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OOÜNCIL CHAMBBR, Aim ArbOP, Sept. 20th, 1897. } Kogularsession. Called to order by Pres. Luick. Kol] callea. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Aloore, Sweet, Coon, Cady. 3OMMXINTCATI0NS I'ÜDM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable the Corainon Couucü of the City of Aun Arbor: Gentlemen: I beg to cali your attention to Section 8 of An Ordinanco Relativo to tíidewiilks as amended Feb. 17, lSüt; approved Feb. 18, '90 reading as follows: Scetion 8. Whenever the commoa council i-hall order any gidewalk to bc constructed, repaired or renewed, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to causo any tilling or i:-avation that raay be necessary in ordor to briuy tha saïd sidevvalk to the prescribod grade to be made at tbc expense of "tli 3 city : ProviJed, That the said Boarii inay, iu their dlscrotion, build a trestle iustead of au tni'ankment for ralsing a Bldewalk to the required elevatlon; and Provided, That tue foregoing provisión shall not be construed to charge the city with tUe ox pense of renjovmg old sidewalks, or of Qlling excavations resulting frotn RUOh roiüuval. And it shall fartüer öe the duty of the said Board of Public Works to cause all sidewalks ín process of coustructiou, repair or ronewal, in said City, to be inspected from time to time by competent persons, to the end lljat tho requiremonts.of this ordinance may be tully complied with or that complaint may be made promptly foranv violalion thereof. It shall be the duty of the ttreet comrnissionei1 to inspcct tlio sidewalki of tlijs CUy frum time to time aud report pi-ouipUy to the Common Couneil all sidewdiits requíring to be repaired or ren e wed in said City; and tba sairt street comraissioner shal! attend all special ipeoticgs of said Couneil or of any committee thereof to which ho may be surnuioned and shall ba ready to [urcilsh the Common Counoil witk complete information with regard to the conditiou af the sidewalka reported by him and with regard to the probable coat of repalrinflT or renevving the same. The lioat'd of Public Works are hereby authorizad and required to cause sucli temporary repairs to be made in sideualks, at the expense ot the city, as may be iramedlately nece3sary for the safety of pedestrians, and áll bilis for tliat pui-pose wheo duly certiiied to by the Btroet commigsioner, or president of the Board of Public Works shall beallowed by the Comraon Councu and paid out of tho street fund. H shall b; tlje furtber duty of the Board of Publifl Worlts, srheoever the Common Council shall permit by röaolution the construetion, sepair or reuewai of auy sidewalk ia tbis city of any other materia! üian stone flagglng, artificial stoue or cement, to prepare 6uitable speciiicatons togovern sald conslructlon, rapair or renewal, and such speciiications shall be of the same forcé and efïcct as though iücorporated at length ia this ordinance. The effect of the adoptlon of this section was to uiake the city bear all tho expeuse of grading and frotn June 18:)6 to date, the Street Commissioner informs me it has cost the stroet fuud $2158. This is a heavy burden and Hable to continue year after year, and I wculd recommend the repeal of this part of tho ordinauee. Chas. E. Hiscock, JtJayor. Referí ed lo the Ordinanco Committec. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 20, 1897. To the Hon. Common Council of the Cily of Ann Arbor. Gentleman:- I be? to cali your aU tention to ihe fact that the street fund, after current year's appropriatioa bas been added, is overdrawn and I respeotfully urge you not to order any new street work at present or appropriate any further sum of money for this purpose. Chas. E. Hiscock, Mayor. Received and placed on file. KRU.M THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works respectfully referra to your honorable body the estimates of the City Enginecr for various improvements, also the report of the Engineer relative to disposinsr of the storm water, and the il f tb. estímate for completed work in sewer district Ne. 6. Cien V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of 1'ublic Works. I submit the following estimatos for your cousideration: IMl'.tOVE.MKNÏ OF MAUY ST. Rldewalk gradlng WK) cu yd O 2."c i ytl S2:r 00 Street ■ 1000 " ' 2,ic " 250 00 Total Ï475 00 l.l:'l!UVÍME.vr OFANNST. Bidowalk crading 400 cu jrd '" 85c ;i vd SiOO 00 Street " 690 ■' ■■ 'J.k; :- lu 00 Pavlng5000 m ft '":.-■ iht ft lio oo Total ' 310 40 I.Ml'ÜOVEMENT OF WII.I.IAM ST. Street work üVJ cu yd (■ 20c a rd SI 30 00 sidcwalk work tBB cu yd " 25c a rd 115 00 (Jutter pavlag 3U00 .sq yd e ;it 8Hc a ft T."i 00 Total 5320 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Referred to Street Committee. Ann Arbor, Mich.. Sept Í5, 1897. Tothe Board of Public Works: Gentlemen: - In regard tothe matter of empty ing storm water into the lateral sewer system at the intersection of Washtenaw and S. University Ave. also at the interseetion of Monroe-st and E. Univer&ity Ave., would sa.y : 1. That the sewera are not designed to carry storm water. -. The maximum ilow of sewerase would oceur during the time of the most severe storm. 3. It is eontrary to the adopted Plumbing Hules to einpty storm water into the sanitary sewers. 4. Neglifrence to keep catch basins cleaned after every storm would teud tu get the aewera clogged with leaves etc, whicb mtght sivea great deal of trouble in llie future. I would therefore rocommend very strongly against the proposed idea of isinir the lateral sewers tor the disposal of stor-in wuter from the street. Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Referred to Sewer Committee. Ann Arbor, Mieh , Sept. 15, 1S97. To Board of Public Works, Gentlemen: - 1 herewith otter for your consideration the following plan for temporary relief from storm water ut Monroe and K. University Are: üiiild three patch basins, one at head f Monroe street, one at intersection of 1, University Ave. and S. University, ne at Willard and E. University Ave. n est imate per co=t of these is 3 catch basins at Í30 eacta, $90.00. Geo. F. Key, City engineer. Similar eatcb basins on State street, N. University Ave., and S. University Ave., are worklng satisfactorily and ïiive been for past two years. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 20, 1897. ENGINEEB'B PIFTH ESTÍMATE. izcavatton, etc. 22ft. S 12c per ft. 1 " 34 " í23e " " Ui '■ ('(, :lc I $021 94 .. .-,.,., " (,), .W(. " ' ■ iso ■ fa 52c " " ■■ i:;, '■ in 65a " " J 'ipo. etc. B39 !'i ' 05c por lt.1 11! ■' (a, Oifc '■ "i loó 54 " " 270 ■■ " 1 1 " ' ! " 01)4 " O lic " " J Manholes, i-tc. r; Manholes @ I25eachl i Flushtank tl " ]■ 109 00 1 Lamphole (3 i") " J Total Estímate ft 8 4H Less 10 per cent per contract 89 04 Am't. due contract $J0ü 84 Geo. P. Key, City Eng. Aid. Koch moved that rule 21 be suspended füi1 this session. Adopted as follows ; Yoas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koeh, Dell, Brown, Vandawai ker, Rbodes, öpathel, Soule, Danfortli, Pres.Luiclc- 11. Nays - None. Aid. Koch moved that the recommendation of the Board be conourred in and a warrant ordered drawn Ín payment of the same Adopted as follows: Ycas- Aid. Harailton, Grossman, Kooh, Dolí, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes. SpatheH, Soule, Danfortli, Pres. Luick- 11. Na y 8- None. To the Common Council. The Board of Public Works respectfully refers to your Honorable body the bid of E. W. Hatch at $82 forconstructing- the tooi house in the Fifth Ward Cemetery, and recommend that an extra appropriation of $50 be made for construoting tho same which ainouut will include painting and shutters, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Rhodes moved that the Council concijr in the recommendation of the Board. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. IJamilton, Grossman. Koel), Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhydes, Spathelf, Soule, Danfortb, Pres. Luick- }J. Xays - None. To the Common Council. The Board of Public Works vvould recommend that $45 be appropriated for a bi'ick crosswalk across Wilmot street on the northcast side of Washtonavr Ave, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid Brown moved tbat the Council concur in the recommendation of the Boaru. Aid. D.ll moved as a substitute that the subject be referred to the S,idewalk Committee. Adopted as follows. Y'eas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossraan, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker, Spatbeif, Soule, Soule, Danforth, Pres. Luick- 9. Nays-Ald. Brown, Rhodes- u. FJ3TITI0NS ANB COMMUNICATIONS. A petiüon signed by Mrs. L. I. Hallock and three othars asking for the paving of the north alde of HUÍ street bet ween State and Packard, was read and reterred to the Street Cornmittee. A petition of l' C. 'Graupner asking for tho petupn of sewer tax wrongfully assessed, was read anrj referred to the Finance Coromittee, KEPOBÏ OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee 011 'Finance to ' whoin was referred tho petition of Frederick líetticli asking for the return of taxes alliíged to have been illegally asscssed would report that they have given the matter careful consideratiou and are of the opinión that the assessraent roll is correct. Arthur Brown, Ilarrison Soule, Committee on Finalice. Aid. Moore and Sweet entered. ORUINANCE. Aid. Brown from the Ordinance Committee presented an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to ameqd an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance relative to tt.e Public Health,' " wliicli was given its third reading by sections and placed npon its passage. Whereupon the question was: Sliall this ordinance passV Adopted as follows: ïeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Urovvn, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, LJrts. Luick-13. Nays- None. SEWEUS. To the Common Councii: Yonr Committee on Sewers would recommend that upon the execution of a deed to the City of Ann Albor for a right of way across the property of Clay A. Gieene and Mra. E. M. Greens íor the laying of and repairing of a Bub-luteral sewer across said property, and the payment of the sewer taxus in full on the same that a warrant for $100 be ordered drawn to said owners as payment in full for such right of way. And f urther your Committee would recommend that in further coDsideration of tlie said owners granting the right of way that the city build four house connections to the same as follows: The Arlington Hotel and store buildings Nos. 204, 306 and 208 N. Fourth ave. when the plambtng in said buildings conforms to the plumbing rules. John Koch, Frank Vandftwarker, George Spathelf, Jr., Ilarrison Soule, llorace P. Danforth, - (ieorge L. Moore, (ico. VV. Sweet, Committee on Sewers. