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Miss Edith Noble is vi9ting in Chijago. M. C. Wood-Allen is spending the week in Toledo. Mrs. A. S. Berry is visitlng in Bellevue, Micb. Miss Bessie Pond has returned from a visit in Jackson. Mies Hattie Warner, of this office, is now in Buffalo, N. Y. G. C. Crozier preached Sunday at the Church oí Christ. Prof. G. P. Coler is in Ohio conducting teacher's institutes. Rev. S. S. Jones, of Decatur, II!-, was in the city Monday. Mrs. Norman Wood is in the hospital, ill, but ia now recoverinij. Rev. T. W. Young and wife returnod Saturday from Mackinac. Mrs. J. H. Cutting is spe.nding a few weeks at Mackinac Island. A. K. Wheeler, '98 law now of Newberry, was in town last week. George Alexander is taking a week's vacation and is at Centreville. Geo. Roe, of Milford, is in this city. He stopping with John B. Hillman. H. M. Woods Í3 visiting in Batavia, N. Y. His children accompany him. Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold ia in New Yürk where sne will remain two months. Prof. M. L. D'Oogo has returnöd f rom his western trip and is now in this city. Martin Schaller has leased his store on Washington street and will movq to S. Main. Mrs. P. M. Taylor is visiting ín Wixom. Prof. Taylor went to Northvillo yesterday, . Frank W. Wilkinson and Miss Anna Ware were married Monday, Rev. B. L. McElroy officiatin?. Mrs. E. H. Weideman has returned after several months absence and is now living on Church street. August Blaess is quite ill at Cairo, 111. His father, Albert Blaess, has just returned from that city. A. C. Schumacher, attended a meeting of the state board of pharmacy, at ( Sault St. Marie this week. Prof. W. K. Clement who is visiting hl this city will return in a few days to the Idaho State University. F. M. Byatn, well knownhere asSecretary of the Weslyan Guild, is spèncLing his vacation in Manistee. A letter from Junius B. Wood, Miehigan's great mile man announces that he will be in college again next year. Mra. E. ■ B. Conrad and son of NewYorkcity and Mrs. B. J. Oonrad are visiting reJatives in Albion for a week. Dr. Copeland "and wife nave spent considerable time in the Northern reBorts. They returned home Monday. Romanzo Adams is in Athens, Ohio for bis vacation. H. O. Soveraaee takcs bis place at the desk in the library. Stephen D. Gates and Mrs. Ella Stephenson were married Sunday, Rev. B. L. McElroy performed the ceremony. Mr. S. P. Orth left Tuesday for Howell where he willspend a few days with his parents before goiug to Central America. Mrs. A. M. Einchman, of Aan Ar-, bor, is spending a few weeks in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. W. McOmber.- Resorter. J. C. Ilenderson is again iu the city after a successful trip for the Ann Arbor OrganCompany in which he visited the principie southern cities. Mías Mabel and Mullie Corson, oí Washington-st., left yesterday for Potoskey whero they will remain about oac month to visit their mother. Mrs. Eüza Sunderland has lectured in Shelbyvillo, illinois, during the past week. Herisubjects were "Rome,' 'L'alestine" and the "Holy Land." Ed. Krapf, Conrad Noli, S. P. Hill, Glen V. Mills and Herman Krapf aro those who take advantage of the excursión to Buffaio thia week. Mr. Floyd and MÍS3 Louis Armes, of Detroit, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. ates 28 N. State-at. Tbey went to Whitmore Lako Tuesday evening. Mr T. J. Micaul who has been worklnffin the of M. library on a book which he writing to show the rolation of Archeology to history has gone to Detroit. Prof. Cari Leutwein leaves for his home at Ann Arbor either today or tomorrow. The professor is an accomplished Germán instructor and has just finished a successful season at Bay View.- Ilesorter. Miases Cora Braun, Bertha and Carrie Christmaii, who have been tjhe guests of Mra. T. T. Christman, i;etunied to Aun Arbor yesterday. Mi3S Mabcl Christraan, of Chicago, who has also been visitlng ,the latter, accompanied them to remain two weeks,- Jackson Press, Mf: -CorneHiH -Donovan is viaiting his father's home on the north ilöe. Mr. Donovan is from Port Ëads, L., whcre for 21 years he haa been the engineor in charge of deepening of the Mississippi River. He was recently appointed a member of the Board of Civil Service Examiners for the EnineeriDg Department at New Orleiins.'


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