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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MENl 250,000 CÜRED IN 2O YEARS. ACURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYË É$l OOQ K GOLD FR A case we! ISELF-ABUSE, EHISSIONS, VARICOI CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRÍCT-I URE ÜLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTEdI P PARTS, LOST MANHO0D, MPOTEN-I 1 The New Method Treament isthel 5 GreatestDiscQveryotheAge aneevodswbeok. FOR CURING THESE WoEASESl voua and woak. despondent and gloomy. speek" bo"oro thé tos wlth clark . "ï yOU 1 thom. weak back, kldneys irritable, palpitation of the 1 , á?t baaíinn [I''03 under 1 108868. sediment la urine! pimples on thefaoe, "yol m Mtoth tí8 and I expression, poor momory. lifeloss, dlstrustful. Jack onerBy and "íth tlCI}roworD ■ ngs. reatiess ulghts. changoablo moods, weak manhoog llu tod orlu 3 "n ' 1 ture decay, bone j,aln3, hatr loóse, sore throat etc. siunicu organs an )rema. ■ VOíy HV'H SEMINAL WEAKNESS f OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alone can ' = OO cure you, and mako a man of you. Underlts lnUu■RHT7- " -'" "-v-- , ence the nraln bocomas activo, the blowd pur llrd H ■, '"- I so tliat all pimples, blotcbos and ulcers BSfiW?3HBK I the nerves becomo strong as stoel, so that norvous' 'BÉB&'W'' ' i fa". ness, bashfulness and despondency dlsappear: ,' - IS'tfilHH I the oyos becomo hrtEht, tho face full and clour .iiV ♦PsLt &OÊ i enoruy roturas to the body. and the moral, phyalcal BSiBfflBI 9 L and sexual systems aro lnvlgoratod; all drains ■WtVT' K cease-nomore vita! waste Trom the systom The Sfe'Wii; varlous orsans become natural and manly. You ífrir"!. : -TÍBHH rooi yourself a man and know marrlage cannot bo ' KoH vWaCiB afallure. Wo invite all the affllcted to consult us SB 1 1É5I 1 XWM conlldontlally and freo of charge. Don't lot quacks HL.UA1 WÈtf&Sm tdJ.7kír rOl yU Ot 5'0Ur har(1 earnod dollaraIBbÍ WV" ■■ HAS YOUR BL00D HEEN BISEASEI),' ; PiP diS,YLHI!JS )8 the mO3t Prevalontand most sorious BivsS1!! BLOOU dleease. It saps the very llfe blood of u,o 'J;Í V "2L2HE ylctlmandunlesBenilrolyeradlcatedfromthesys■'■' 1ML. 21 tem will affect tho offsprlng. Beware ot Morcury hkrbditaby blood disease. 0YOL8Nül)0B9MinolïniIn2.n9MiUJ Ní W, ME ' H0D P""ltively cures lt tor evor. T ut NU OR MIODLt-AOËD MAN- You've led a pv 11." ■ r,r Ind'il -fd in tho fcllioq ofyouth. Self-abuse or later excossos have broi.nn d.V i ,mr sv ..,,, ",, , J 1 the No I48SHELBYST.I DETROI ! , MICH. f !■!- II t


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