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The new Central Passenger Coinmit' tee Interohangoable mileage ticket wlll hereaftee be good for passage on all through ti-iiins of the C. H. & D. & Monon Lines, between Cincinnati and Chicago, in both directions. 88 Miss Mary E. Bell is having her regular fall openiug tb is week at her millenery and dressmaking rooms in the Athens ïlieatre Building, J27 N. Maiu-st. Mrs. D. E. Hulmán, formally of No2 Lawrence street may now be found at 304 3d street. She is prepared as before to givo the best of satisfaction and hopes to see all old customers and as many more as may desire to patronize a ñrst-class dressmaker. 88 Bicyeles rcpaired promptly and cheaply by experienced maehinists at Wenger's. No. 8 N. 4th-ave. Also all kinds of bicyele sundries kopt on at moderate prices. 79tf The Register Office can supply you with a good wall map of Michigan for 50 ets. Latest maps of Michigan at Register office, 25 ets. and 50 ets. ZINAP. KING'S AGENCY. General Insurance. Life, Pire, Tornado, Accident, PI ate Glass, etc, at lowest premium rates. flortgage Loans. Money to loan at the lowest curren rates of Interest. Collections. Collectiona of all kinds1 made on reas onable terms. No. 310 ITIatn Street, South, Ann Arbor, - Mlch OUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. WASÍTED. TO KENT- Pianos at í;i. ïi, 8". and $8 per month. 18 S. Ingalls St. 1!. J. Conrad. 89 FOl'lNI- A gold wedding ïing. Owner may the ring by describing it. John Lowney, at Haas' Liveiy Baru. 89 ÍT'Oll BENT- A vtiry pleasmt nine room house. No. 1123 West Liberty St. Rent 6.60 per monlh. Imjuire at No. lüi West LlbertySt. 89 WAIXTED-If you want a young man to walt table, wast) dishes, or do auy kind of work In payment for botird, cali at tho School of Bhorthand, Sager Bik., S. étate-st. and your wants will bo supplied. 89 WAN'FED- We have a new Í100 Bkycle, high grade, which wedesiretoexcliange for a good light driving liorse. Enquire at the Register office. 84tf WANTED-At the Ann Arbor Central Mills, Coro, Oats, lïarley, HucUwheat and Iküins. We luy all graues of wheat, damp and raustf a well as sound grain. 90 CJAIiESflKN S100 to tÜx per k moutli and expenses. Staple line, posl1 ion permanent, ploasantanddeMrable. Address, wtth stamp, Seymour-Whltney Co., S. 198 Chicago, 111. (3a) VlfAiNTED-Aii experienced salesman and W book-keeper desires a situaiioniu ADn Arbor. Is stront and températe and willlns to work at a moflerate salary at nny respectable work. If you want such a man, addicts 11, 1!. M., Ann Arbor, lieglster Office. 8etf. WANTED- Trustworthy and active gentlemen or ladles to travel for responsible established house in Michigan. Mouthlv SB5.00 aad expenses. Positlon steady. Befereuce. Eoclose self-aderessed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dupt. Y Chicago. 01 pkENl!VG ANnUKPlIUIMi at 410 N. J Fourth-ave., neatly and proniptly attendcd to. or leave your packaee at the Arllngton House Barber Shop and it will receivo the same attention. Mrs. J . F. Forchue. 89 FOR SAAB. F O Lot IS, Oailar.fl Ave., next south of l'rof. Stevens. Address H. M, Taber, Jamestown, North Dakota. 89 STOP rentlng and buy a home in the best neighborhood in the city. Small payment down and balance montlily. Splendid location for boardors and roomers. A. M. Clark, 438 8. Dlvislcn-st. 89 WOWt SALE:-My farm of 122 acres two x milos southeast of Ann Arbor, about forty acres of peach orchard, six acres of pear orcbard, ave arres of apple orchard, good bulldlngs;land in a high state of cultivation. Poi HM-ms enquire on premises. Hobort McCardy. FOK SALE AT A A nine room house with a 6x12 rod lot, corner of Kountain and Sumrnit street, Ann Arbor, largebarn, shed and shop; house contains bath, hot and eold soft water, also city waK r and a never falling well of pure spring water. Fiie garden. For price and terms apply on the premises. 23tf


Old News
Ann Arbor Register