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It was a pleasurc for Webster people last Sunday to see Kev. W. C. Allen in the pulpit which he occupied 19 years ago. He is taking his vacation from tho Pontiac churoh. Rev. Staley, .of Dexter, assisted in the services at the Congregational church last Sunday. Miss Ada Latsoa is spending a short time wkh her paronts. DixBono. Mrs. Nellic Bush and Miss Matie Galpin visitcd at Whitmore Lake the past week. Misa Nsttie Robinson i.nd Agnes Finnell spent Saturday in Detroit. The Hanby boys are doing satisfactory threshiag. Emory Townsend of Saginaw, visited his parents Saturday. Miss Sadie Storms of Ann Arbor, spent last week with Miss Shuart. Miss Mary Banghart, of Ann Arbor, is vi&iting in this place. MANUÏIESTEn. N. Schmid and famlly aro sponding the week at thcir cottasre on Sand Lako. Miss Nina Rondel 1 Is vUitiug relativos i u Teoumseh. Miss Marlha Spencer bus a. new bicjcle. Miss Maudo Gdtdell returnod last Thursday after a pleasant visit with frienrls in Jackson and Horton. J. A. Lowery, and Chas. Merriman v?ith thoir families spent last Saturday vsry pleasantly at Wolf Lake. Misses Marie and Julia Kirchhofer, who attended tho National 'l'eacher's Association at Milwaukee and have visitod relatives therc aod at Chicago, roturnod home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goodyear are enjaying in outing at Toledo, Detroit and Fort Hurou. Among tho3e who visit Niágara Falls this week are Prof. and Mrs. Essery, F. K. Steinkohl and wifo, Miss Besste 'i'orrey and Miss Alice Lazell. Miss Dages, of Toledo, visited her frieod Miss Bertha Younghaus a few daya last week. Miss Younjihaus roturned Monday morning to Toledo after haviag spent a two weeks vaoatlon lieru with her parents. Miss Etta Carpenter, of Holloway, is a guest of Miss Myra Spaflard and other relat i ves. Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Wells are spending acouplo of weeks with their daughter in Detroit. Mrs. W. G. Dotv and son, of Ann Arbor, are vialtlng Mrs. J. P. Spaffard. The Unirersalist Sunday School picnickud at Sand Lake on Taesday. The rnuny íríends of Albcrt V. Dorr, a gradúalo of the Manchester schools, will bo pleused to loara that he has lieen offered and has accepted a position a3 professor of Latin and Biology ia Golden, Colorado, at a splendid salary. SALINE. The Y. P. S. C. E. elected the following oHicers last Tuesday eveninsr. Pres.- Howard Bartlett, Vice-Pres.- Miss Lucy Cobb, Sec- Mr. Will Barnard, Treas.- Mrs. Dr. Chandler. Several of the Bicyclo Club took a ride to Ypsilanti Thursday night and returncd Friday. A very pleasant surprise was given Henry Uutliard Friday alternoon ici honor of hia 70th birthday. Mr. Gray, who formerly resided at Clinton, oponed a Barber Shop here last Saturday, he will also run a Laundry in connection. Miss Emily Sanders, from Detroit, has been visiüng Miss Olive Cressy for a few days. Misa Kmma Maudt, from Collinwood, Obio, is visiting G. A. LindenschmiU and family this wock. George Schairer left for Arkansa3 this week, where he will visit his brother for a short timo. James McKinnon vvho has beon quite sick is on the road to recovery. Jno. Gillen and son Bert were in Ciinton last Saturday. Adam Staug and family entertained friends from Tecumseh, Sunday. The regular morning services of the Baptist Chureh were held at the Rivetbank Ia9t Sunday, after which two baptisms took place. ,1. W. Huil, our new Grain man, is doing a hustling business shipping grain from this station. A. M. Humphrey and wife, Misses Alice Sturm, Lottie Wallaceand Mablc Kyte were dolegates to the District Convention of the Epworth League held at Tecumseh, Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. Wallace. Sela Fitzgerald and Miss May Hurd attended the convention of the Epworth League at Tecumseh, Tuesday. Emmett Schaffee was in Adrián Monnay on business. Rev. Keeth will deliver a lecture on '■Columbu" at Clinton, Friday