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LEGAL NOTICÈS. .-- - Notie To rcditor. STATE OK MICHIGAN, i COL'NTY )F WASHTENAW. I 98i Notlce la hereby given, t.hat by tu order of the Probate (o .it for the Uqunty of Washtenaw, made on the I3th diy of July; A. I). 1897, slx months fi-om tliat date wereallowed for credltors to present their claim against the estáte of John Cobbell. late of sald county, deceased, and thut all croditors of said deceised are regulred to present thulr claims to sald Probate Court, at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor, for exaniinatlon and allowance, on or before the 13Ui day nf January ïiext, and that such claims wlll be hcurd before sald Oourt, on tho i;!tli dy of üi'tolior and ou the Ktth day of Jtinuary next, at. ten o'clook In tlio fTjrenoon of ea".h of sald day. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 13, A. I). 1897. Ii. WIET NEWKÍBK, 80 J udffe of Probate. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OF WASIITEVAW f8" At a session of the Probate Court for the Coiuity of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate ümce In the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the Oth day oí July in the year onc thousand elglit hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newklrk. Judge of ProIn the Matter of the Estáte of Jaunlta A rarsons deceased. On readiiiR and fillng tho petltion duly verlfled, of John W. Laudes praylug that the acminlstratlon of said estáte may be sranted to hlmself or sorac other sultublc person Thcreupon it is ordered, that Saturday the lst day of July next, at ten o'clock ín the furenoon, be assizned for the hearing of sald peütlon, and that tlio helrs at law of müa deceasod, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are roqulred to appear at a sesslon of said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pelitiouer should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that sald petitioner eive notice to tlie persons in terested in sald estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing therpon by causing a copy of thls Order to be published IiíTheAnn Ahboh Kbuisteb, a newspáper printed and circulated in sald county, three successlve weeks pruvlous to said day of hearing. H. WIKT NEWKIBK, P.J. LEHMAN, Jdgo of Prooate. Probate Register. ÍA TRÜE COPY.) (79) Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I. COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. f SS Atasesslonof the Probate Court for the Countyof Washtenaw, holden af the Probate office in the City of Ann Arl.or, on Snturday, the lüth duy of .July, in tie yo:ir onc thnusaud eisht hundml ana ninety-seven Present. II. Wirt Nc-wkirk. Judge uf Probate. In the. Matter of the Estáte of Helen A. Mills, deepased. Nellie Kimberly, the admlnlsiiatrix rtebonls-non with wfü anuexed of said e?l:il" comes into court and represents thatshe Isnow prepared to render her linul account as 3UCB adminlstratrlx. Tbjereupon it Is ordsred, that Frlday, the t)th day of August next, at 10 o'clock In thf foronoon, b asstjined for examlning ma iillowlii}.' such account, and that the heirs at law of siild ileoeased, and all other persons Interested in satd estáte, are reuuired to appear at u session of said Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor, ln-said County. and show cause. tf iny there be, wlty thesald aeeouut shonld not be allowed. And itis funher ordeived. that said adminlstratrix g ve notlce to ihe persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, ar.d the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be published In The Ahn Akdok BegIster a newspaper printed and circulatlnp; in said county, three successlvc weeks previou to said day of hearing. H WIRT NEWKIRK, (Atruecopy) Judge of Probate. Probate Register. 80 Probate Order. QÍÁTE OF „ . OsQUIvTY OE ASHTENAW. J SAl :i 'session of the Probate C urt f r the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tnel3diy of Ju)y in the year óne thousaud eisht hundred and nfnety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of I'robate. In the Matter of tlie Estáte of Pheba Walker deceased. On readiog anil flling the petitloa, duly veriBed, of Charles Walker praylng that a certaiu instrument now on file in thïs Court, purporting to be the last wlll and testament of said deceased, mav i e admitted to Probati'. and that adirinistration "f said estáte may le granted to Charles Wheelock, the executoir in said wlll named, or to some othersuitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturdy. the Tth day of August next. at ten o'clock in. the forenoon, be asslaned for the hearing of said pctltioii, and that, the devlsees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all ctber persons interested in said estáte, ure rf quired to appear at a sesslou of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Court In the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petllioner should not be grtttted. And it is further ordered, tbat sail petltloner glve noticetothe persons interested In said estate. of the pendency of said petllon. and the' hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to bo published in The Ann Arboi Heglster. a newspaper printed and circulated in said c unty, three successlve weks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIKT NF.WKIRK, [A truc copv ] Judge o. Probate. P J. LKHMAN, Probate Kegister. (SOj Itlortgage Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgago made by Blair Hinkley and Henrietta H n kley, his wife, to Joseph T. Shaw, dted the lst day of April, 1893, and recorded in the Register's oftice, of Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the lst day ol April, 1893, at 5 o'clock and twentyfive minutes p. m., which mortgage was duiy assigned by said Joseph T. Shaw to Adah Z. Treadwell by deeds of assignment dated the 5th day of April. 