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LEGAL NOTICES. l'robate OrUer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I UOUNTY Oï WASHTEÍAW f""Ata sesaion of the Probate Court for tlio Oounty of Washtenaw. holdenat the l'robate OflicO in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednes day.the Istday of September i d the ycaroni thousand eighi hundred and nlnety-seven. Present,H. Win, Newklrk. Judso of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of IsaacN.S. bostei i On readlng and Bllng the petltion duly yerln e N.Fcnier praying tliatthe ilstratioD if said ostute may be grant;;lf or some Ofcher sultaole person reupon it is ordered, tljat Tuesday ■i day of September next, at lOo'clock torenoon, be assigned for the hi i bition, and thatthe helrsatlaw of sald decoased, and all otber persons Intera sald estáte, are requlred to appear at a seíslon of iaid Oourt, tii'ii to be bolden a1 the Probate Oflieo, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if :uiy therebe, why the prayerof the petttioner shoulcl notbe graateC And it Is further ordered, tliat titloner gire notlce to the persons inod In sala estáte, of the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing thereo, by causlng a copy of tliis Order to be published in The Ann arbor Register, a newspaper ed and clrcalated In said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. II. WIKT NKWKIBE, P.J.LEHMAN, Judge of Probate. Probate KoL'ister. (A twe OOPT.) is;) Probate Order. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, I O 0OUNTY Ok' WASUTKNAW. f SS' At a session of the Probate Oourt fortlio Count.v of Washtenaw, bolden ;it the Probate oliice in the City of Ann Arbor.onTuesday, the 24th day of Aumist in the year one thousund elght luim] red anti ninety-seven Present, H. Wlrt Newklrk, Judireof Protate, [nthe Matter of the Estáte of John M. agner, deceased. On reading and lïling tlio petition. duly verlfled, of George Wagner praytag that the adrmnlstration of said estáte muy be granted to himself or to some other anitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, he 17th day of -September next, at ten o'ciock li" torenoon, be asslgned forthe hearin" of ■ lition, ;md that the heirs at law of ed, ;md all other persons inter"■ requfred to appear it ase slon of sald Court, tben to be hotdou H 'i!i Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show causo, f any there be, why he prayei of the petltloner should not be Tanted. AnI it is fnrther ordered. that aid petitloncr elve notlce to the persons nterested In said estáte, of the pendency ! said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causlng iicopyof tlds order to be published n The Ann Au bok Reoistkb, a newspaper )rinted and circulated in said eounty, three uccessi e weeks previous to said day of hearing. 11. Vii;t Xewkirk, a TiiuE copt.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Eegister. (86) Notlce To red Hors. ATE OF MICHIGAN, I „ O COUNTT OF WASHTENAW. ) S" N'otice is liereby given, that by an order of he Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 2Oth day of August, A. I). lx months from that date wereallowed for creditors t o present their claim again-t the estáte of Olarlssa Best late of said oounty, deceased, and that all creditors of erequired to present their claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Otïii'e, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examinatlonand allowance, on or before the 21st day "f l'Vbrnary next, and tliat stich claims heard before said Court, on the 20th Jay of November and oi the :lst day of Pebruary 181)8 ten o'ciock in the 'forenoon of'eac.h of siiI day. Dated, Aun Arbor, August CO. A, D. 1897. H. WIKT NEWEIEK, 8fl Judge of l'robate. NöUce To Credltors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN I O COÜNTT OF W ASHTBH AW f ss■ion and allowapce, onor beforè u.e llth day of November and on the Uth day of Fel Vn ïïïïstsiiïgïa was86 Judge of Probate. Probato Order. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 O CODHTT O Wasiitk.s.wv. ssai aseaalon at tl. Probate Oonrt ft tbe üountyot Washtonaw, holden at tliul'robute olhce in the City of Arm Arbor. on Tuesdav the Jtli day of September, In the year onè thousand elght bandled and ninety-seven Present. 11. Win Xewkirkjiul-e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Barbara liarla Allmendlnger, deceased Od i reading and filtag the petitlon, duly verified, of Georce Seabo't praylng that the lümlnlstratlon oí said estáte muy be sranted to Ilenry Allmendinserorsome other suitable person. Thereuponit is ordcred, that Monday, the 4 1. day of October next, at ten o'clock in he forenoon, he asaigned for tlu hear ns of said petitlon, and that the hetrsat aw of said deceased, and all other persous Interested In satd estáte, are reauirod coappearal aseeslonof said (Jourt, then to bej holden at tlio Probate office in the City of Ann Arlior, aml show cause, if any there be, why theprayer of tlie petitioner should npt be graitted. An-i it is further ordered tbal aald petitioner give notlce to the persons Interestedln gald estáte, of the pendency otsaid petitlon, and the hearing thereof, bycausinq a copyot tlus order to be published in the Ans Ahikip. Beoibtmr, a newspapor printod and circulated in said county threesuccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [ATRÜECOPY.] H. WIRtNeWKIRK, I'. J. Lehmax of Probate Probate Register. (88) SCUEDIILE OF TEICHEBS' EXAMINATIONS. The reeular examlnations for all'grades wlllbeheldal Arm Arbor the third Thursday and l'rkl.iy of August, '.ir, and the last Thursday and Kriday of March, Mi. E.amlnations for second and third grades at Ypsilanti, the third Thursday and Friday of October, IH'.ir. ;ind at A r,n Arbor the third l'hui-day ihil Friday of June, 18Í18. Special examinatlons for third grade only at Salín the third Friday of September, 1897. tf W. N. LISTER, CommissionerThe Daisy Garment Cleaner. Bomovea Groase from any garment. Also removes fruit and all other stains from most delicate fabric. Absolütely Uninjurious, Every family needs this Wonderfully Successfal Soap. Almost Evcry Family win Buy It. Big Money for Agents. Jast the thing forsome enterprlalng young man to make mouey at. Write for terms to T. S. RAYMOND CHEMICAL CO., PAW PAW, ILLS. Seuil 10c for sample.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register