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ITo losure inscrtion our Oorrospondents should mail their items not later thau 'luesday u m. of each week. If snt later they ftre likoly to bu crowdodout.l LlnA. Fred Staebler and üus Sodt were in Ann Arbor Suaday. Mrs. Orrin Eaton is visiting relativos in Ypsilanti. Charloy Hanchott, of Jackson, spcnt Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. O. B. Guerin and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. McLaren spent last week in S-iginaw with Dr. Jay McLaren. Miss Jonnette Storm-) leaves here this week for Ano Arbor to continue her course in the University. Mr. and Mrá. Rathburn are holding Reviral meetings here. Esteüa Guerin and Adna Streeter will spend Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. H. G. Prettyman and also attend the fair. Miss Gusta Samp, of Ann Arbor, has been spendinga few days here with her brother. Arl Guerin and Fred Staebler have gone on a bicylce trip and will visit Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Detroit, Mt. Clemens, Orchard Lakeand Northville. Nrs. J. Staebler is in the hospital at Ann Arbor. She has had one of her eyes removed. MAMHÜM'Ull. Dr. M. F. Stein of Detroit, makes hls monthly visit here tliis week. Will Wilke of Minneapolis, Minn., is a guest of Frod Burtless. Miss Allie LaZelle went to Toledo Monday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Amspoker spent Sunday at Sand Lake. Raynor Haenssler, Miases Annette Kingsley, Ellnore Lehn, Carrie Nissle, Anna Jacquemain and Emma Teebliug wheeled over to Chelsea Saturday returning Sunday. Mrs. Helen Cleeves, who has been the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Macomber returned to Ann Arbor she will resume her studies in the medical department of U. of M. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Freeman of Chelsea, spent Sunday at A. F. Freeman's. Frank Hall of Dayton, Ohio, visited Iriends in town last week. Mrs. Francis Rundell is in Toledo this week on business. Mrs. Bennen Tracy and soa, Lymah, of Norvell, called on friends in town Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Robinson and Mrs. C. W. Case are visiting relatives at Kalamazoo and South Haven. Mr. and Mrs.Yocum, of Chelsea, have decided ' to make Manchester their home on account of their son, Austin, of the dry goods firm Yocum, Marx & Co. They will occupy the stone resideñce, belonging to the Lehn estáte, Bear the Ceutral school building. Mrs. J. C. Hibbard of Toledo, is a guest of Mr. E. C. Westgate. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lowry celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary Saturday last. About. 50 relatives from Clinton, Bridgewater, Norvell, Brooklyn and Jackson were present and a yery enjoyable timo was Md by all papticipants. Miss McAdam spent Sunday with ber parents in Clinton. Atnong those who attended the Adrián íair last week were Dr. Iddint(3, Messrs. Mark Hinckley, Fioyd Sinith, Eugene Kirchgessner. Roy Glover of the Observer 'orco was In Chelsea Saturday and Suaday. Mp. Orrie Lynch a former Saline boy vííited his brother Arthur a few days thU week. Geo. J. Niasly took in a " load of poultry at Moreviüe Monday. The Miases Sears and Webb were at Ann Arbor Monday. Miss Ida Burroughs sold her property to Jacob Lutz south of tovrn. Mr. XiUtz wiü move f roni nis farm at once. Clifford Sheedor of Springfield.Ohio, is visiting his brother Ur. Sheeder this week. Miss Burroughs of Milan called on friend8 here Saturdfiy. A. A. Wood is attending the Illinois .State lair held at Sprinjrüeld this week. Mrs. Wm. Larzereleentertained Miss Cart-ie Klager a few days this week. Everybódy is at the fair this week. BALEN TOWN. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Packard, and Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Savery üttended the soldiers' reunión at Lansiner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kingsley viaited friends at Lansing last week. Miss Alma Stanton. of Dexter, spent last week with Miss Vesta Savery. The Union Concert will be held at Laphams churoh next Sunday after.noon. The Methodist eociety of Salem and Jiorthfleld have commenoed work on their sew parsonage at Salem Village. LODI. William Buss killed a blue racer 71 eet long laat Fridaï morning while ploughing. Miss Sadie Hammei has registered as a student in tho Aün Albor high chool. She will take the soientitic couree. August Blaess of Cairo, 111., is visitng his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blaess. Mr. and Mrs. William Clements cntertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldcamp and little daughter Edna of Aan Arbor town last Sunday. D Mrs. Estey accompanied by her laugbter Miss Mae, will speud the ortnight visiting witli lier daughter, Mrs. Carrie Estey Moore at Jaokson. She will also visit with her sister, Mrs. Clijah Hammoad at Chelsea before reurning home. MILÁN. The Baptist fair is to be the event of he week, it will be held Priday and Saturday and supper will be served both evenings. Dr. Williams lias located in Detroit and she and her son will leave Milan L'uesday. Rev. P. O. Jones is wolcomed back to vlilau for another year. The M. E. social at the residenco of Mrs. E. ILalstead Friday evennig was a success i il every way. Dr. and Mrs. Caltioun attended the Adrián fair last week. Dr. Pyle has been having his house ainted. Messrs. Chas. Gauntlett and Tom 3arnes visited the Adrián croquet jrounds the last of the week. Miss Bessie Brown of Ann Arbor was the guest of Miss Lelia Kylley Sj,turday and Sunday. A large number of the Müanites will rake advantage of the fair rates to Ann Arbor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hack will move ,o Mr. W. H. Hack'3 farm on East Main st Mesdames Kelley and Williams were ,he guests of Mrs. C. M. Fuller at Moorville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Edwards and amily have moved into Mrs. Vansuren's house on East Main st. Mr. G. W. Shy of Detroit gave his Milan Iriends a cali the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have moved from Gill block on Main st. into Mr. E. Ea&terley's house on First st. Mr. F. Guy and familv have moved from Mrs. Alex Smith's house on West Main st. into the Collins block on Main st. Mr. A. E. Putnam has returned trom Detroit. The Christian Eadeavor society. Of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian church conducted the services of the rally, the meeting was full of interest from start to finish. Rev. J. P. Hutehiiison, of Ann Arbor was uuable to be present. STONY CREEK. Mrs. Norman Kedner has a cousiu 'rom New York visiting her. Mrs. Ives is entertainingher daughter from Milford. Mrs. Mary Phelps, of New York city, also Mrs. A. Davis and daughter formerly of Chicago are spending the week with Spencer Davis and family. Mr. Gibson has returued to Stoney Creek for an other year. Sunday afternoou, Oct. 3, ReY. Culver will give a talk on life in the 9lums of Phüadelphia and New York. His address will be given at four o'olock in the Presbyterian church. There vill be a pie social at Mr. Andrew Miller'sFriday evening, Oot. 1, A program of music will form part of the evening entertainment. Miss Blanche MiUer from Kansas, at present a student at the University of Michigan will appear on the literary program. Miss MiUer is an elocutionist of rare talent. The Mission band held its monthly meeting Suuday afternoon. Mr Culver gave an interesting talk on Japan. Mr. Charley Thompson took a bicycle trip to Adrián last week. Mr. A. Allen and wife spent Saturday with JVJiss Wheeler near Salino.


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