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Michigan Central, "The Niágara Falte Route :! CENTRAL STANDARD TIME TRAÍNA AT ANN ARROB. Taking Effect May 30, '07. QOING EAST. Mail and Express 3 47 p. m. N. Y . and Boston special 4 58 North Shore Limited ■ 45 Past Eastern 10 05 Atlantic Express T 80 a. m. Detroit Nlght Express 5 50 Grand Rapids Express 11 10 GOING WEST. Mail and Express 9 18 a. m. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.... 8 12 Fast Western Express 1 55 p. m. , Grand Kaplds and Kal Ex.... 5 55 Chicago Night Express 9 l'iicifle Express 12 30 a. m.l Fast Newspaper Train 2 53 a. m. C. W. EÜGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. "BIG lOUR" SOLIDaVïSTIBULED TBAINS BETWEKN Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit FASX T1Í1K EXCELLENT EQUIPMENT. THE. SCHEDÜLE. 9:00 am 9:15 pm Lv. Cin'ti Ar. 6:45 am 6:00 pm 3:25 am 3:55pm Ar.ToledoLvll:45pmll:3oam B:é5pm5:15am Ar Detroit Lv 9:40 pm :io am Througn Couches and Wagner Parlor Oars on Diiy Trains. Thiouirh Coaches and Wagner Sleepiug Cars on Night trains. As Good as our New York Line ! As Good as' our Chicago Line I As Good as our St, Louis Line Buy your tickets through via "Big Four. Borfull Information cj.ll on agents or ad dross 1 E. O. Mcrormtek, B. Martlu, Pas. Trafflc Mgr. Gen'l Pass. & Tkt. Attt (DO AA CLEVELAND ■0U tUFFALO ALSO DAILY LINE BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO, Via "C. & B. LINE." Steamers "City of Bu ff alo," {new) "State of Ohio" and "State of New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. SÜNDAY INCLUDED MAY 30 10 OCTOBBB 3. PM pM Lv. Cleveland, 7:00 Lv. Buffalo, 7:30 Ar Buffalo, 7:30 Ar. Cleveland, 7.30 A.M. AMCENTRAL STAHDARD TIMR. Take the "C & B. Linp" steamers and enjoy a refresblng plgbt 3 fSt whcn enroute to Vork, RoKiou, Albauy, 1.000 Imlandti, or auy Eastern or Ganadian point. (lieap Excursión Weekly to Niágara falte. Pond 4 cents postage for tourist pamphlet. lurfurtlier information ask your nearest Coupon Ticket Agent, or address W. V. HERI AN. T. F. NEWMAN, Gen'l Pass Act., Gen'lManager. CLEVELAND, O. -,. pbotorr.pi. j Dciiwr APISk 'roo Life. KC V I VU pi'S f'Êti REST0RES VITALITY iit.fipPJkWell Ma" 15tbTay. jjMWW of Me. THE GREAT 30th tiay. TnE3rOI3C n.E3VE3SXD-ST produces the above resulta In'30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures wlion all otbsr.-faiL Young meu will rogain their lost mauhood.and om men will recover their youthful vigor by using HI3VIVO. It qulckly and surely restores Nervou ccs Lort Vltality, Irapotency, Nightjy Eraissions, Lst Power. ÏViilmg Memory, Wasttnï Diñases and all effects ot soH-abusè or excetsánd indiiscrètlon, wbich unüts one Lor study, business or marrlage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but isagreat nerve ton ie and blood builder, bnnging back tljo pink glow to palé cherks ana re Btoving tUe fire of yonth. It wards off Insanlts and CuBsumptiöO. Insisf. on tavini? EEV O, ni othcr. It can ba carried in vest packe. By mul S 1.00 per package. or bU Lor 5.00. wlth a posl tive wrltten guarantee to cure or relunii the ñioney. Circular f ree. Address i xa J# - . 260 Dearborn St. :oy al Medicine co., chicaqo, ill. For sale by Eberbaeh Drng anö 1 Ciemical Co., Ann Arbor.Mich. QUEEN & CRESCENT. During the Tennessee Centennia and International Exposition at Nashville, Tenn., a low rate-special tariff has been established for the sale of ticketb from CinuinnatiandiOther terminal points on the Queen & Crescent Route. Tickets are on sale daily until further notice to Chattanooga at $6.75 ono way or $7.20 round trip from Cineinnati, the round trip tickets being good seven cïays to return; other tickets, with longer return limit, at $9.90 and at $13.50 for the round trip. Theto rate3 enable the public to visit Nasli'villc andotlier Southern points at rates nevcr before offered. Vestibuled rains of the finest class are at the dis posal of the passender, affordingamost pleasant trip, and enabling one to visit the very interesting scener.y and important battle-grounds in and about Ghattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Chickamauga National Military Park. Tickets to Nashville to visit the Ceniennial can be repurchased at Chattanooga for $3.40. round trip. Ask your cket agent for tickets via Cincinnati and the Q. &C. Route South or.write to C. 0. BAIRD, G. P. A., Detroit. Olt W. C. RINEARSON, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Cincinnati.,0. SB S The 8 SCincinnatiS Short Line.H C Reacliing en route N t LIMA, DESHLER, H HAMILTON,DAYTON, B S SIDNEY, INDIANAPOLIS M W and making direct O W connection for U FLORIDA, B H NEW ORLEANS,M E THE CAROLINAS, N ffl and TEXASB ní and Points in B S CALIFORNIA H e (via New Orleans.) H We make half a day the Jf] U quickest time to U BAU Southern Points.N 1 '"'TeaVeseVaynTorto N Ifl D. S. Wagstaff, D W Gen'l Northern A(tt., Detroit, Mich. ]M Ifl D. G. Edwards, IJ % Pass. Trañic Mg'r, CincinnaÜ, OJ M LOOK AT TH 18 MAP. lgjj jffjl RATES ALWAYS LOW AS THE LOWEST. !M SERVICE ALWAYS OOOD AD THE HE3i KUB UYH EXPERIENCEO jBiVEi-EWS "aÜWvS f3W 1 us(ii9;V " ' yiy Ml THE ONLY THBOUOH CAt LINE BfTWEEN WgM Mil DETROIT, TOLEDO and SPRINGIET. 9l FIELD; TOLEDO, COLUMÜUS I U( AND CHARLESTON; CÓLUMBUS, t-RI] F1NDLAY AND CHICAGO; TOLEDO, fVii H1 DOWLINQ GREEN AND CINCINlVjl KCJ NATI; CÓLUMBUS AND MARIETTA. VM (SM ALWAV9 CONFEH WITH OHIO CENTRAL Bll fjll AQENTS, OH ADD3EÜ3 I 4l I l MOULTON HOUK, MIJ KI OtNL PABSB AQT., TOLEDO, OHIO. JQII VHome-Seeker? Excusión. Agents of Ohip Central Line? wUÖ spil Home-seekers E?pursijn Tipljets ld Virginia and other States South an(U Weet, Sept. 6 and 7 ; Sept. 20 and 21 1 Oct. 4 and 5, and 18 and 19. For (ulij particular8 cali on agents of Ohio Cenl tral Linos or aadress John Moores, TJ P. A., Findlay, or W. A. Peters, MicM Pass. Agent, Detroit, Mich. (88M


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