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DJiUGuisT CAl AKKn for a nenerous WpVÏ i o iïnt Wáa&M BALWS Ely'sCreamBalmKWFEVE#i rontnlns no rwainr. H iiiprouryoriiny otli .-r ■ U -ÍeB Injuiioits drug. BiCnVB LñlrrCOLD'NHEAD Itopens and cleanses the Nasal Passages Alluys Inflammation. Healsand Protecla the Metnbrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Sniell. Full stee 50c.: Trial Size Ir. at I)ru-:xil or by mail. ELV BEOTHEB8, 5C Waiivn Bt., N.-w York Some People's Folly. Why some persons will Bufl'er wiüi the cxcruciating pangs of rheumatism, wbea thcy eau be so eesily cured by that greatest of pain-cures, Salvation Oü, is past human conipreliensiou. That Salvalion Oil does cure rheumatisra is evidenccd by Mr. G. F. Schrader, Tiercé, Nob., uho says : "I have used Salvation Oil and think there is no liniment on earth like it. I liad tlie rheuraatism for sevcral months aud could get no relief until I used Salvation Oil, two bottles of v. hich effected a cure, and I feel as wcll r.s ever. Ko liomc sliould bc without it." Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. When dealera ofl'er a substitute beware, you'll be victimized. Insist on bavin the best, Salvalion Oil. When j 1 Conipany Comes j I uncxpectedly the housewifè I j is ofteu puzzled as to wbat w to get for dinner. Then time IS is doubly precious. If when M so caught she ouly has a package of $3 "SJ In her pantry filie can, n a few ij'riiniites, preparo Um best of all desserts - good minee pie. Think AVof it. No pceling, chopplng, seeding, ;- ypickinsandniixins. A paekage cf NonoiSncli, costlng only 10 ets., wlil '■ maketu-olurfic pies. Malies perfect I Fruit Cake and Fruit Pudding also. ia I Get a package to-day from jour I k procer. Takc no substitute. Tk Sendyour.iikiroi;s, nnminK this 1 JV J ptr, aud v.o wlll fiond you free a I i' X book,"Mrs. ■ JljL ingt" by oneofthemOHt populari Bfflgy J hnmorous v.ritcrs of the day. vt g ■Mcrrell-Soiilr Co., Syraense, S. ï. Jf rWUl.WEMLV LOC1TED. DB. D. W. NOJLAN, VETERINARY SURQEON, Oflïce at Robison's Livery Bain. 211 S. lili Ave., A il il Arbor. MACK & MACK, FUNERAL DIBECTO11S 211 Congress Street. DEALERS IN FURNITURE. YFSILANT1, - M1CH. WALLACE & CLARKE, FVNERAL DIRECTORS, 208 Congress St., TVSILANTI, - Mica. FRANK STAFFAN & SON CHELSEA, - - MICII. FUNERAL DIRECTOltS AND IC'Iit 4l.MI.Us. Ture Up Bi ver Ice. DR. A. KENT HALE, Physian and Surgeon. . . GENERAL PRACTICE. Prompt attentlon to nffipa Hpnninff Rik aii caiis. umw, nsnning dik. Office Hours: 3 to n _j ri... 5p. m. 7to8p. m. ilÜ MGOF. MONEY TO LO Ai ON REAL, ESTÁTE BY : : : : L. D. CARR, Real Estáte and Loan Aency, over Ann Arbor Savinps Bank. WILLIAH H. MURRAY, ...LAWYHR... All Lelilí Business and Collcctlons Promptly Attended to. OFFICE IN COI'llï HOI M!. E. SEARS WOOD TURNING. . . , o uil kinds also JOB WORK.... o ever y description. Bates Keasouuble Shop, Corner N. 5th Ave. andKlneslp.y-st Rpsklonce. 5 S. Maln-gt. ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Funeral Director CAI, LH ATT EX DEI) DAY 011 A'IOJIT. No. 8 Fust Liberty St. Pbone 1Í9 KeKidence, 75 S. Hli Ave ketter II i-ailK. Bill IleadM, iStatementa and Kn velop.'N pri iiirtt at the Heelster Office, 30 JE Huror Si.


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