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DEUGG1ST CATAR Kil fel' l KOlHTlHlM Zvï i cent WgP&M BAlVI trial size. BW?fScOl;Sl Ely'sCream Balm IlIJM nontains nu n.rüinr. -H inerciiryorany ollier ■ Hf &tÊi Injurlous drug. BwyoB LmCOLD'NHEAD Itöpensand cleanses the Nasa! Passages. Allays lndaiimialion. He&ls and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Benses of Taste andSmell. Pull size 50c. : Trial Sie Kc. al Drug?ists or by mail. F.LY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., N t w Vork Oh, How They Hurt. Neuralgia pains are often so acute, that thepoorsufferer becorues, almost, frenzied with the intensity of the pain. Salvation Oil will instantlj relieve and eflectually cure neuralgia, so tliere is no reason why a nioment'3 pain ehnuld be endured. Mr. Jacob Klein, 1030 JíainSt., Evausville, Iud., writes: "My wife suft'ered from neuralgia for Beveu years and since slie used Salvation Oil, she has not had a spell. I think it is the bost liniment I have ever tried, and I would not be without a bottle of it in the house. I had the rheumatism for five years and had tried a great raany liniments, aud must say that Salvation Oil did me more good than any other reniedy." Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. f CEREAL This great Healüi Eevcrage, piepareil Y Á by the mttle Creek Saritafmm Health m Food Conipany, lias I 'ivn demonsirated ti W be the only scientiticuily preparad f A tute for Cotfee, by recciving the FIRST è AWARD at the i J GREAT ATLANTA EXPOSITION. I iá An eminent WaslüiiRtou attorney wrote # i the manufacturers: " I iind 1 " real nonrishing as we!l as refreshing, and m always take a cup when 1 return hume at á night after a hard day's work." A # Caramel - Cereal possessea the T # tage, that while palatable and refreshing. # á it 3 íree from deleterious inoperties, and henee mav be frecly taken by children and # iuvalids. Itought tu displace Teamlid # #!ee everywliere, and ín döinc so vvoiiid 8ave i an enormous amount ot sicknefs and # fering. Persons suttermg froi Sick t Ache are Generally Corel by A J ing Caramel-Cereal for Tea i)' Corlee. T BATXLE CREK t Sanitarium Health Food Gx;iíipany, t ■ BATTLC CHECK, MICHIGAN. f l''or S.ile Dy Stirnson State Street, S&jf a grain of salt is ,?K ïi'wanting to emphasize and % Jmake perfect the flavor of i i NONE SUCH 1 MINCE MEAT. J Ptrc, wholesome, - an econom-í i ical luxury. Sold everywhere. 3 'fake no substitute. & CV- Scn.i name añil addrejs for bookkt, 4n 5 ■BHB ■■ Jlr. PopkiLS Tlü" ■ merrell-soule syracuse, h. y I Wanted-An idea $ IIUIIIUU HU iUUU thlngto patent: rrotcct your Moas; Vir-v may briuiï ytu wealth Wrltc. JOHN WKUDIiliUL'UM & C., Patent Attorr dh, ValiLni?ti.ii. I). ■.. thclr Í1.8W) prlfe offer pnrt Mst of tno kunjped luntki!S wanlad. FRANK STAFFAN & SON CIJELSEA, - - MICH. r M'.K l. DIREI TOIts AND K.TIBlLUEHü. Pure Up ltiver Ice. DR. A. KENT HALE, Physian and Surgeon. . . .liMJIt A L l'IUIIIIi:. JTSSSS? attentlon t0 ! Office, Henning Blk. üfHcc Hours: 3 to n.j n... ñ p. m. 7 to 8p. m. IM HOflí. ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmerand Funeral Director CALL8 ATTENDED DAY OR NJOHT. No. 8 Kat Liberty St. Phene 129 Residence, 75 S. lili Ave. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTÁTE BY : : : : L. D. CARR, Roal Estáte and Loan Agoney, over Ann Arbor Savingrs Bank. WILLIAH H. MURRAY, ...LAWYER... AH LcrhI Business and Collectlons I'romptly Attended to. OFFICE IN COIKT Hol MC. E. SEARS WOOD TURNING. . . . o all kinds also JOB WORK.... o every description. Raten Hcanouable Shop, Comer N. 5th Ave. and Kingsley-st Rcsidence. 9S S. M:tln-st. Wanted-An Idea spüss1 mUlllUU Mil IUIjU ttilng to patentí rrotpft your Ideas; they may brlnK you wealth, Wrltn JÓHN AVEDDEKliURN CO., Pitent AttoTneyí, Washington, D. C.for their $1.SJ() prlte oüer ' Mrl Use tf two bundred luTentious wanted. ■o Tu rlght i ii style Inkr your Jolt Printing to the Beslater Office, SO K, Jlui on Ht.


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