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The Atlantis baH. team of Ypsilanti beat the Brlghton team last Saturday. S'Jore 9 to S. Several new mevnbers were initiated into the Ann Arbor Home Benifit Order Friday night. Sheriff Judson and several other persons went from here to Chelsea Saturday to witnesn the field day sports. MiS3 Katherine C. Burkhart and Mr. W. N. Cody were married at the bride's home near Saline last Wednesday. The business men will close their stores tomorrow af ternoon to give their employees an opportunity to attend the fair. The flrst foot ball game of the seas n will be played here November 2. between the 'Varsity team and the Normal. Edward C. Marsh, of Detroit, is now secretary of th school of music in the place of Ross Spence who will study tbis year in Euroupe. The fire department was called out Monday to put out a little blaze caused by a crasoline explosión at the home of F. Karzuckon Felch street. According to the decisión of the M. E. conference at Port Huron, tne Adrian District will hereafter be known as the Ann Arbor District. Prof. Lyman, Hall and Goddard have prepared a new work on Algebra which will be put on salo this week. Geo. Wahr is the publisher. Miss Margaret Blosser, of Manchester, was injured last week in a bicycle collision. She was unconscious ior some time bat is now recovering. A seventeen year oíd boy who has belonged to a gang of loafers in lower town was sentenced to ten days in jail Friday for loitering on the sidewalk. Thursday afternoon the four story briok wall on the east sido of the Cook House addition feil down. One norse was knocked down but nobody was hurt. Business men in Ypsilanti closed their stores for an hour Monday afternoon on account of the funeral of Mary . Ann Starkweather, Ypsilanti's benelactress. The fair management has planned as an additional attraction to have a sham battle between the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti militia companies. This will occur on Priday afternoon. Edwin C. Roedder, an oíd gradúate, of the U. of M., spent the past year teaching in Colorado. He has returned te teach Germán in the place of J. A. C. Hildner who goes abroad. 1 ' ' ' . I Harry Tlelfman, ;0S lit. of Detroit, is again in thls city. He will act as correspondent for the Detroit Journal in the place of P. S. Simons who takes up the University work on the Free Press. Everyone desires to keep inforined on Yukon, the Klondyke and Alakuti gold flelds. Send lÖc. for large Compendium of vast information and big color map to Hamilton Pub. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 93 Johnny Wombaeher, captain of the 'Varsity foot ball team is sutïering from typhoid fever in Peoria, 111. He may not be back this year and his absence will necessitate the election of a new captain. The Board of Public Works has granted the ISTew State Telephone company tomporary right of way into this city. The line will be brought in at once and thia city will be on the company's circuit. State Accountant Humphery has cotnpleted the apportionment of the state taxes for 1997 and shows tlie total to be $2, 379,907.23. The state University gets $207,183.33 and the Normal school $73,C50.- Times. The Weslyan Guild of the Epworth League opened itsdoors to new siudents last Saturday morning. P. M. By&tn bas returned frora a vacation outing in northern Michigan and is again at his post as general secretary. Last wees the council ordered the Board of Public Works to pavo the gutters on each sideof Thirteeth streot. The board laid the order on the table giving as a reasoa for so doing tho fact that the paving fund is now overdrawn $.)000. The fire department was called io the North Side Monday morning to put out a fire at the brewery. A kettle of tar had been spilled and eatching fire threatened to destroy -the whole property. Prompt work saved any serious eonsequences. Auditor General Dix has completed tho work of apportioain the state tax of 1897 amoQg the counties of the state. Washtenaw county has $66,760 59 apportioned to it and ia one of the few counties which is not indebted to the state.- Times. At a meeting of the Board of Public Works last week the following resolution was passed : '"It is the sense of this board that hereafter no more buildings be allowed to be moved through the public streets of the city of Ann Arbor." The last union meeting of this year was held at the Presbyterian churcb Sunday night. The exercises commomorated the birthday of Miss Willard. Miss Rose M. Wood-AUea and Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland gave interesting talks on the life of this wellkaown lady. Several members of the city council went around the boulevard Friday to look over the land proposed for a city park. $2100 the city can buy the island and the woodland bclosv the boulevard. Several alderman and many citizens are heartily in favor of making a park of it. Alian Rockwell, formerly a student here, ia now teaching ia Howell One night last week, according to the Hetald, his wheel mysteriously disappeared and could not be found until two days later when three young ladies brought it back and begged pardon for having played a joke on him. Richard Glasier started out a few weeks