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Is This Due To A Short Crop?

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The füllowing item is from The Commercial Union of Chicago, under date of Sept. 23 rd. "The new protectivo tariff law will cause the loss to the United States treasury of uil duties on at least two inda oí soap that havo boen imported in largo quant.) ties, as the manufacturera have deoideel to start a factory in this country. VV. H. Lever, president of ' Lever Brothers, whose hirge soap works at PortSunlight, opposite Liverpool, employ 2,500 hands, will sail for this country October 13th, with the intention to build soip works here. The capital of this company Is 810,000,000." Our democratie friends are contiuually harping that the rise in the price of wheat is wholly duo to a short erop. VVhat will they say is the cause of the removal to this country of a factory which here-to-fore has sold one-ha!f of its output in the the United States all tile labor and material accruing to the benefit of a foreign country and of which at least one-half will if, -emoved to this country, benefit direetly American farmers and American laborërs. Since one-half of this immense concern, with a capital of $10,000,000, wil! be located in America, it will probably give employment to betvveen 1,000 and 1,500 men and will consume a large quantity of American products. This country can well afFord to loóse the small amount of tarilï which has hereto-fore been paid upon the products of this factory, slnce it will now pay at least $2,000 per day for labor and probably as much more for materials produced by American hlbor. We wonder how they wiil work the "short erop1' idea on such a result of the new tariff bilí. Come, speak up, gentlemen. No better evidence of the actual return of businesa activity could be fouod than the official reports of bank clearances for the week ending September 18. They show the clearanoe3 to be fifty per cent, greater than at tliis time one year ago. and seventy-flve per cent. in excess of thoso of the corre sponding week two yearsago. They are greater than at any time siuce January 1893. The "American Agricuiturist" says: "The western farmer' financial condition is wonderfully improved. During- the past three years he praeticcd such economy that with a slight improvement of wheat prices last fall and fair values of catte. shoe.p and hoge, the thrifty farmer graduaüy reduced his debts. With good prices this fall he ia indeed paying off the mortgagcThe fall in the interest rate is as remarkable as the other features of the rising tide." The visits of Senators Mantle and Pettigrew to the Mikado of Japan to inquire wby silver has been demonetized seems to have been a great loes of time and labor. Had they taken the trouble to examine the report of the Director of the Mint, which covers the value of Japan's silver coins during the past few years, they wouid have found it entirely unneeessary to take their trip across the Paciöc. The report of the Director of the Mint shows that the Japanese silver yen, whioh was worth 83 l-lo cents in 1891, was only worth 47 8-10 cents In 1897. The folloiving table shows the steady decline in silver whieh liae taken place ín that country: Valuo of Value of Year Silver Yen. Gold Yen. 1888 75.3 99.7 183!) 7X4 9'.l.7 1890 ■ 75.2 !i:i.7 1891 83 2 99.7 1892 74.5 m.t 1893 6B.1 19.7 J894 55.6 99.7 1895 49.1 99.7 1896 52 9 99.7 1897 (July) 47.8 99.7 In his annual address to the studente of Cornell University lagt Wednesday Pres. J. G. Schurniiin made thu following remarks with regard to thu tendency to make a college professor's po3ition depend upon his holding view3 that are in harmony with those of his eonstituenta and superiors. He evi. denily referred particularly to the trouble between Pres. Andrews, of Browa, and the Corporation of that University, "Corneil," obsenred Mr. Schurman,' reeognizes that thej aijority may be ■wrong a,nd that thé majoritymay be right. Therefore, absolute freedom a(j the soul of the institutiou. Brice callcd our majority rule system 'fatalism of the mutitude ' We bellevc that one man vvith God'ti truth is a tnajority and every teacher is exr to do wliat Sócrates did, althougii he outraged Atheoians and suffered miirtydom for itjito communicate to otbers his own belief and convictions or else to to a eharg-e of sacrilege. "I believo the institutions should cease to exist a thousand times sooner than a single professor should be coerced. 'Teachers should bo f ree to investígate and to announcoand proolaim that which they have discovered,v he said. 'They must be froe to present both sides of a question. "The teacher is not the reprosentative of a corporation or the people, but a representative of the God of truth. "Whilo money is a necessity to any university. it is not paramount to the freedom of a teaching stafT, better that the university be wiped out of existence than that the truth be suppressed. The end of a university is a propairation of trutli, iluy pretensions of a corporation to set Iimit3 on a, teaching staif must be resisted as abaolutely unwarrantcd."


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