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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organlzed 1869, ander tbc General Banking; law of UU State. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 Business Men ,Gv.ardians, l'rustees, Ladies and otter persons will find this Bank A Safe and Convenient Place, to make Beposits and do Business. Interest is allowed at the rate of i PEE CENT, on all Savings Deposits of $1.00 and upwards, according to the ruks of the bank, and interest corapounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unincumbered real estáte and other good sécuritiesi 9IIÍEC1OBS: Oiristian Mach, W. D. Ilarriman, Witliam Beubel, Bavxd lünsiy, Banicl Iliscock, W. B. Smüh and L. Qruner. OFFICEliS: Christian Mack, President; W. B. Harriman, Vice-I' resident; Chas E. Iliscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. At Ann Arbor.. Michigan, at the close of business, May lith. 1897. RESOÜEOKS. LIABIUTIES. .,„„.., Capital Stock pald In $50,00000 Loans and Disconnts $ 464,06o 18 g fun(j 130,000 00 ■tocks, Bourts. and Mort Undivided proflts less Curgages ï„, }- rent expenses. Interest )verlrafts nn?ÍÍA andTaiespaid 15,686 88 Banking house... . '0,o00 0 Dlvidends unpaid 333 00 "urnilure, and Flxtnie 7,911 W Other Keal Estte 40,248 83 DEPOSITS. Commercial depositó subCA8H. ject to check $ 161,200 70 Saving depostts ,. 784,348 36 Saving certificates of n,„ (p„ Rnnkqln redeposits 115,942 97 DsUcrvo"tierL'U . . .. . 151,199 43 DuePtobanks and bankDue from otlicr banks ers 17,027 ,3-1,081,56, d and bankers 72 öO j Ohecks and cash items.. 016 3!) Nlckles and Cents Bit 85 Total 1,29,,59, M SilverCoiu 4.900 00 Gold Coin 30,420 00 Statk of Michiqas, Codntt of Washtknaw, ss U.S. and National bank „A_aici nai I.Chas.E. Hiscocx.Casnierof the above namei Notes 8t.0frau,wn . Bank do solemnly swear e ab0Te BWlo ment ír trae, to the best of my knowledge and Ï1.S7,S97 Oi belief. CHA8. E. HISCOCK.Casbler Correct- Attest; W. 1). Haurimas, L. urdneii, David Kinsey, Direstore. Bubscrlbed uid sworn tobefore m3 this 19th dayof May. 1897. Michaei, J. Fbitz. Notary Public. v,


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Ann Arbor Register