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COUNCIL CHAMBEE, ). Ann Arbor, October 4th, 1897. S Special Session. Called tu order by Gleu V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. The notice for the meeting oí the BAS.Mo8oovedttheCauncn resolve itselí into a Board of Review to review the Special Assessment roll 1 of Lateral Sewer District No. 7. Adopted. ... n,.A„ Aid. Danforth moved tbat Aid. Cady be elected chairman. wffreíon the Board proceeded to review the assessinent roll as certiiied to by the City Assessor. Oíi motion ihe following alterations were made on such assessement 10II: From To i nV:.:::::::::::::::: B ;B Emanuel SchnciJer John G. Grossman " eoo LS&wjjKbiíHii-.::::n: i. M.Staebler.. 5'üo0 Charles Steeb U J.u " CliristianJenter " Edwardöraff - SeorgeVIsel J m M:iry Zwlnk - Lj, aflO Wm. GreveEst i T0 tSPEE 'S las johnWeitbrecht Mrs. Mary Greve "" Sg Courad Bessinser - 4;' $ JolinGoetz, Jr " 2S EHzttbeth J j Marsraret Bohn g a'5, Joliu Hagen Jg Peter J.lA-limaii ,JH „cïï Mrs. M. Mulholland Êst Ï.W0 ftj inr:::::::::::::::: S 88 Ann Avbor, Oct. 4, 1897. To Board of Review: Gentlemen:- The following is the estimiited costof vork in Lateral bewer District No. 7. .J Contractors' estímate priee. - -W. ■" Add 15 per cent tor engineering and contingencles -"■ -' Total cost l2'058 " Street crossinKS 297 ft. at 67c per foot charged to Oeneral Sewer Fund... - it - Amouritassessodonpnvuteproperty. 1.88] 4b Total coat $-0ol) " Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. ( Aid Koch moved that the Board of lleview approve the assessment roll iu Sevver District No. 7 as certiüed to the Council by the Ciiy , Assessor and chauged by the Board and certify the same to the üommon Council. Adopted. . Ou motion the Board adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMIiER, Ann Arbqv, üctober 4tb, 1897. J Regular session. Oalled to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Brown, Coon, DantortU, and l'res. Luick. Aid. Moore moved that Aid. Cady be elected president pro tem. Adopted. IUÏTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed byJ. N. Martin and 95 others asking tor the passage ot an ordiuance preventing the building oL livery stables within certain limits of the city was read and ref erred to the Ordinance Committee. A petition signed by Christian Brenner askinft for the privilege of placmg ahayscalein front of bis limywas read and referred to the Street Committee. A petition signed by W. W. NichoU and 15 others asking for an electnc liirht at the corner of Hill and Lincoln efe. was read and retened to the Lighting Committee. The special assessment roll of Drain No. 3 of the ïownshipof PiUsüeld was read and referred to the City Attorney. To the Common Council: At a meeting of the Board of Public Works held September 22nd, 1897, Mr. Mclutyre moved that owing to the damage to shade trees and other private property it is the sense of this Board that herealter no moie buildings be allowed to be moved through the public streets of the City of Aun Albor whicL was adopted unanimously. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Koch moved that the coiumunlcation be laid on the table. Adopted. ENGINEEB'S SIXIH ESTÍMATE. LATERAL SEWEU DISTRICT NO. C. sm ft. 4 n. pipe at óc per ft $ IR 00 850 ft. 10 in. pipe at 14e per ft 49 244 ft 8 in. pipe at llo per ft ooi Suft' exeavation aud backllUingatalc uer fL - Ii4 t4 35U ft. excavation anil back ülling at6óc pj. f t - - 2i o'J 1 raanhoïe at K5.00 each -_■' 9 1 üushtank at S.