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jMCARTEffS' SICK HEAOACHE Positively cured by these liittle Pilis. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsta, Indigestión and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PUI. Small Dose. Small Price. For.... PLANS AND SPE CIFICA 1 1 ONS Cali on HERMAN PI PP ARCHITECT. 22 SPRING STRÜET Hear Dem Bells. Der Ringin' All De Time. ■ OSTERÈ- MAN J BICYCLE The Oratest Thing on Wheels. Ouly Automatic Blcycle Bell. Try It and Créate a Seusatlon. Ask your dealar for it or order from losiil'll OSTERlUAn, OTimnyiiuk, Pblladelpbla, Fa. SVIcLain 8ros.&Co. GOMMISSION RECEIVERS AND SHIPPERS [members Chicago Board op Trabe] 211 RlALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO Grain and Provisions bought and aold for cash or for futnre delivery on margins. Orders for Wheat exccuted íb Iota of 1,000 bu and upwarda Correspondence invited. Consignment 01 Qrain, Seeds and Hay solicited. When viaiting jliücago cali and sae u. JOHN BAUMQARDNER, Dealer In American and Imported ; GRANITES! nd all kindi of BUILDING STONE1 Cemetery Work X SPECIAJLTV Corner of Detroit and Oatberlne stj. 4.NN AKBOR, HIOB. Athlophoros Bj direct, simplo and scientific 1 tion operates on the BLOOD, musclei nd joints taking the poisonout of the BLOOD and out oí the sy s tem ; thereby cubuïg Rheumatism NEURALGIA and K1NDKED dieases. '$1 per Bottle. All Druggists. tuk ATHLOPHOB08 CO., New Haven, CC AN ENTIRELY NEW DEPARTURE IN FENCE WEAVING THE BUCKEYE Portable wcaving machine wlll weave 3 rods of feilen wliilc ono Is beiuc woven by auy othor machine. Send for circulare. HOLMES & WARD BROS., CÁDIZ, 0HI0. Wanted-An Idea LFS Protect your Ideas; rtiey may brlng you wealth. Write JOH WLIUKUiiURN A CO., Patent Attor. Doys, Washington, D. C.for thelr $1,81)0 prlto offer and Ust oí two kundred luTentiona wantod,


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