internal injuries whioh may prove fatal. Saginaw's street railway system was completely tied up by the authorities because the company refused to pay certain special improvement taxes, for whuh reason the franchise has been declared forfeited. Harrv Bradley, aged 10, of Bay City, wrestled witli a companion while bnlhing at the beach and a serious bowel complaiut followed. Later an operation was performed for peritonitis, but the young man died. While staeking hay near Charlotte, líly Chapman, a young farmer, was struok by lightning and instautly killed. The Btack ignited and the body was resened irem the blaziug hay with great difficiiltj'. Ella Cushing, aged 18, took a dose oí morphine at Hamburg, but was discovered and saved. The doctor had Bcaroely gone, however, when she swallowed sonie more of the poison and was dead when found. Miss Orpha Ingoldsby, a highly respected young lady of Pontiae, committed suicide by kanging herself with a cloth fastened to the bed post, at her home, She luft a note saying sha feared she was going insane. Lee Groner and Roy Brooke vvere hall. ing in Knickcrboekr lake near Decitur, when Groner bogan to sink, Brooka attempl torescue the drowning man, but was imable to hold him up, and barely reached thc shore. Groner was drowned. Mrs. D. 1?. McCabe, of Brimley, is missing' and it i.s snspwited that she has met witb foul play. Mr. M"'':ibo and fchree children disappeared two laya later leaving only one boy. The. people of Iirimley are n a high state if ezcltement over tin; afl'air. Don C. Ilendevson, the veteran iditor of the Allegan Journal, whieh he cstablished 40 years apo, has retired f rom the business, and the Journal lias been Consolidated with tlic (Jazetle. Mr. Henderson was once Horace Orceley"s first licutenaut. More tlian one-half of the oil of peppermint, gpearmint, tansy, wormwood, jtc, of tlie entire world is produced inddistilledin southwestern Michigan, nostly in St. Joseph, Van Buren and Allegan counties. Therc are several aunJred distilleries in that región. Operations have been resuined] at No. 1 Bh aft of Queen mine, at NegauHee, and 100 additional men vvill be nired, making a total force of 350. ivhich will probably be increased to oo uithin the next three weeks. The mineB of the Marquette range are shipping more ore now, than at any previdus time this year. In a íit of jealous rage, John Ward shot andserionsly wounded his brother Dharles at h!s farm, five miles soutli if Colema", and thn went upatalrs ind, placiag t'no pau against hisbreast, pulled the. trigger. His recovery is ery doubtful. The brothers had had frequent quarrels, John being jealous 3Í Charles for his attentions to his wife who is a handsome woman. About 40 delega tes attended the national retail furniture dealers' conven! clon at U rand Rápida. Over 100 buy ïi-s attendeil the exposition, mostly trom the west, and bctter orders wero ! placed than at any time since 1890,


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