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COUNCIL CH AMBER I Ann Arbor, Sept. lst 1397. i Special Session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Coon, Pres. Luick. Xotice of meeting of the Board of Review. Aid. Brown moved that the council reeolve itself iato a Board of Review to review the assessment roll of Lateral Sewer District No. 5. Adopted. Aid. Moore moved that Aid. Cady be elected Chairman of the Board. Adopted. Whereupon the Board proceeded to review the assessment roll as certified to by the City Assessor. On motion the followiog alterations were made on such assessment roll. From To Mrs.üieh! $ 800 Ï1000 Mrs. Philip Duffy 100 1700 J. W. and UerschellGoodspeed.... 900 1000 Esther E. Graber 1:200 1500 J.L. Baboock 4800 5000 Miss Ellen Morse, Lot V 900 1000 Luc B.Lee WO 30J) J. N Marúu 1X00 2000 Mrs. Eva Parks J0 1000 Mis. M. G. Bower..... 2000 1800 11. W. Hayes 1700 lToO John Smith 1700 1800 lMioebeO'Reilly 1480 l;00 .lohn F. Lawrenco . 2200 2500 KtceA.Beal. Est 4000 000 Wra. F. Stimson 2100 2200 O. W. Hawes 400 500 G. M.Clarken 1200 1300 Wm. M. White 00 7;00 Wm M " 2100 2500 John M. Naylor 1200 1500 Ellen lioban 1200 1000 John Rose 1200 1000 N.B Nye. Est iaw "V j a Dell 1000 800 Ellen Olements 600 =0 Hattie A. Baxter 00 n00 M. J. Clarkeu 1200 1000 C.F. Pardon & Ann Arbor, September 1, 1897. To Board of Review. The following is the estimated cost of the sewer now being built in Lateral Sewer District No. 6, otherwise known as the Ann St. sewer. These amounts are based on the contractor's schedule of prices, and the engineer's estimated quantities of matarial and labor : - Estimated Contract Price S 11,477 71 Add 20 per cent. for Engineering and Contlngencies A- ■'' Total estimated Cost $ 13,773 26 Estimated Cost of Street Crossii gs assessed to Gen. Sewer Fund 1,188 00 Amountto be assessed on Private Property 12.585 2a Total estimatefl Cost $ 13,773 23 I hereby certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. F. Key, City Eng. Aid. Koch moved that the Board of Review approve the Assessmeat roll in Sewer District No. 6 as certified to the Council by the City Assessor and changed by the Board and certify the same to the Common Councü. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CH AMBER. Ann Arbor, Sept. 2d, 1897. f Special Session. Called to order by Pres. Luick. Roll oalled. Quorum present. Absent Aid. ,Grossmau, Ehodes, Coon.' COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. Ann Arbor, Sept. 2d, 1897. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Cali a special session of the Common Council to be held at 7:30 to-night to consider the subject of a right of way across the Greene property between Fourth and Pifth Aves. Chas. E. Hiscock. Mayor. L[Ald. Moore moved that th e Council rsconsider the vote on the report of the Committee on Sewers of the session of August 16th, 1897 relative to the exemption of the GreenO property in Sewer District No. 6. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Spathelf, 3oule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 11. Nays- Aid. Koch. Aid. Cady moved that providiag the wners of the property in question, give he city of Ann Arbor a quit claim deed, of the right of way across their jroperty for the purpose of laying or repairing the sewer, that this Council remit $100 tax on said property. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore Hamilton, Koch, Dell. Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Danforth. Cady, Pres. Luick - H. Nays- Aid. Soulo. On motion the Council adjourned Glen V. Mills, Citv Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBER, Ann Arbor, September 6th, 1897. ) Regular session. Called to order by Tres. Luick. lloll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Mooie, Sweet, Brown, Soule, Coon. COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOK. To the Common Council: I have this day appointed Clinton J. Snyder a special policeman to act in and about the opera house without expense to the City of Ann Arbor. Chas. E. Hiscock, Mayor. Sapt. 4, 1897. Received and ordered filed. TEÏITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. ïo the Common Council: The Board of Review of the assessment roll of Lateral Sewer District No. 6 in said Citv of Ann Arbor, do hereby certify to the Common Council in said City that they have duly considered the assessinent roll of the Lateral Sewer District No. 6 of the lateral sewer system of said city as certified by the City Assessor of said city and after due consideration of said roll they have approved and do hereby approve said assessment roll and of the estimation and determinatlon of the value of each parcel of land sitúate therein as therein set down by said Assessor and altered and confirmed by this Board and all matters and things therein contaiued. C. H. Cady, Chairman Board of Review. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Koch moved that the report be accepted and approved by the Council. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Haruilton, Grossman, Koch, Deli, Vándawarker, Rhodes, ' Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. To the Common Council: The Board of Fire Commissioners most earnestly protest against your aclion in removing the telephone placed by them in the residence of Mr. Win. 11. Mclntyre for fire protection, to the residence of the Marshal and request that you take immediate steps to again place a telephone in the residence of Mr. Mclntyre for fire protection. Respectfutly submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk Board of Fire Commissioners. Referred to Fire Department Committee. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith present the following estímate for completed work in sewer districts No. 6 and 7. Respectfully submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ENGINEER'8 FOURTH ESTÍMATE. LATEBAL 8EWER DISTRICT NO. 6. Exeavation, etc. 8 to 10 ft., 1103 ft. at 23o iM 46 10 to 12 ft., 451 ft. at 31c 133 61 12 to 14 ft., 486 ft. at 40c 'M 40 8 in.PSwerptpc,l,310ft.atllc..$144 10 4 in. Bewer pipe, 3S6 ft. at 5c.. 19 30 10 in. sewer pipe, 323 ft. at 45 22 Manholes, etc. 4 manholes at Í25 00 each 1W liflushtankaat $54.00 each 1 2 00 1 lamphole at $5.00 W Total estímate .KJ1 09 Less 10 per cent per contract - 15 ' Amount duo contractor ï 9518a Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Dell moved that the Council coucur ia the recommendation of the Board and order a warrant drawn In payment of the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nay3 - None. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 4, 1897. ENGINEER'S ÏIRST ESTÍMATE. SEWEll DISTRICT NO. 7. Excavation, etc 99 ft. ab 30c per ft t 29 70 152.8 ft. at 40c per ft 617 13 IHT.aft.attöcperfc 616J4 Sewer pipe, etc. „„ 1804 ft. 8 in. pipe at 12c per ft-. $216 48 998 ft. 4 in. pipe at 6c per ft - 59 88 66 Y's at 45c eaoh 29 70 ■ tiÜD ÜO Manholes, etc. 3 manholes at IB5.00 eacta 7o 00 1 Hushtank at Í60.00. 60 00 2 manholes at Ï26.00 each 52 00 3 lampholes at $8.00 each 2100 21ampholes atïï.OO each 14 00 - D vü Total estímate ïl.fM 12 Less 10 per cent. per contract 169 41 Amount due contractor U1.B24 71 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Koch moved that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Board and order a warrant drawn in Davment of the same. Ádopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. ekgineer's estímate fob sheds at beae of enq1ne house. The dimensions are 24x66 f t., píate 12 ft. high, roof sloping to west, east front 26 ft. high, loft over entire building for storing hay, straw, etc. Walls to be 8 in. brick on stone footing. Designed to have two wagon sheds, roller shed, box-stall and buggy shed, coal bins, etc. Hoof of corrugated iron. Estimated cost: Masonry W60 00 Carpentry 235 00 Ironwork 105 00 Total estímate Ï1.000 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Referred to the Fire Department Committee. The following bids for coal were piesen ted to the Council: Hard. Canuel. Steam Henry Richards 15 99 Ï5and$6 Ï3 99 MichaelStaebler 5 85 4 75 a 20 Louis Eohde 6 00 5 00 4 50 Aid. Dell moved that the Council accept the bid of Michael Staebler tor furnishing eoal for the ensuing year. