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Oh, Hovv They Hurt. Neurálgic pains are often so acuto, that thepoorsufl'erer bccomcs, almost, frenzied with the intensity of the pala, Salvation Oil wil! instantly íelicve and eü'ectually cure neuralgia, so thcve is no reason w'.y a mtíment'a pain sliould be entlured. Mr. Jacob Klein, 1030 Main St., Evaasville, Ind., writes: "My wife suíTercd íroai neuralgia for eeven yèars and since the used ; tion Oil, she Laa not had a spell. I i tbink it is the bost liuiment I have ever tried, and I would not be without a bottle of it in the house. I had the rheuraatism for five years and liad tried i a great raany liiiiments, anu must say that Salvation Oil did me more good than any other remedy." Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. A. C. CLARKE, Funeral Director and Dealer in all Kinds of Furniture. ■AJLINE - - IWICÍI. JOHN COSTELLO, DEALER IN Dry Rood. Boots and s:oe,;ro-erle lrovlslous, EU'. Furulture and UttdertaklOKi OBXTEU, - - IÏ1ICI1 j FÏHUANKNTLÏ I.OC.1TEO. J)li. D. W. JNOLAN, VETERIN RV SURGEON, Office at liobis n's Livcry Btm. 211 S. 4tii Are, AnuArtor, MACK & MACK, FUNERAL TUREVTORS. 2ii Congress Street. DEALERS IN FURNÍTURE. YfSILANTl, - MIC IL WALLACE & CLARKE, FUNERAL JURE C 'TORS, 2Ó8 Congress St., YPÜILANTI, - MICO. FRANK STAFFAN & SON i CIIELSEA. - - MiClI. i FUNERAL MIÏIEOTOHS AND EJIHÜ.HliKM. Pare Up River Ice. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTÁTE BY : : : ! L. !. CARR, Real Estato uad Loan Aenoy, over Aon Arbor Savings Bunk. WILLIAH H. MURRAY, ...LAWYBR... All Leal Business and Collectlous Proruptly Attended t. OFFICE IN COl'IiT BOCSB. E. SEARS WOOD TURNIXG.... o all kinds also JOB WO UK.... of eoery clescription. HatcN EïcaMOuablc Shop, Corner N. 5ih Ave. and Kingsley-st Residence, !i.)S. M;iiü-st. C. L. Mediré, LAWYER, Front Office Over The Farmers and Mechanica Bank, Anti Ajbor, Micbijran, Notary Public In Olïïce. , i I Addrcss Hox 1711, ICeister OaHco. BI SEHEDi;LL O TEACREBS' KXA5IINATIOEIS. The regular ezamlnatlona for all'prados will be held at Ann Arbor thp third ïhuisd:iy and Frlday of August, 1897, and the iast Thursday and Frlday of Marcli, 1898. Examlnatlons for Becond and t liïnl s;í;l.1.s :it Ypsllantt, tb third Chursday and Frlday of October, 1S97, nndat A i,n Arbor tbe third Thursduy and Friday of June, 1898. Special examlnatlons for third grade only at Salín the third Friday of September, Hwr. tf W. N. LISTEE, Commissioner.-L&? REVIVO Ifk RESTORES VITAUTY i8tDay.fff'jtiWell Man ISthDay.prW of Me. THE GREAT 3flth bay. TniïiNrois: n.n3VEEi3ir produceB tlie-above results in'3O days. It acts powerfiüly and quickly. Cures wiien all others tail. ïoungmcnwill regain their lost nianhood.and old men will recover their youtbiiU vigor by using REVIVO. It qiilckly and surelv restores Nervous ness, Lost Viiality, Imi;otency. Nightly LmiBSion3, Lost Power, Faihns Memory, Wastins Discasee.and all effects of self-abutfc or cxcesB and indiscretion, wbicb untits one tor stndy, busineiss or marriage. It not only euros by Btarti: g at the scat oï disease, but iöagrtat nerve tonic :.nd blood bnüder, bringlng back the pink glow to pale chectsandre storing the flro of youtlr. It wards off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on baring REVIVO, no other. It can bo carrií a ia vest pocket. By mail 81,00 per packace, or fíx for 5.OO, with a posi tive written guaraatee to etire or refucd the meney. Circular f ree. Address Royal Medicine Co., 2S?iícAaoo,rHÍV For sale by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co.. Ana Arbor, Mich. TïrANTED-Trurtworthy and active -,„- WeestaUlshed house lnMlchigai . Munihiv 65.00and expenses, l'osition steady j; Vce. Knclose ■ If-add es d Li m ,,i Th" '■ i.úonr.,,M,,:l:;y,i;.


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Ann Arbor Register