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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 250,000 ClJRED IN 2O YEARS. ESCURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I .ÉÉÉÉk $1000 IN GOLD F0R A CASE WE S gjPM""fe iuuu i uu lu CANN0T cuRE OF JfSÜsïd SELF-ABUSE, EfUSSlONS, VARICOIwK "ftÜilk CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICTWia0$L& v URE SYPHILIS, STUNTED ' &JÊËWBr!l - I - PARTS, LOST MAINHUOD. IMPOTENlifcfflSR WjjËÊnlm CY NERVOUS DEBÍL1TY, UiNNATvSHI The New 'vlet!10tl Treatmei1t is t?ie g Üf Greatest Discovery of the Age inno. FOR CURING THESE DI-SEASES Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually awopt to a premature gravo through EARLY INDISCRBTIJNS. EX0KSSE3, AND LOOD ÜISEASEv. If you have any of the followlng symptoms consult us boforo it ia too lato. Are you nervou8 and woak, deapondent and gloomy, specka before the eyes with dark cireles under them, woak back, kidnoys irritable, palpltatlon of tho heart, bashful, dreama and loaaea, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes aunkon, hollow cheeka, careworn expreaaion, poor memory, llfelesa, distruatful, laok energy and strength, tired mornings, reatleaa nighta, changeablo moods, woak manhood, utunted organs and prematuro decay, bono palns, hair loóse, aore throat etc. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS I OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alone can curo yon, and mako aman of you. Under lis lnflu- Hrg ni. ' m V HJU. .-- - ■ once tho brain bocomoa active, the blood puriüed ■ so that all pimples, blotcbea and ulcera dlsapp ar; JBM H the norves becorae strong as steel, eo that nervousI ': ; ■ nesa, baahfuliiess and dosp mdeney dlsajipear; WbEfíS H the eyes bocome brlght, tho face full and clear, ■ ennrgy roturns to the body, and tho moral, physii'iü KiÍíSSSBwBSE Hand sexual aystems aro lnvtgorated; all draina ■ no more vital waste from tlie system. Tho Kra(iK'S2wPÏ S?H B varlous orana become natural and nianly. You Fmt w& $ v iJm iBBm"B H feol yoursolf a man and know marriage cannot be ' n íj V H a failuro. We Invite all tho afillcted to conault ua MEM i lV90BJ%S B confldontially and freo of charge. Don't lot quacks IMLMHSlirn H and fakirs rob you of your hard earnod dollars. Ml BÈV"' beB B We wilt curt you r no pay. ffii ■ % Jv-s ra ■ HAS YOUR BL00 BEEN DISEASED! HPfeiffi!r3PL I SYPH1L1S is tho Timst provalent and most aerloua BSgfc -ihBHJ ■ BLOOü dlaeaso. It sapa tho very llfe blood of the HCSutk '''SW'ral H victim and unlosa entlrolyeradicatod from theays' H tem will affoct the offsprlng. Boware of Mercury. HinnDITAET blood diskask. H It only supprosaea the symptoms- our NHW ME I'HOD poaitlvoly curoa it for ever. YüuNU OR A-ilDULE-AOED MAN- You've led a gay lifo, or lndul.-od in tho folliea Hofyouth. Solf-abuso or lator excossoa have brokea duwn our uyyWm. Yuu teel tho ■ symptoms atoaling over you. Mentally, physlcally and "iiinlly you aro not the man ■ you uaed to bo or should be. Lustful prácticos reap ric!i liarveata. NV'ül y.,u lieod the ■ danger signáis. 9 [} C A n Í D I Aro you avictlm? Have you lost hopo? Aro you contomplatin mnrrlnge? I ïl C M U L il ■ Has your blood bees dlseased? Havo you any woakness? Uur Hew Method ■ Treatnient wlll euro you. What It has dono for othera it will do for you. ConsuJtatlon ■ Free. No matter who has troatod you. wrlte for an honoat opinión Freo of Charge. H Charges reasonablo. Books Free - "The Golden Monitor" (lllustratod), on Disoases of H Men. Incloao postago, 2 centa. Sealod. Book on "Dlaoasos of Womon" Free. -N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Pi.lVATE. No medicine sent CO D. ■ No ñames on boxes or envelopes. Evaryth.nq confidentlal. Ouestlon list and cost of Treat■ ment, FREE. No. 148 SHELBY ST, DETROlí, MICH.


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