night August 20th. Several of the Arboiter Verein will attend tbe picnic at Doxtcr today. BKIDGUWATEIt. An Indian medicine show has beon hcre the past week. Mrs. J. P. lltioinfrank and children of Detroit, are visiting M rs. Fred Fauss. Miss Rosa Sturms, of Monroo, and Jiiss Julia Reyer, of Ann Arbor, are the guests of Theo. Rsabs and John Beuerle. Fred Esslinger, of Ann Arbor, was in town Sunday. John Sohmid is entertainiüg Ha brother, ïheodore, of Toledo. Twenty persons were pleasantly entertained Sunday by Mrs. F. W. Shoen, the occasion being Mrs. Shoen'd birthday. WILLIS. Mr. Geo. Kimball, who is at work in Ann Ai-bor, was at home over Sunday. Martin O'Brien spont last Sunday with his motüer near this placo. Mrs. E. Moore and daughter Minnie were visiting friends in Milan Ia9t week. Ralph Bethell, telegraph operator of Alvordton, Ohio, is homre for a few days. Henry Fullington feil from a wheat stack and was quite seriously injured, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mies went to Adrián on their wheels to attend the circus. Mrs. Helen Vealey, of Milan, is visiting with Mr. H. E Fullington. Mrs. Wm. A. Russell is visiting friends at Somerset Center, Hillsdale County. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Moore are attending the quarterly meeting of the friends church in Lenawee County. Ralph Breining and John and Roscoe Greenman went to Adrián te see Kingling Bros. Circus. MUI r.TCOKE L.VKK. Rev. H. W. Hicks left ïuesday to joia his wife who is visitiug their son at Washington, D. C, consequently there will be no services in tho churcti for the next two weeks. Wednesday eveninga jolly crowd of about thirty, with manaolins, guitars, violins, etc. , climbed into lumber wagons and started for Mrs. Darkens, about two miles out in the country, to attend an ice crearn social given by the Ladies Aid Society. So melodious was the music on the way that the trees "boughed" to listen and in the act the "bough" took oiï seyeral of the boys' bats. The new Postmaster, H. P. Dodge, took posscssion of the olïioe nn the 9th. Now the patrons will go to the store for their mail. Prof. F. M. Lumbard has gone to Yorkville to play with an orchestra for the season. The hop and concert at the Clifton House last Friday evening was a grand sucooss, especially the singing by Mastcr Freddie IUiiey. Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Jennings, former pastor here, aro visiting friends at this place. Rev. Jcnnings filled the pulpit last Sunday. MÍS3 Martha Drake, of the Courier office, is spending her vacation at the Ciiftoa House. The I. O. G. T's of Washtenaw Co. will give a unión picnic at Portage Lake Priday. A good time is anticipated. The new elevator is nearly completed. Itisagreat improvement to the place. Mr. Nisbet, of Hamburg, has purchased a lot of J. G. Pray and will erect a new home. Miss Hattie Markey, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. is visitiner her graudparents, Ed. Roper and wife. Miss Mabel Stites, Caro, ia home for the summer. S. A. Moran was the guest of f rienda in this place Tuesday evening. Chas. O. Macham, former operator at this place, now at Benzon ia, had $1100 taken from his office Tuesday, while at d inner. No clue to the robbers. STONV CKIÏEK. Quite a numbor from this placo speni Tuesday and Saturday at Detroit and Port Hurón. Mr. and Mrs. Fulcher, of Scof field, spont last week with Mrs. Welen the mother of Mrs. Fletcher. Miss Ida Crittenden is visiting at London. Mrs. Hoyd, of Ypsilanti, is visiting friends here. Miss Bertha Numan is sponding the week at Monroe. Rev. Mr. Culvcr will oscupy the pul pit of the Presbyterian church next Sanday moruing. Mi-s. McBalne gave a picnic last Fri day ia honor of llov. Mr. Ellitt, of De troit. llev. Mr. Gibson and vvife, also Mi Read Darling and wife spent Saturday in Petroit. DBL1I1 niLIiS. New wheat is coming to the mili. Farmers all teil of gotting a larger yield than they