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koen, Dell, Vandawarker, Rliodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10 Naya- None. The Clerk presented the invitation trom the Civic-Philanihropic Conference to the Council to attend their meetiug at Battle Creek,October 12-17, 1897. Aid. Hamilton moved that Fres. Luick take the necessary steps to accept such invitation. Adopted. A petition signed by Artbur G. Hall and 27others, asking tor improvenients on E. Llniversity ave., was read and referred to the Street Oommittee. A petition signed by Win. Aruold and 14 others, asking for a brick crosswalk on the north side of Liberty across First, was read and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. KKrORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Finance woulc respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their approva and that warrants be ordered drawn in payment of the same: Respectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Michael Grossman, Committee on Finance CONTINGENT FOND. Glen V. Mills, salary $ 63 S4 Patrick O'Hearn " 83 3' Thomas 0. Kearney, salary 50 (X Edward L. Seyler, " 8 Geo. L. Moore, board of review 3 0 F. M. Hamilton, " " 8 0 John Koeh, " " 3 0 Miehael Grossman " " 3 00 J. A. Dell, " ' 3 00 Geo. W.Sweet, ' " 3 00 Arthur Brown, " " 3 00 F. Vandawarker, " ' 3 00 G. C. KhodjH, " " 3 00 Geo. Spathelf, Jr, " " 3 0 Harrison Soule, " " :i W) H. 1'. Dunforth " ' 3 00 C. H. Cady, - " a 00 M. E. Easterle, janitor 17 00 Mrs. C. A. Greene, rent 29 1 Geo. F. Key, salary 100 00 The ('onk Houso, meals 3 0 Bailry& 10 hiiuiiüs, repairs 2 1 Ann Ai'Hor Arirus, prlntlnir 19 1 GlenV. Mili-, p.istiine : 1 7 J. Rico Mhier, expert services 26 0 Engineering News, subscriptlon 5 00 (Coutinued on p:iíe seven.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. (Oontlnucd from pase two.) Mm Arbor Electric Co., llghtlng 580 88 W.W. Wetmore, eupplles ' 15 John Oonde, droyage r Kalamazoo Publishlmr Co., dater 8 1 Postal Tel.-Cable Co , telegrama 2 iJ Pittsburg Reduction Co., aluminum.. 9o 00 E. L. öoyler, rostage ' 00 Farmers & Mechaiiics HiuiU, acets. nsslgned - 63 Sid W. Millard, printiüg 7 SU U. S. Express Co., expresa. 8B American Kxpress, express 40 Farmers & Mechauics líank, aceta. aasigned 3!) Total 1.1T2 60 SEWEB FUND- OENBRAT,. Hochrelm & Krauss, labor $ 7 67 Farmers & Mechantes Bank, accounts asslgned 15 0 DISTRICT NO. 6. E. V. Groves, salary t !S 00 DISTKICT NO. 7. Frank Sutlicrland, inspector t 41 25 Total 13 ' BnlUQE, CULVEBT AND CRO8SWALK FUND. Farmers & Mechantes Bank, aceta. nsElgned 'b,"; f James Tolbert, lumber VA ÜJ ElmerL. Brown, plank 19 , CbristBonniu, labor j Total 911 24 STREET FUND. Farmers & Mechanica Bank, acets. asslgned 82,1,6 83 Christ Weinmann, labor 2 2o W. F. Lodholz, acet. assigned - 5 70 Daniel lliscock, coal 20 01) ];miel lliscock, gravel 8 60 Jame Donnegan, repairs ' ra C. W. Gill, lumber. 5 57 llunter & Chapin, repairs 6 92 A. G. Schmidt, repairs 2 70 Louis Kohde. aupplits 2'J t, Stark & Gartte, signs 1 00 Wm.J.Wenger, repairs 4 M Esslinger Bros., repairs 4 UO lliird-llolmes Co., supplies g il) Ann Arbor Agrioultural Co., grates-. i r C. K. Godfrey, drayage 60 Fred Davis, labor 7 50 Frank Sutherland, labor 1 68 George H. Fisher, labor 18 90 Michitel Gauss, gravel Glen. V. Mills, acet. assigned 4 10 Daniel J. Ross, salary 66 66 Ed. Bycraft, gravel -- 6 50 Geo. W. Seybold, repairs and supplies, 55 40 Total 2,491 43 PÓLICE FUND. Zonas Sweet, salary í 75 00 ReubenArmbruster, salary 50 00 George Isbell, salary 60 00 John ü'Mara, salary 50 00 David OolliQB, salary 5000 Wm. Eldert, special 00 Henry Meuth, special.. 