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A TOASTER That Toasts. Does not dry or burn the bread BAKES CAKES Used under coramon round cake griddlo, wlll heat it evenly and make less smudge and smoKe. YOU WILL LIKE IT. For Gas, Gasoline, or Blue Flsme Oil Cook 50 flï.NTS. It will please you. Made by KINNE M'FG. CO., MINNEAPOLIS, - - MINN. Ask Your Dealer For It. No More GREASY LAMPS Can be Handled with Kid Glores - non-explosiVè' Patentedlnthe United States and Principal Countrles of the World. Sendfor copyof "Neverouf'Marchfree. Price, $4.00 of yonr dealer; or deliyered ■ free on receipt of price by ROSE MANUFACTURING CO. 311-13 N. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA. TAI ITIfíN I Do ot be deceived Into taking any WAUllUm I othep, asthe"NEVEROUT"lsthe enly lamp that is guaranteed to positively stay lit (or money relunded), that i streef rom grease- vet burns kerosine -and that is absolutely non-expioifvt. AB-srar REVIVC few Z46 REST0RES VITAUTY istDay.lpAwell Man 15thDay.1iOpF of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. produces tlio abovo results in"30 days. It acts powerfully and qnickly. Cures wheu all others fail. Youngmen willreKain tlieir lost mauhood, and old men will recover thcir youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly aud surely restores Nervoua ness. Lost Vitality, Inipotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failmg Memory, Wastinc Diseases, and all effects of Belf-abuso or excci-s and indiscretion, wliich unflts one lor siudy, business or marriage. It not only cures by startins at the seat of disease, but Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale checks and re storing tho fire of youth. It warde off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on liaving KEVIVO no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail 81.00 perpackage, or bíx for ftS.OO, with a poBi tlve wrltton guaranteo to euro or refund the money. Circular f ree. Address Koyal Medicine Co., (SSXSSS: For sale by Eberbaoh r tig and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. GBUMMOND'S DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ! Line of Steamers. 50c to Cleveland A Delightful rriooiiltglit Trip Across Liiko lirio, LV. DETROIT Local Time DAILY 9:00 P. M AR. CLEVELAND 6:30 A.M. Hit joles Carrlcd Frec. U. Q. GRUMMOND, GENERAL MANAGER, Phone No. 162, Office and Doen, Foot First St. DETROIT, MICH. To be right in stj'le take jour Jolt Prlntlng to tho Uegister Office, 30 E. Uuron St.


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