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Urowu, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Pies. Luick - 13. i Nays- None. STtlEEÏS. To the Common Couucil: Your Comtnittee on streets would recommend that a pavert gutter be ordered on the east side of División from the Dorth side of Catherine to approach in front of St. Andrevv's rectory, also on both sides oL 13th between Catherine and Fuller. Also that the gutter on the south siiU: of Belser st. be ploughed out and sti'aigbtened by the Street ComnüsBioner. Your Uommittee would further recommend that $75 be appropriated to gravel Wilinot Street and tiiat tlie Street Commissioner turnpike Kast Uuiversity ave. between ilill and l'ackard and that a box be put in place of the open gutter on the east side of State across Ilill, and iurther jour Coinmittee would 'recommend that Chapín street be put to grade and graveled. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, Michael Grossman, J. A. Dell, Arthur Biowd, G. U. lthodes, Harriaon Soule, Committee on Streets. Adopted as folio ws: Yêas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grosstnan, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandasvarker, lihodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. I'res. Luick - 13. Jiny8i- None. SIUEWAI.KS. ïo the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks would recommend that brick crosswalks be ordered Acioss S. First on the north side of Liberty (built diagonally), Acioss lliscock on the west side of Spring, And that plank crosswalks be ordered on the south side of Iluron across First, And further that plank sidewalks be ordered on the east side of Forest ave. in front of the property of C. S. Barbour, John Wagner, James ü'Kane, A. S. Berry, Agt , and Mrs. O. B. Hall. F. M. Ilamilton, George Spathelf, Jr., II. F. Danforth, Frank Vandawarker, John Ivoch, Committeo on Sidewalks. Aid. Dell moved to amend the report by making the crosswalk on the south side of Iluron street of brick. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Del), Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spathelf- 9. ITays- Ilamilton, Soule, Danforth, Fres. Luick- 4. ■Vhereupon the report as amended v.'as Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Muore, Ilamilton, Grossmar., Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Van'dawarker, llhodes, Spathelf, Suule, Danforth, Fres. Luick- 13. Mays- ííonc. FtBS DEpARTMENT, To the Common Councll: Your Committee on Fire Department woukl recommend that the telephone be taken f rom the residence of the Marsbal and replaced at the residence of Mr. Mclntyre lor better fire prqteptiop. And fu'rther your Oorr.mittee would recomrnend that $1,000 be appropriated for a building back oL tlie Kngine House, Respectfully subinitted, M. Grossmann, Frank Vandawarker, G. C. llhodes, Committee on Fire Department. Dell moved that that portion relative to the removal of the telephone be laid over until the New State telephone plant is put in. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Ilamilton, Koch Peil, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker Spatbejf, goule, Danforth, Ties. Luick Nays- Aid. Grossman, Khodes- 2. Whereupon the report as amendec was: Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilatnilton. Gross man, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, llhodes, Spatlielf, Soule Danforth, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None, HESOMJTIONS, By Aid. Kooh: Resolved, That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Ann Arbor ari hereby authorized to issue latera sewer bonds for lateral sewer dislric No. ( to the amount of $12,585.25 the same being the sum of money lixec vnd determined upon as the estiniatec cost of lateral sewer No. 6. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Ilamilton, Gross man, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Van dawarker, llhodes, Spathelf, Sonic Danforth, Pies. Luick- 13. Nays- None. The Clerk stated to the Council that the Special Assessment roll for Lateral Sewer District No. 7 had been liled in bis oUice. By Aid. Koch: liesolved, that Monday, October 4tli, 18lJ7, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the Council Chamber be üxed as the time and place for the sitting of this Council as a Board of Reviww for the consideration of the special assessment roll of sewer district No. 7 and that the notice of this time and place of such sitting be given by publication in the Washtenaw Kvening Times and tbo official newspapers of said City at least ten days bef ore said date and that on the date, time and place above mentioned the said Board of Review shall proceed without adjournment to review said special assessiuent rdl. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhades, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. ByAld. Danforth: liesolved, that it is hereby ordered that no sidewalks be constructed on any other than the established grades, and of no other materials than those specified in the brdinance governing the construction of sidewalks in the City of Ann Arbor. Aid. Ilamilton moved that the resolution be referred to the Street and Sidewalk Committees. Adopted as follows: Yea?- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Suei.t, BiowD, Vandawaiker, ühodes, Spatheli', Soule, Pres. Luick- 11. Nays - A ld. Moore,l)anfortli - 2. The subject of the grade on S. Seventh st. was referred to the Street and Sidewalk Comniittees. Aid. Hrown moveil that the bill of John W. Bennett for $100 be allowed. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Deil, Sweet, Browu, Vandawarker, llhodcs, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. On motion the Uouncil uljonrned.


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