00 Clinton. I. Snyder, special 00 Clarence Sweet, special 00 Patriek Irwin, special 00 Thomas Blaokburn, special 4 00 Paul Sehall, special 400 Total 'áOiKl ÏIBE DEPARTMENT FUND. FredSipley, salary fin 0 C. A. Edward-ss.uary --- i W. II. McLaren, salary - 5u 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 60 00 Albert West, salary 50 0J Eutfene Williams, salary J 00 Herman Kirn, two montbs' salary 100 00 Samuel McLaren, salary M 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 40 00 Charles Carroll, salary 20 Ü0 W. L. Schnierle, salary 8 00 George Hoelzle, salary o Wm.Kettich, salary A. W. Sorg, salary o OU Louis Hoolzle, salary o 40 Ed. Hill. salary f tí) Mrs, Heam, washing 00 Wm. Herz, paint... 14 Schumacher & Miller, medicine 1 00 Goodale&Co.. brun J Geo. H. Brown, polish 1 0 Kearns & Cornell, horse shoeing la iü James Donegan, " " B 00 F. W. Shepherd, subseription 3 00 D. J. Malloy, supplies ll_0L Total 635 5 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Fred Sipley, raüroad fiire and hotel bilis 1 00 Jobn Burns, groceries 1 BO F. Bigalke, grooeries o 00 Davis & Seabolt, groceries í- 8 ■■o C. G. Dariing, services Ed. Duffy, groceries 3 00 Doty& Feiner, 6loes 1 00 John Goetz, Jr., groceries oso John Goetz & Son, groceries G. lloeffer, groceries t;J E. Jaeger, meat w Ambrose Kearney, groceried o ' Charles Lutz, meat i 00 W. F. Lodholz, groceries I 1 Mann Bros., medicine 4 Wm. H. Molntyro, roceries 9 j)5 J. H. Maynard, grooeries 2 00 Mrs. K. M. Nebel, reut 2 (O O'Hara&Boyle, arroce.ries 2 00 O. SI. Martin, coflin 10 00 Kinst-y & Seabolt, grocertos 1 51 ('. Rlugey, groceries 5 80 Geo. Spathelf, meat 100 W. V. Stimson, groceries 5 90 L. C. Weinman, meat 1 M Total 131 96 ( KUETBHT FUND. Nelson Garilugtaouse, labor $ 25 50 Seorge w. Weeka, labor S 50 Total 84 00 RHCAFITIJLATION, kVQVBt, 1897. Contingent Fund 11,172 60 Bewor Fund. genera! ' t7 No. "3 011 " No.7 41 35 liridge, Culvcrtiiuri Crosswalk Fund. !)ll 21 ftreet Finid 2,491 ';i Pólice Pnnd.. 303 6U Flremen's Pund li:ir 4.r l'cor Fund 134 98 (Vmetery Fund 8100 Total I5.82J30 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhode8, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. ORDINANCE. Chaiiman Cady intioduced an ordinanoe entitled "AnOrdinance relative to the Public Health" vvhich was given its lirst readinu by title. Aid. Danforth unoved that the ordinance be given its second reading. Adopted. Whereupon theordinance was given its second reading by sections. STKEETS. ïo the Common Council: Your Committee on btreets would recommend that the necessary catchbasins be constructed at the corner of Monroe and E. University ave. and at the corner of Washtenaw and S. University aves. so as to turu the storm water gathering at these points into the sewer the same to be used until storm sewers are constructed to take care of such water or the capacity of the sewers require some other disposal. Kespectfully submitted, C. II. Gady, J. A. Dell, Michael Grossman, G. C. Rhodes, Comtcittee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Streets would recommend that $400 be appropriated to scrape off the mud, grade, gravel and roll N. Main streetfrom Catherine street north to tbe A. A. E. R. crossing or to the exlent of the appropriation. And further your committee would reeommend that the Board of Public Worka be ordered to gravel that portion of División street where necessary between Huron and Jefferson and thoroughly roll the same also grade and complete yvith gravel the intersections of Washington, Liberty and Williams streets. ESTÍMATE FOR