Í4.00 tach BO llampholeatïö.UOeitch w Total stimate 580 18 Lk;s8 10 per cent per contract 01 Amount due contractor &K2 17 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Referred to Finance Comiaittee. To the Common Oouncil: The Board of Review of the Assessment Boll of Lateral Bewur District Ko. 7, iu said City of xVuu Arbor, do liereby certify to the Common Council in said City tliat they have duly considered the assessment roll of Latera Sewer District No. 7, of the lateral sewer systeui of said City as certitiec by the City Assessor of said City and atter due consideratiou of said roll they have approved and do liereby approve said assessment roll and of the estimation and determination of the valué oí each parcel of land sitúate tlierein as therein set down by said Assessor and altcred and coutlrmed by this Board and all matters and things therein contained. O. 11. Cady, Chairinun Board of Review. Glen V. Mills, Clérk. AM. Koch moved that the reeomTtiendatton of the Board be concuned i by the council. Adopteü as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Gross mau, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarkr, Spathelf , Soule, Oady- lü. üays- None. To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of Aun Albor: Gentlemen:- ïou are hereby notilied thata suit has been commenced by i Edson Wethorbee and is now pending ,n the Circuit Court for the County of W&yne against the MicMgan Central RailroAd Cotapany wherem said etiierbee claims damages for an injury alleeed to have been caused by the want of repair of the bridge over the nght oí way of the said Eailroad Company an Detroit st. in saul City. Said llaiiroad Company demos aiiy liability to maintain that portion ot the said bridge froin a defect in whicli said in jury is alleged to have reeulted and said suit involves the relatiye rights and and dutiesof the said RaHroad Company and said City in respect I co said bridge. Said City is therefore hereby notiiied to appear and dcfend said suit. Henry Bussel, Attorney for said Bauroad Co. Dated Sept. 24, '97. Iteferred to the City Attorney. REI'OBTS OF STANDING C0MMITTBB8. FINASCE. Your Committee on Finance would respectfully report tb at they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recouimend their approval and that warrants be ordered drawn in payment of the same. Respectfully submitted, Artliur Brown, llan'ison Soule, Michael Grossman, Committee on Finance. CONTINGENT FUND. Gle V. Milto, salary KM Patrick O'Hcarn " N' :'J Edwiiril JL Seyler, " f Thomas IJ. Kearney, salary Mrg. C. A. Greene, rent '' M E. Easterle, janitor 1; " Glcn V. MlUs, postage r. S Geo. Crais, hack.. -r ; .; Hutzel & Co., labor and supphes 1B8 i A. E. Mumciery, supplies "■ Ann Arbor Arsrus, printmsr -" Postal Tcleuraph Co., tolegrams „ IM.1 V. Millard, printing g Dean&Co., supplies .', ;;; Jacob (.imzliorn, salary - ; Beo. F. Key.salary WOW Louis Bobde, wood... - - j Ann Arbor Kleotrio Co., Ughtlng inhiiid Press, iirintiuK - r ' M. I.. Srlialirr, supplies ' üailcy & Edmunds. repaii'8 , C. Ebcrbacb, supplies Farmers & Meobanlcs liank, accts. assigned ie ; Eberbacii, supplies D " Total , Wu 26 Fr.WEIt FCSD- OESEKAL. . L. Seyler, City Treas., Hiae's Sewer tiix returned ' w I Total $ 200 DISTItICT NO. 5. rederick Graupner, tax returned..- 21 00 Total ::1 DISTRICT NO. 6. E. W.Groves, salary "3 00 Ann Arbor Water Co., conneetlng ilush tanks !' Bchneidet Uros., (ith estímate __J Total ':39 BRIDGE, CULVEKT AND CROSSWALK l'l'SI). Anu Arbor Savlngs üank, aoct. assignod I Charles Storms, labor.. g W íeorge Flscher, labor f 15} W. H. Klclimond, cement walk 1 " Michigan Central Kallroad, frelght... Ti vil íiarrett Mnfií. Co., cement 8 lü Farmers & Mechantes Bank, aceta, assigned - _____ Total BKW STI1EET FUND. Farmers & Mechanica Bank, aects. asslgned !,! ? August Tesámer, paving - !■ w Louis Rohde, suppües..- H. 1). Edwardí&Oo., lióse. ■' S. Wood&fo., pipe g Gcorj;e H. I Uchcr, labor ii a Henry Kiclinrds, coal - 1 [0 Luick Brothers, lumber 41) 2h 8. Wood&Co., aoct. assigned a7 JK) O. Eberbach, supplies 47 S9 Scboüeld, Schurmer & Teasle, oil 'i 0" Daniel J. Ross, salary Clarenci; Swcet, labor 1 l FraukButliiTland, labor 1 üu Austin & Western Co., suppliee 111 78 Gco. W. Seybold, repairs 4i 55 Ann Arbor Savlnü Uank, acets. ;isalgoed. - 11 05 I [iUick Bros., acet. assigned "U 'M tlutzel & Co., euppliea 21 J1 Total M.1W 25 PÓLICE FUND. Zenas Sweet, salary - $ 75 00 Rouben Armbruster, salary . ffll John O'Mara, salary 50 00 David Colli is, salary 5000 George Isljoll, salary 50 00 Isaao Ferrine, special 4 ÜC' Edward Wells, speolal 6 00 patrick Irwin, special ii 00 Total S Sí (X) FIBE DEPAKTMKNT FUND. Freá Sipley, salary 8 60 00 A. Edward", salary f5 00 