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Michigan Central, "The Miagara FáUs Kout CENTRAL STANDAHD TI TKA1NS AT AMt AltROIl. Talihifj Efftxt May :iO, '97 CUING EAST. Hall and Expro89 n ' mN. Y. and Bostoa Bpeclal i " North Bbore Limited u 45 Cast Bastera 10 (i: Atlantic Express T 80 a. m. Detroit Night Exposa 5 DO Grand Bupids Express U 10 G01NU WEST. Mail and Expross - .' 9 IS a. m. Boston, N. V. and Chicago.... 8 12 Past Western Express 1 55 p. '"■ Grand Kapida and Kal Ex.... 5 55 Okic;isoNi;;]it Expresa ! 10 Pacifle Express 1 :i0 m-' Fust Newspapei Traïtt 8 63 a. m. a W.BUGGLES, n. W. HAVES, G P. & T. A-, Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. iolTiTcLEVEUND ■0U tÜFFALO ALSO DA1I.Y UNE BSTW BE CLEVJSLAM AM TOLEDO, Via "V. E V. LIXIC." Steamers "CVf; of Buffalo," (nar) "State of Ohio" and "State of Netc Forfc." DAILY TIME TAÜLK. BUNDAY INCI-UDED MAY 30 TO OCTOBBB 3. P M p M Lv. Cleveland, 7Ï0Ó Lt. Buffalo, T Ar. HuITalo, 7:30 Ar. Cleveland, 7:W A.M. A " CENTRA!, T!!E. TiikothCC & B. Line" steamtrs una cnloy ;i refreshing nlghVs res1 when n; "'c alíalo, Masara Fall-, ;r" '" Vork. Kosiou, Albany, 1.080 llan., orany Eastern orOanadlan polnt. iju'iiii I3xurloiis Weelily to Masara Falla. Bend i cents postage for tourlsl pamphlot. Coupon Ticket Ageni, or addross W. P. HERMAN. T. F. NKNVMAN, "BIG 2OUlt" SolideVestibuled Tkains Bktween Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit FAST TIME EXCELLENT EdUlPMETT. TUE. SCHEDULE. "■00 am 0-15 pm Lv Cin'ti Ar. fi:4ñ atn 6:00 pm 3 25tm3:55pL AriTolcdoLvlIpm 11:35 am 5:45 pm 5:15 -lm Ar Detroit Lv 9:40 pm 9:15 am Throusn Couclies and Warner Piirlor Cars on Day Train. Thionpli Coaches and Wagner Sleeping Cars on Rtgnt trams. As Good as our New York Line ! As Good as our Chicago L,ine i As Good as our St. Louis Line Buy your tickets through via "Big Four. " For full Information cali on agents or ad dress E. O. McOonulck, D. B. Martín, Pa8B. Traffifi Mer. Gcn'l Pass. ti Tkt, Agt The Coast Line to MACKINAC - TAKE THE TOMACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Qreatest Perfection yet attained In Boat Construction Luxurious Dquipment, Artistic purnishinz, Decoration and lilficlent Service, insuriiig the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY Four Trips per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTS AND DULUTH. LOW RATEStoPicturesqtie Mackinacand Return, including Heals and ierths. Proia CUveland, $18; from Tolcdu, $15; trom Detroit, $13.50. DAY AND NIQHT SERViOE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with l'.ariiest Trains for all points Kast. Soutli md Si.uthwest and at Detroit for all points North snd Northwest. Sunday Trips lune, July, August and Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland,Put=in"Bay Toledo Send for Illustratcd Pamp'ilet. Aa lr-ss A. A. 8CHANTZ, a. p. . OETHOir. WIOH. THe Detroit & develad Síeani üav. 09.


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