expocted. Rev. J. W. Stacy and family have moved to New Baltimore. Mr. Staoy reaches in two places in his new field, SIew Baltimore and ChesLerfield. He ïas preached at Delhi Sunday afternoons for the last year and a half and .he people here wish him success in lis new field. Miss Ella Drake Is entertaining hor cousins, Miases Ina and Cora Stoddard, of Detroit, for a few days. Mrs. DeVVitt Stoddard, of Detroit, also spent one day with her last week. Quite a large number of Delhi peo)le attended the Catholic picnic at Jexter last week. Mrs. Ryan, of Dearborn, visited her sister here a few days ago. Mrs. Dowling, of Grass Lake, is stopping with Mrs. Slimmer a few days. Mr. Gilmore has moved his furniture and groceries across the way into his ovvn house. DEXTER. Rev. Stonex, pastor of the Episcopal church, has been ill for a few days. A picnic, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the church, was held in Smith's Grove, given by the people of St. Joseph church. Mrs. S. H. Stannard and daughter Millicent, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Buchanan and Miss Maude Buchanan apent several days at Niágara Falla and Búfalo last week. The annual celebration of GermanAmerican Day of Washtenaw County 3 being held here today. This is the irst time it is celebrated here, and the 3ermans are doing their best to make it a success. Mrs. Wm. Haylor and children, of Savannah, Ga., are spending the summer at Mrs. J. Dawson's. Mrs. J. H. Carmody and wife are vising relatives here. Mrs. Geo. Rehm, of Chicago, is visitng Mrs. E. Jedele. Mr. Ford, the Manchester photagrapher, has openeda gallery here. Ed. C. Braun, the tailor, is loeated in the Rehm building. Wm Buss and family are having a seige of measles, ten being sick. MILÁN. The Baptist Tea-Social at the residence of C. Throops Friday, was a success. Mr. Frank Ross, of the Milan Leader is at Niágara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kelsey are in Detroit. Postmaster Pullen is assisted in the office by his son and daughter. Miss Blanch Minto of Corunna is visiting her brother George. Mr. Chas. Clark left Monday for Bay City where he will visit his sister for a few days. The Daughters of Rebccca have called a special meeting for Tuesday evening and have important business on hand. Prof. Babcock is sick. Mrs. Chapin is not well this week. Mr. H. A. Taylor is in Toledo on business this week. Mr. II. Sill returned Monday from a threc week's visit in New York State. Mrs. P. Edwards left Friday toattend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Thomas, at Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Ermin Case, returned the flrst of the week from their Detroit visit. Henry Pullen is severely ill with Marial fever. Dr. Williams is visiting friends in Romulus. Mrs. Howard caine near dying Friday from the effects of eating toad-stools mistaklng them for mushroons. Rev. Arthur Roberts and family are at home to their friends on Howard St. Mrs. Throop and Mrs. A. Pepper have returned from their visit in the orthern part of the State. .Miss M. A. Palm and Mrs. Lucy Clark will entertain the Presbyterian nadies' at their Tea Social Thursday, . m. Mrs. Dyke and Mrs. Rojal enterained friends from abroad last Sunday. Mr. Milton Hitohcock is taking a two veeks rest from business. Married, Aug. 4th, at the home of he brides parents at Exeter, Dr. J. II. iingsley of Milan and Miss Julia r'almer of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse left Tues lay a. rn. for an outing and visit with riends in Saline and Lodi. Mrs. H. Putman of Union City, is visiting Milan friends. Mr. A. E. Putman has returned from his eastern trip. Miss Pomroy and Mrs. Kinneof Ypsi anti, wheeled to Milan the last of th week and gave their friends a cali. Mrs. Carrie Smith is visiting in De troit tuis week. Mrs. A. T. ílolcomb has returnet from a protracted visit with Detroi friends.


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