W. II. McLur.ei). salary ö!) un Max Wlttilager, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary 5(1 00 I Kueue Williams, salary 50 00 ' BermauKlrn, , 50 IX' Sa,rnuel McLaren, salary 30 0)) I Kdward Hoelzle, salary 40 00 duales Carrol], salary u W. L. Sclinierle, salary " 'rj George Hoelzle. salary ,.:j Win. Kettloh, salary - V :„, a. w. Bors, salary xl ■ F.d. HiU.salary - 5S Gteorge Voelker, substítute -} ' Adam Hartman, " i ïi FredSipley, expenses - Jjí C. A. Bawards, frelght - R JS Mrs. Heam, washing . Ji, Bohalrer & Milieu, pillow cases ' Geo. H. Brown, pollsh ,J ,, H. 1). Edwards, suppliea J "" Dr.J. A. Dell, services ?, ïïi Dr. P. W.Nolan. ser ices .-.- - "" Allnieudinííer & Sohnolder, bran w Total K81 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, ealary ----- -:---- 10 Anti Tramp Society, labor f urnished. F. Uisulke, sroceries..-. Davis & Seabolt, rrocerie9 ? J Kd. iJiiffy, srooertaa -■ 5 y. Doty&Feiaer, elioes ; VX JohaGoetz & Son, groeenes " Goodyear & Co. , medicines g "" JobD Goeta. Jr., grocerie FredHoelzle, meat . ": Mrs. Hillman, board and room w Ambrose Kcarney, groceries g Charles Lulz, meat ■ g Uano Bros., medicine "' Wm. H. Molntyre, grocenes ƒ I O. M. Martin, coffln .--- l) " O'Hara & Boyle, grpcerleB "" Kinsey Beabolt, grooeriea " O. Elnsey, gröcerles í ;x W.F. Stimson, groceries ' Geo. Spathelf, meat A . C. W. Vogel, meat -" Total 11 CKMETEllY FUND. Nelson GarliuRhouse, labor $ 6 9 Total tiU0 RECAMTCLATION. Contingent Fund.. -11,418 26 Sewer Fuud, enera! 8 0 00 Dist. No. 6 2100 Dist. No. 6 T8 88 '.''' Bridge, Culvertand Crosswalk Fund. 896 06 Btreet Fuñó S no Pólice Fund-. ?88(U Flremen'B lund -'V 1'oorFund lu i Ceroetery Fund - ______ Total ....ÏMH5 22 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, drossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vaudawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 10. Nayo- None. To the Common Council: Your Comtnittee on Finance report the following bilis without recoinmendation. Farmers & Meohanloa Bank, ussigned bv Joseph Blackburn ! Joscpli Blaokburn, labor -- ou H A. Kandall, building cement walk alontf post office.. J ' MleWitan ivicpboaeCo... w J Aid Koch moved that the bilis o Joseph Blackburn be refeired back i the Finance Comtnittee. Aid. Dell moved as an amendment that the bilis be allowed. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Dell, bweet. Nava- Aid. Hamiltoii, Grossman, Koeh, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Whereupon tlie motion of Aid. Kocli was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman,Kocli, Dell, Bweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Cady- 9. Nays- Aid. Soule- 1. The bill of H. A. Bandall was allowed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Spathelf, Soule, Cady-8. ■■._■„ Nays- Aid. Kocu, V anüawarKer- a. Thebillofthe Michigan ïelephone Co. was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawaiker, Spatbelf, Soule, Cady- 10. Nays- None. ORMNANCE. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitlod "An Ordinauce Relative to Livery, Feed and other Barns" wbich was givon its lirst reading by title. . .. ,. Aid. Dell moved to íefer the ordinance to the ürdinance Committee. Adopted. STREETS. To tlie Common Council: Your Committee o Strenl would recommend that tüe attention of tho Honorable Board of Public Works be most respect!' ully oalled to tliat portion I of the Charter oí the City of Ann Arbor wliich requires them to proceed without delay to perform the work ordered by tliis Counell. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, C. II. Cady, Michael Grossman, Ilarrison Soule, J. A. Dell, Cotnmiltee on Streets. 1 Aid. Hamilton moved to lay the report on the table. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, pathelf, Soule- 8. Nays- Aid. Moore, Cady- . SIDEWALKS. ■ To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks would ecouimend that a bliek crosswalk be ideied on the northeast side of Wasu,enav ave. across Wilmot st. lïespectfnlly submitted, F. M. Hamilton, Frank Yanduwarker, John Kocli, George Spathelf, Jr-, Geo. VV. Sweet, Committee ou Sidevvalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Crossman, Koch. Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 10. Nays - None. Aid. Mooie moved to reconsider the vote ordering a brick crosswalk on the noith side of Liberty across S. Fust st. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Nays- Aid. Hamilton, Koch- 2. Aid. llhodes entered. Mil. liarailton moved that the iíoara e instructed to buüd a plank cross-aik from the sidewalk on the north ide of Liberty; from the east snle of irst st. due west, also a bnck crossalk from the above point diaRonally ,o meet the sidewalk on the west side f First st. as ordered by the Council. Lost as follows: , Yeas-Ald. Hamilton, Koch, bweet, bpathelf, Soule- 5. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Vandawarker, llhodes, Oady- 6. Aid Dell inoved that tlie Board be ordered to build the walk straight across the street with brick. Aid Hamilton moved as an amendment that the walk be reordered diagonal as petitioued for by the residente of the ward. Lost as follows: "ïeas- Aid. Hamilton, Koch, bweet, llhodes, Spathelf- 5. Nays-Ald. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Vandawarker, Soule, Cady- B. Whereupon the motion of Ala. Den was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Vnndawarke, Soule, Cady- 6. jST.lys_Altl. Hamilton, Koch, bweet, llliodes, Spathelf- 5. IIEI'ORTS OF CITY OFFICEKS. The montlily repoits of the City Treasurer. City Marshal, Superintendent of the Foor, Ciiief of the Fue Denurtnient and the quarterly reports ot the Justices of the Peace were read and ordered filed. Ann Arbor, Miteh., Oct. 1, 1897. This is to certify that Edward Ij. Sevler, City Treasurer, has on deposit in this bank Oct. 1, 1897, the sum of $22411.04. ' P. II. Bcsler, Cashier, To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor ; CITY TREASÜBEK'S UEFORT. Balance on hand, last re■ port H.0b7 -4 MONEY RECEIVED. Sept. 30 Tax acct lat sewer pf„2 4 '8 Tax acct lat sewer No i 88 Tax aret lataewer No4 41 ob Tax acct lat sewer Ho 6 m m Tax aect lat sewer No G 2059 U g_t 1S,33S lift Sept. :, Main Sewer Fuiirt H5 00 Tax acct lat sewer No S Tax Ket'd ■- '" Labor acct'lat sewer No Í ljW :j:i Labor acct lat sewer No 7 1,566 % Balance on hand 189E8 50 BALANCE ON BAND. Sept. 30. 1897. Main seworfund 5 S Main sewer bond accl...... iU0 W Ëm -,'t l.lst.N;.. .... 39 90 I 'l,nr ■. ' ■ 2 2T28 IS - ü Í! 1.::: 291520 " Latoor " " " ' 315Oa Tax " " " ■ W58 Labor f " " ■ f8880 Sor 8 &X 6I T„ " " '8 2Ü59 13 Labor !■ 1: ■''.' "; Delinquent SewerTax 14 61 Total on hand S " 9158X1 Balance OU hand 115823 60 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, Treasuror. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: CITY IREASÜBKB'S RKFOBT. Balance on hand, (ist. re„,aM a port (ovtrdraft) SZü.801 ? MONEY ÜKCEIVEK. Contingent Fund Mills! (i V.-Uolide icntto Hipt. 1. 188T W Oemetery fund ttelaon Giirlln(?liouso gale of lote and 1 burial.... 3 50 Pólice fllllil „„ ,„ 1'ondE. U., fine 1 00 .6 50 Total í 870 93 MONEY DISBURSED. Ooni ir. cni fund 128T 81 flllld ' 1 !i foor íund iu oí Bridge, Culvert und CrossWiillcfund M' í4 Polica n.iHl... 'M w riremen'8 fund Wj "' jlty Oemetery futid „-,',- .,„ Dncollected Ulty Ta 106 .)H BtateDogTax l 00 163,- b Balance 8546 88 BALANCE ON HAND ntinsent íund '.. ffiW roet fund om, or lund 2bJU M Idge, Uulvert, auü Cross. valk fund Ju ilicetund..... remon'8 fund b" „5 ty Cemetery tand J ateriund 4ti ?, o" T-ix fuml lUii OU alversity Aid Bond Fund. 3420 10 illnquent Tax Fund L Uncollected City Tax 1& i state Dog Tax 2t . 