1893, which said assignment is cd in Liber 11, assignments of mortgages on page 368, in the Register 's office of Washtenaw County on whieh mortgago there is claimed to be due at tl ie date of this notice the sum of Thirteen Hundred FortySix Dollars and Nine Cent ($1340.09) principal and interc-st (the undersigned electiug to eonsider the whole amount of the principal of said mot-tage as due for the non-payment of interest and installmants oí principal as provided therein) and no proceedings in law or equity having been instituted to recover the amount of said mortgage or any portion thereof : jVbtt' therefore, by virtueof the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 14th day of August, 1897, at 19' o'clock in the forenoon of tnat day at the east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that being the building in which Circuit Court of said county is held, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the premisos described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and the expenses of this foreclosure. The premises to be sold are described as follows: The eas?t eighty and thirtythree one-hundredth acres off from the east side of the south-east quarters of Section fourteen in the Township of Scio, Washtenaw Countv, Michigan. Dated, May 19, 1893. Ad ah Z. Treadweli,, Assignee of Mortgagee. W. D. Habriman, Attorney for Assignee. (81 4'llili)itottfra' NoUcf ■ STATE l)V MICHIGAN. ) county or wabitt:n a w. f ■ The wi(Icrsi)!MP(l. havi.iiK bíSh afirttilirfcd of sald Probato Conrt, for credit örs to ur" sent their elalms aptalnsii the estáte of sald deoMwd, and that Uiey wil I meet at the late residenceofsalc deeewUn the Towïfsh ?sth!Hm Mondny, theDated .luly IT, 1W)7 1IIRAM l. i ",, ' si O EO. S. VAN SIX'KLE, rGo"u s Probate Order tor Hearing Arrpuut. of Admlulxtralor. STATE OF MICI1IGAN, V CountyofWashtenaw. ssAt ;i session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tl.o Príhaí ■ office 111 the City „f Ann Arbor, on -Tueidav e tbeSOth day of July intheyearono thouSinil' eiRht hundred and ninety-seven ""■"" Present, ll.WIrt Newkirk, Judc of Probate. - SavVe'Sec'eTed0' UlC Ot Aq- William S. Savage, tho udmlnlstrator ot said estáte, comes hito court and represeuts í tliat he is now prepared to render hls final awount m sui'ii adminlstrator ' ,,T1!,ïri;lll"'n il is ordered, tha-t Mondjijr, the 16th day of August next, aljfin o'cfoc-k ia the forenoon, be assisned for examlnin-R and allowiiig such account, and tliat the hcirs at aw of said deceased, and all óther persons ! interested In said estáte, are requlred to - appear at a session of sald court, tlien trf be " holden at the Probate office, iu the Ui tv of i Ann Arbor. in said county, and show cause, If ajiy there be, why the said account should not be allowed; and it Is further ordered, that said administrator glve notice to Ih'e" persons interested in said estáte, of the .' pendency of said account and the hearing thereof.WausinB a copy of this ordr to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and clrculatinff In said -'" county, for three successive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. '■ ' [atruecopy] A. Wirt Newkirk. P. J. Lehjian, . Judge of Probate. . Probate Register. -(Bt) Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN. I COCNTY OF WASBTÉNAW. f SS... At a session of the Probate Cóürt for thé' &5?L2! J""ei. holden .at the Pro-:. k umue in me juy 01 Ann Arbor, on - day, the 23rd day of July in tfiè Vèar one '- tliousiind eight liundred and ntnety-seven.Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Juflge óf Pro bate. In the Matter 'of the Éstate of Clarïssa Best deceased. " " '" On reading and filing-thepetttlon, duly . : ycrlfled, of Guernsey U. Best prayirig that' the adminlstration o{ sald e&tato ■ mky )' ranted to hlmself or to some other suitable porsou. - ■' ■ Thereupim it Is orciered. that Frtday the Both day of August uext, at ten o'clock fn the forenoon, jp axsigned ior the hearing of '■ sald pctition, and that the helrs at law of said deceased, nd all other persons -: ested in said estáte, are required to appeiir at a session of said Oourt, then to' bè ■holden" at the Probate ufflce, in -the City ot ASjn . - Arbor, and show cause, if j riv therc bé, why theprayer of the petitioiinr shonld not"Bigranted. And it is. furtlier urdered,..that . said petitioner ive notlce trt tlie pe'rsoüs interested in s:id estafe, of the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing thereof, toy causing acopyof thl order to be púMIshiVl m The Ann Arbor Keoistek, a ;nrwspuui printed and circulated in sald co-íiñty.ftTirée ' successive weeks previous to jald iy -of . hearing. , II. Wirt Nkwkirk, ■■■'' U trüe COPT.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, '■ Probate Kegister. . . .: k-, (82i


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