TURNPIKING MAIN ST., CATIIERINE TO SÜMM1T. Spiking roadway $ 23 50 Shaping " Í8800 Rolling " ■- 45 5ü Total ostimute $500 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer Eespectfully submitted, C. II. Cady, i a rtoii Miebael Grossman, G. C. Rhodes, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vïindawarker, Bhodes, Spathelf , Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. To the Coramon Council: Your Committee on Streets would recommend that the City Engiueer furnish an estimate for grading Ann st. between Ingalls and Thirteenth, also a grade for the gutter on the north side of Packard across Wells. And further that $50 be appropriat ed to grade, gravel and roll Hill st. be tween Packard and Allen'sCreek, als $50 to grade and repair Eighth st. And further that the Board of Public Works be directed to scrape, gravel, where necessary, and roll Packard st. between State and the Junction and lso place a two foot tile in the water ourse across Ilill near Church. Respectfully submilted, C. H, Cady, J. A. Dell, M. Grossraan, O. C. Rhodes, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, pathelf, Daníorth, Cady, Tres. Luick -10. Nays - None. ?o the Common Council: Your Committee on Streets would ecommend that no more stone, gravel, and, street scrapings or dirt of any kind be drawn at the expense of the City of Aun Albor on E. Iluron beween Thirteenth any Fourteenth sts: and íurther your Committee would ecommend that the Board of Public Works direct the sewer contractor or any otherfirm orperson having surplus tone, gravel or dirt, over which they have control, to draw the same to tLe tone yard, holes in the street or some place that will be of beneüt to the eople of the City of Ann Arbor. Eespectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, C. II. Cady, J. A. Dell, Michael Grossman, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ilamilton, Grossman, ioch, Dell, Vandawarker, Bpathelf, Janforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 9. Ñays- Aid. Rhodes. STREET AND SIDEWALK. To the Common Council: Your Committees on Streets and Sidewalks would recommend that the sidewalk be graded on both sidos of Seventh st. between Liberty and Jefferson. bnqineer's estímate for qbading on seventh stheet. 1,600 cu. yds., at 15c per yd $240 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Respectfully submitted, M. Grossman, J. A. Dell, G. C. Bhodes, C. II. Cady, Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, F. M. Hamilton, John Koch, Frank Vandawarker, George Spathelf, Jr., II. P. Danforth, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, ïthodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Tres. Luick -10. Nays- None, SIDEWALKS. To the Common Council. Your Uommitteo oq Sidewalks would recommend that brick crosavvalks be orderei On the east side of Ashley aeróos Washington. On the west side of State across Monroe. On the north side of Monroe across State. ün the east side of Detroit across Catherine. Also ttaat plank crosswalks be ordered On the Dorth side of Washington across 3rd. On the north side of Williams across 2nd. And that crosswalks be ordered repaired On the east side of 2nd across Williams, (vvith plank). On the north side of Williams across Main (with plank). On the west side of Thayer across N. University Ave., (with tar). Respectfully submitted, F. M. Hamilton, John Koch, Frank Vandawarker. George Spathelf, Jr. H. P. Danforth, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossmau, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodea, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. ïvays - None. To the Common Council: Your Coramittee on Sidewalks would recommend that plank sidewalks bc ordered built alonjr tho followin;? btreets and in front of the followin Droperty. On the east side of N. B'irst street between Miller Ave. and Kingsley