ago to raise a fund to aid Chas. Williams in a college course at Ann Arbor. Mr. G. tells us today that he has the amount desired nearly raised. It is a good cause and Mr. G. is deserving of much credit for his .kindly act, and Charley certainly deserving of what is being done for him. - Saline Observer. The delay incommenciog the bicycle path to Ann Arbor is caused by diiliculty in securing the right of way. Several property owners on the proposed route will not consent to having the path built in front of their property, and the township board will not permit it to be built unless the consent of all property owners is obtained. - Commercial. J. H. Ehlers, a well-knownUuivcrsity student, ia canvassing the city under the recent offer of the Michigan Alumnus which gives a scholarship of $75 to every person who secures 150 paid up subscriberá to The Alumnus. Mr. Ehlers is a deserving, active young man and is pretty certain to accomplish what he undertakes.- Times. The following were among the appointments made at the recent M. E. conference at Port Huron: Ann Arbor, B. L. McElroy: Chelsea, John Nickerson ; Clinton and Macón, G. M. Moore; üexter, Henry W. Hioks; Fairfleld, Henry A. Leeson; Grasa Lake, Pranklin Bradley; Manchester, andSharon, D. R. Shier; Saline, P. E. Dodd; Tecumseh, W. B. Pope. Secretary Baker of the State Board of Health has received informatioa tha1 persons claiming to represent the State Board of Health, are visiting farmers to examine the condition of the water ! supply on their farms. After making ! an examination of the water they de! clare that they have found micro bse and bacteria In it and terrify the farmers into Duyiug ullegsd disinfectauts. OdCar Wheolcr, who Uvos On South State street, capturad a large rattle soakc Tuesday. The snake is now on exhibltion at The Register booth on the fair grounds. Prof. Edward Augustus Willis sang several sclections at the High School reception last Friday night. He nis a clear musical voice and his clïort was fully appreciated. Mr. A.H. Ilülmcs has sold his property on Forest avenue and has purchased a lot on E. Liberty-st., noar Thompson, where he will proceed at once to erect a now livery barn. At the last meeting of Co. A, M, N. S. the follovving nevv names were added to the muster roll: Sam Lee, W. H. Potter, A C. Luiok, Ed. Grau, John Trojauowski, Wm. F. Gates, F. A. Wagner. The Washtenaw County Fair is now in full blast. The exhibits are very fine and a large number of people are in attendance. A full account of the exhibits and incidents will be givon in next week's Register. Thursday Kvonlng, Oct. 7,at 9 o'elock a bicycle contest will takc place between several popular young ladies of St. Patrick's Parisb, Northlield, at the residence of Fr. Goldrick. Bofore the voting there will bc music and other entertainment. The Michigan Farmer says, a swLadler has been go'mg through some parts of the state pretending to be a b reedei and buyer of fancy sheep. He gets into the confidence of bis vicüms, and then offers to send them different articles which he has, such as oll, nieal, seed wheat, and alfalfa cloverseecl. He takes money for it, and that is the last of the stranger or seed wheat or anything else. An Ann Arbor baker advertised "Angel Food," among his baked goods, and wliat do you think'? Why E. BPond, Ez. Norris, Jack Slieehan, Jo. Jacobs and Col. Dean, get together, and send a little girl over for a BUfiply and made her teil the baker that it must be real nico, because it's for some Chicago ladies, who are visiting her ma, for a few weeks. Did you ever? - Adrián Press. The will of Mrs. Mary Ana Starkweather was read Monday at Ypsilanti. Oatside of $500 to the Presbyterian and Methodist churches and $300 to the Lutheran church, and a fand of $7,000 to maintain the memorial chapel and keep in sliape the lot at the Highland cemetery, her estáte of nearly aquarter of a milliou went to her nieces aiid nephews with the exceptlon of small bequests to friends and eonödants. There is at least ono enterprisins: clothes cleaner in this city. We refor to Mr. who worked a novel scheme last Mocday night. It is said that he bired some twenty young men to take front seats at tho rendition of Wliiteside"s "Hamlet'' and then, at the end of each act, get up and mareh out so as to exhibit to the audience how srnoothly the aforesaid clothes cleaner had pressed their pauts. As a Register man was coming home from Ypsilanti, Monday, a youug lady with a wheel boarded the motor about half a ruile out of the normal city and rode to outskirts of Ann Arbor. Then she left the motor line and ïnounting her wheel scorched into town. Yesterday he overheard a young lady say, "Oh my cousin is a scorcher! She rode clear from ypsilanti in half an hour, Monday, and she wasn't a bit tired either. Prof. Perry in his annual report said this city seems to have an unusually large number of vagrant children. Later he said, "I don't known how to account for thi3. LowerTown isparticularly fall of them. As many as we can we compelí to attend school. Some we have to send to the ophan school at Coldwater. Last winter one fatnily of six chüdren lived almost entirely on the slops they got from boarding houses."


Old News
Ann Arbor Register