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A TOASTER That Toasts. Does not dry or burn the bread BAKES CAKES Used umler common round cake griddlc, will it evünJy and mate ieu smudso and smoke. YOU WILL LIKE IT. For Gas. Gasoline, or Blue Flame Oil Cook Stov?. 50 CKNXS. It will pleasa you. Made by KINNE M'FQ. CO., MINSEAPOLIS, - - MINN. Ask Your Dealer Forjlt. No More GREASY LAMPS v Can be Handled with Kid Gloyes 5j mm, I NON-EXPL0SIe Patented In the United States and Principal Countrtos of the World. Sendfor copyof "Neerout"Marchfree Trice, $4.00 of yonr dealer, or deliyered free on receipt of price by ROSE MANUFACTUR1NG CO 311-13 N. THIRD ST„ PH1LA0ELPHIA, TAI 1TIAM f Do not be deceived Into taking an VAUIIUH I other, asthe"NEVEROUT"isthe onlylamp thatls guaranteed to posltlvely sta llt (or moneyrefunded), that sf ree trom grease- vet burn kerosine- and that is zbsolutcly non-exploslvi. Wanted-An Idea S3SS Protect your Ideas; they may brlng you uealta. Frite JOHN WEDDEKDÜRN ft CO., PatcnrAttoreys, Washington, D. C, for thelr $1,800 prlze oltor nd list oL two huudred iuventlou wanted, PhotoirrapLcl B 0 I B ft irom lire. KbViVU k RESTORES VITALITY istDayfJïwell Man lBthbay. 1lfflYp OÍ Me. THE GREAT 3Oth bay. PREKTOH m33VIE!XD"E1 produces the abovo resulta In 30 ilays. It acte jowerfully aud quickly. Cures wben all others iail ioungmeuwillregain tlieir lost manhood.and old men will recover tlieir youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous nese Lost Vitality, Impotenc.v, Nigbtly Emissiona Lost Power, Failing ïlemory, Wastine piscases, anti all cffects oL seli-abuse or exccfsand iudiseretion, whicb unüts one for Btudy, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but isagreat nervetonio and blood builder, bnngIng back the pink gow to plc clieeks and re storing tbe flre of youth. It wards off Í"?1" and Consumptlon. Insist on tavmg BE IVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail 81.00 per package, er Bix íor W5.OO, with a poBl tlvo wrltten gmarantee to onïe or refunö the money. Circular f ree. Address oyal Medicine Co., SSaoSÏ: For sale by Eberbaoh Drng and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. GBUMMONU'S DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ! Line of Steamers. 50c to Cleveland A Ieligbtrm moonllgkt Trip Acre Lakc Krlc. LV. DETROIT Local Time DAILY 9:00 P. M. AR. CLEVELAND 6:30 A.M. Bicycles Carrled Free. U. O. GRUMMOND, GENERAL MANAGEH. ThoneNo. 102, Office and Doek, Foot First St. DETROIT, MIOII.


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