Street property of McNally, Kitson, Karber, Farnam. On the west side of N. lst, between Ann and Miller Ave. On the north side of Willlama beSecond and Ashley. And that the foüowing walks be ordered repaired. In front of No. 10 and 14 Miller Ave. with tar. And that the M. C. R. E. be directe d to place a railing on the line of the walk leadinc to the viaduct at the foot of Detroit stroet. That the sidewalk on tho east side of S. Fifth Ave froni Packard south be laid on line. Kospectfuüy submitted, F. M. Hamilton, John Kocb, Geo. Spathelf, Jr. Krank Vandawarker, Horace P. üanfortb, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as f ollows : Yeas- Aid. Ilamiliton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nayg - None. BEPOETS OP SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To tho Common Council. Your Special Committee on tho Boulevard Park would report that they have given the matter due consideration and have aeoured options on all of the necessary property on the north sido of the rivor. Your committee would recommend that the council visit the same at their earliest opportunity. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Dell, G. C. Khodes, John Koch, Special Committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawai ker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- None. REPO11TS OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer, Superintendent of the Poor uuel City Marshall were presented to he council and ordered placod on file. Totkt Hónorablt theCommon Councilof the ('hl of Aun .irlior: Ana Arbor, Miuh., Aug. 2, 1897. I horcby cortify that Edward L. Seyler, as Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich., has on deposit in the Farmers & Mechanics Bank, this 2d dayof Aug.,A. ü. 1897, the sum of seven thousand nine hundred twenty-four and sxity one-hundredths dollars ($7,924.60). H. A. Williams, Teller, F. & M. Bank. CITY TREASURER'S RBPOBT. Overdraft on hand, last report $92 84 MONEY RECEIVED. Cemetery fund Nelson Gariinghouse Bale of Iota 70 00 Flre fund Slpley ïïieó Bu'.dlng permtt ï 00 Pólice finid Bweel Marshal 1 es for July, 'UT 7 20 8120 Total ' Í 7108 64 MONEY DISBDRSED. Contingent fund 5 12T0 IE) Streel duid Ü(W 7;) l'oor fund lili 98 Bridge, Oulvert and Crosswalk fund 2TÏ5 51 Pol ice fund 280 00 Piremen's f und i0." 88 City Cemetery fund :37 !W Water fund 3067 60 State Dog Tai 100 7873 45 Total ocerdraft $ U'M'i 00 BALANCE ON HAND Contingent fund ï 4211 35 Street fund 1S8Ï1 75 Poot fund 373 35 Bridge, Culvert, and Crossv;ilk fund 3371 33 Pólice fund 3U 63 Firemen's fund 371 57 City Cemetery fund 70 10 Water fund 1332 60 Dog Tax fund 221 00 Delinquent Tax Fuud 1607 85 State Oog Tax 266 75 t D513 12 yMii.") 21 5513 IS Total $14983 03 Respectfully submitted. E. L. Seylee, Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: SEWER HEPOBT. July 1. Balance on band... 112376 61 MONEY RECEIVED. July 31. Tax Acc't Sewcr No. 1 83 T8 ■ ai ■■'- ni M " 31 " " " " li il 13 " 31 " ' " " 4 30 88 '■ 31 " " ' " 5 436 % 1113 IS Total 14018 TH MOKEY DISBÜBSED. July 31. llalli Sewcr warrants paid í K4 10 Lat. sewer, No. ö " " TW 48 827 SS Balance on hand 13191 :il BATjAKCB ON HAND. July 31, 18OT. Main scwer fund 5 9387 84 Labor acc't Dist. No. 1.... 39 90 Tax 1.... 4! 22 Labor ' 2 27 38 Tax " " "2.... 448 7U Labor " " " :;.... 212i Sí Tax " "3.... 1403 80 Labor " " " 4.... 313 öü Tax " " " 4.... 773 44 Labor " " " ',.... 868 S8 Tax " ' ' 5... "ir.'OT Oti Labor " " " ti... T:;ü ",:! nnlinmiont SfiwerTax. .. 14 51 I1T2B5 40 4104 19 4104 19 Balance on hand ïl'l'.'l 21 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, Treasurer. Ann ARBOR, MlCH.,"Sept. 1, 1897. This is to certify that E. L. Seyler, Treas., has on deposit at the Farmers and Mechanics Bank the sum of $29,293 64. F. H. BELSEB. