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A Climber's Awful Fall

A Climber's Awful Fall image
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Frederlck Klrn, a well known resident and groceryman of Portland, Ore., met wlth a terrible death on Newton Clarke glacter on the north alope o! Mount Hood, one day last week. In tha ascent of the mountdln he atrayed from the path and. was caught by a mase of Bllding rock, whlch oarrled. him 300 feet down the steey side of the mountaln to the brink of a cliff, over whlch he plunged to tb rocks, 400 feet oelow. Klrn left Portland last week and started to aacend tho mountaln without a gulde. Hfe had exaniined the road wlth hls field glasses, he eald, and. would have no dlffluclty In followlng lt all the way up. He retlred early and aroee next mornlng at four o'clock, drinking a cup of coffee before he started on the cimb, whlch he dld at half past four, all alone. When at night Ktrn am not reiu..., Mr. Langilte, Jandlord of the Cloud Cap Inn, became alarmed ior hls nafety anl started in search of him. He soon found that he had good case tor hls alarm. Klrn'u trall could be easily followed to withln aoven hundwd feet oí the Bummlt. At that polnt t varled f rom the regular trall.whloh itthad thus far followed. and led away to treacherous rock overed district nffivr thn head of Nfjwton Clarko glacler. Here Mr. Langlïle dlseovered, to hla horror, that the unfortunate man bbq "" caught ln-a masaof alidlng rock, wftl-li he had prbbably loosoned with hia ieer, and had been carried with, it swiftly to the brow of the preclplca below, ovev whichthe made In the snow by the srnall avalanche dlsappearrl. Worklng hia way cautloualy and witti the ekiH oí tb veteraa mountalnr that ho Is to thacdge ot tho cliff, Mr. Langlllft Baw thabody lylng among tho loose ïock far fcelow at mouth ol the gacler. ÍCirn'B death had been swlft and torriible. The body was recovereda lew daye tetar. A Blxty-year-old wldow ol Ttdenhum. In Glouclhestea-shlro, tas been sont to Jadl for two raorattiB for mllklng other people's 'cpwii on .the tnwn common.


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Ann Arbor Register