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A TOASTER That Toasts. Does not d ry or burn the bread BAKES CAKES Used under common round cake griddle, wül heat it evenly aud make less smudge and smoke. YOU WILL LIKE IT. For Gas, Gasoline, or Blue Flame Oil Cook -Stnye, 50 CKNTS. It will picase you. Made by KINNE M'FQ. CO., MINNEAPOLIS, - - MISS. Ask Vour Dealer For It. No More GREASY LAMPS n Can be Handled with Kid Glores NON-EXPLOSlVE Patcntedln the United States and Principal Countrli of the World. Sendfor copyof "Neverouf'Marchfree. Price, $4.00 of yonr dealerj or deliyered free on receipt of pnce by ROSE MANUFACTURING CO. 311-13 N. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA. CM ÏTIOIV f Oo not b decelved into taking any VAUllUn I other, asthe"NEVEROUT"isthe only lamp that It guaranteed to positlvely stay Ut (or moneyrefunded), thatlslreefrom groase- vet burn kerosine- and that is absolutely non-plolv. Wanted-An Idea LSS Protect your tdeas; tney may brlng you wealtn. Wrlte JOHN WEDDERBÜRN & CO-, Patent Attorleys, Washington, D. C, for their $l,8Uü prizo oftef ind list of two hundred iuventions wautcd. ém w4 REVIVO feP RESTORES VITALITY ''WfíwM Man löth Day. ')'YW1 of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth Day. FH.X3KTOS: Il333VriïID"5r prodnccs the abovo resnlts ln"3O day. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regaia tlicir lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and sui'ely restores Neryousneus, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nigbtly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excees and indiscretion, which unflts one ior Btudy, business or marriage. It not only cures by startini? at the Beat of disease, but is a great ñervo tonlc and blood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale checks and rostoring the fire of youth. It wards off insauity and Consumption. Insist ou baving REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail S1.00 per packaee, or six for 415.00, wlth a posí tive wrltten giiarantee to cure op reXund the money. Circular f ree. Addresa loyal Medicine Co., PcTlIV For sale by Eberbaoh Drng and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. GRUMMOFD'S DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ! Line of Steamers. 50c to Cleveland A Dellg'liUul rtloouliülit Trip Acros bak.' !irïe, LV. DETROIT Local Time DAILY 9:00 P. M, AR. CLEVELAND 6:30 A.M. BicyclCK Carrled Free. U. Q. QRUMMOND, CEStHAI, MANAGER, 'Phone No. ll2, Ofiice and Doek, Füot First St. DETROIT, MICH.


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