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arljur: CITY TREASORER'S RKPORT. Balance on hand, last report (over&rajt) $14,982 Ofl MONEY EECEIVED. Bridge, Culvert and Croaswalk Etoss, I) J. old lumber, M C K K.13.T5, Bridge No :B10 83 75 Approprlatlon 5,000 00 Cont iniront l-'nnd Mills, tí V, licenses, S8, Heat of Groene Bldg, $15 . . 101 00 Appropriation 000 00 Cemetery Fund GarliiiRhouse N. soldlot.... 35 05 Appropriation 100 00 Doü Fund Mills, O V.luvnsos 1 00 FirniKLTis Fund Appropriation 7000 00 Poor Fund Appropiiation 2300 00 Pólice I'liikI Sweet, Marsbal. feos for Ahk '97 11 T0 Appropriation 3000 00 Street Fund Pavlng drlveway '. s 00 Order pald 17 10 Iron Bold tollutzel 2 20 Approprlatlon 150TO 0D Unlversity Aid B and Iut Appropriation 3420 00 Water Fund Appropriation tiOOO 00 Total on hand 21887 i MONEY D1SBUKSED. Contingent f und MM 06 I Street fuud I4üi 73 Poot rund 1-T J Bridge, ('ulvrri and Crosswalk fund 1163 Polioef und 291 U0 K'rcnit'n's fund 563 39 Olts oemetery fund 15 7S Dos tax fund 2T 00 Total 50::23 27827 66 Balance on hand 23801 IS BALABOB ON HAND. Contingent fund 3499 29 fuiid 2T 18 Poor fund 271.-) 5a Bridge, eulvort and crosswalk fund 4iS 94 Pólice fund 8409 Flremen's fund l;;(ii 18 City ci'irictciy fund 178 BS Water fuud Bi iii Dog tax fund 196 00 ünlverslty Aid bond fuud.. 3420 00 Delinquent tax fund 1(307 85 State dog tax fund 265 T5 Total L4676 4Ü 1875 03 Balance on band Aug 31. '97 128,801 13 Respcctfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, City Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Aual, '97, Bal on hand reDori 13,191 21 MOXEY RECKIVBD. Auir 31, Main Bewer Bond, fund uipro Í32,000 00 Au: 31, tax ace) lal sewer Nol 95 r.v: Tax acd lal sewer NoS 30? 37 Tax acet lat sëwer No 3 1.4',s 1:1 Tax acd latsewerNoi l"2 is Tax ai vi. lat sewer NoS 334 32 5,668 88 $18,761 09 DISBUHSKMKNTS. Aus 31. Main Sewer warrants pald 30 00 Aus-'ii. La) BewerNOft, ■■■ raats paid 1,854 bü 11, Bal on IiuihI -.... 17,067 24 BAMAHCE o.v HAND Aun 31. Main sewor futid $ !,:l B4 gever bond acct (appro) :).:.i)0 00 Labor acci lal sewer No. I... No 1. 111 II Laboi No 2: . ü7 3K Tax ' No a... 759 13 No:t... 2,128 33 Tax " ' " Ro3... 2,883 29 Labor " ' " No 4... 315 03 Tax " " '■ No 4... 928 92 Laboi Nor... Tax " " " No 5... 5,841 3H Labor " " " Noli... Delinquent sewer tax f und... 1) 51 $3,82B 28-5,759 04 5.7ñ'J Ut Aug 31, balance m liand. . .í!7,Oii7 84 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, City Treasurer. MSOLÜTIOÍS. By Aid. Kooh. Jksolved, That the special assessnent roll of Lateral Sewer Assessment )istrict No. G in said City of Ann Ar)or as certified to thia ('ouncil by the soard of Review be and thc same is íereby confirmed and the City Assesor of said City is hereby ordered to SS8S3 and spread upon such lateral ewer assessmentroll the sum of twelve housana five hundred eíghty-üve and ,wcnty-five hundrcdths dollars ($12585.5) the same being the sum of money ixed and detormined upon as the estimated cost of Lateral Sewer No. 6 streot erossings excepted) as provided y law and an ordlnance of said City ntitled, "An Ordimmcc Itelative to Sewers" providing for the construction of a system of lateral and oonnecting ewers in the Uity of Ann Arbor passed he 21st day of May 1894 and approved ,he 23rd day of May 1894 on and upon each and every of the regular annual assessment rolls of the City of Ann Arsor for the year in and during which any such special assessment shall or may be payable and to levy and assess aj;;iinst the owner or occupants of the a,nds set down therein the said sums of money on and upon and against the lands set down in and valued upon said special assessment roll. Adopted as follovvs: Yeas- Aid. Harnilton, Grossman, Koch, J)cll, Vandawarker, Rhodos, bpathelf, Danforth, Cauy, Pros. Luick Nays- None. On niotionthe Conncil arliourned. City Clerk.


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