121888 4 15340 ti 15340 69 Balance I 6548 S6 Balance on l.and Sept 80,'OT Í6545 25 Respectfully submitted. E. L. Seyler, Trcasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: (Oonlinued on 7th page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. [CONTINUED.] Gentlemen : -Attached hereto is a report of all ordinance cases before me during the quarter endin? Sept. 10, 1897, anü I horcby certify that all tines colleoted havo been paid to the (Jity Treasurer and all costs to the proper offlcei-s, and that I have no money in my hands to the City of Ann Arbor or any officer thcreof. Jühn L,. Duffy, Justice of the Peace. On this 4th day of Ootober personally appeared before me a notary public in and for the.county of Wahhtenaw, the above namerl John L. Duffy, and made oath that he has read the report, above referred to and that the same is in all respects truc. (Jlen V. Mills, Notary Public. ' 5, 5 I 2322S s a a - i a o o "ca 'cö J rt r3 ei _. , (t 03 0} 91 11 CD in 1 o3cö?i:33 cö cö rt fc -QrO-aTS r r3 "O -: H io i ie i.? o o o o S rtMHnM rt ï S _ ooooo o o O i o O O O C1 O O 'M Cl 6 '"-+H co co es B O O O O c oo o o ó ó 3 3 3 flH SI I m t, A 3 " o Ilitülsfi mus I To íie Common Council of the City of 4in Arbor: öentjemen:- Qelow flnil report oí Qrdinance cases brought before me duringr quarter ending Soptemberr 30, 1897, and disposition made of same: yo. 624, Aug. 2, William P. Flynn, grmbling, fine $1.00, costs $4.70, píd. No. 625, , MHfún P. Vogel, permlttíng gamhfmg, costs $i7ü, paid. o.' 6Í7, ' -Sépt. ÍS, ToWas Kuebler, loitering on sidewalk, une $1.00, eost? $3.00, to iail. State of Michigan ) Oounty of Washtenaw Elihu E$. Pand, bcing duly svofn, ] ay 9 that the for.egoins; i a, cp,rreet report , of all ordinale, cases brought before ■ himás'J'ustice of the Peace of the City , ofAnn Arbor, for the quarter ending , September 30, 1897; laat the fines , impused and collectcd by him, have been pai(J into the City Treasry ) aud that all otïioer-i (ees, cy tym eoUected, , have bèptTpaW" tq the ofiicers entitled ■ tb'tüe same, and reoeipted for on nis : docket. Elihu B. Pond. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of October, A. D, 197, J. Q. A. gesaiüna, ïiotary Public. ttKÖOtüTIONS. By Aid. Koch. Resolved, That the special assessment roll of Lateral Sewer Assessmont District No. 7, in said City q? A,n.n Arbor as certified to a ciauncil by the Board % Review, ' be, and the jatae s ue'reby conürmed, and the City Assessor of said City is hereby ordered to assess and spread upon such liArfftl sewer assessmeni roll ♦&,L um of eighteen hundrc pigtty seven and forty eisht iiucd'v-edt.ns dollars ($4,881.48) f,he 'same buiiig the sum oL iotiey fixed and deterinincd ujwa as the estimated cost of lateral gewer No. 7, (street orogslngs exoepted) aa provided by law and au oivlinunce of said City entitled, "An Ordinance Ralative to Sewers" providing for the construction of a systemof lateral and bewer in the City of Ann Arbor paseJ the 21st day of May 1894 and. awuved the 2;!rd day of May 18i}j on and upon each and every oí the regular annual asaoss ment rolla of the City qL Ann Arboi I ____-_- - ________ oi' the year ia and durinr whioh an.v uch special asspsssaieut shall or may b ; ayable aöA to levy and a-sess against 10 puiteer occupants of the lands set awn tlieroln the said sums of noney on and upon and agaiist the ands set down in and valued upon said pecial assessment. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koen, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, :thodes, Spathelf, Soule, Ciidy- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Koch. Resolved, That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Aan Arbor are hereoy authorizedto issue lateral sewer bonds for lateral sewer district No. 7, to the amountof 31887.48, the same being the suin of money tixed and dete.-.1mined upon as the estimated co3t of lateral sewer No. 7. Adopted as follows: Yens- Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 11 Nays - None. Aid. Moore moved to suspend rule 14 of the Kules of the Common Council for this session. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore. Hamiliton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- II. Nays- None. Aid. Moore moved to reconsider the vote on the report of the Street Committee relativo to gravel taken from the propertv of Mrs. Anna B. Baoh and refer tho subject back to the Street Committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, GrOBBinan, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 11. Nays - None. On motioa the Council adjourued.


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Ann Arbor Register