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Rembert Jones, son of Dr. Jones, has entered the medical department of the University. Miss Maud Bonter, of Toronto, is visitin? here for a few days with Mrs J. J. Quarrey. Prof. B. M. Thompson will return this week frorn bis vacation whieh he spent in Europe, H. S. Freeman, of Lansing, is spending a few days with his father, John Freeman, of this oity. Miss Dai3y Hubbard, of Waldron. Mich., carne to this city Tuesday.and will enter the art school. Wirt Doty, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his father, A. M. Doty. He lelt Monday morning for Detroit, Mrs. Hotchkins, of the Xorthside has been quite sick of late. Dr. Boylan announoets her as bettei1 tüday. Miss Lulu Mitchel, of Cadilac, who was in the High Sohool two yeara agu has entered the dental department. Mrs. Dr. Wm. Taylor left for Pontiac yesterday to spend a fev day3. When she returns she will bring her mother with her to spend the winter at Ann , Arbor. Edward J, tois, general agent for the World Biblo House ieavo here Monday for Ohio vvhere he expects to spend the winter looking after Lhe interests of his house. Dr. Brooks will return from nis course ot study in the Chicago Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat College on Tuesday eyening nnü ba ready to rèoeive i patients at hia office b' usual office hours. - Times. O. G. Ptterson who has been running an ice creani parlor at Whitmore Lake during the summer has secured the steatn bqat owned by Mr. Queli and will run it aeiyt auuiult. For the past week Walter Crego, general salesman at the Ann Arbür Music store, has been quite sick as a result of hard continuous work. He is much better now and will soon be out Alvali Traver, at present a suscessful business man of Jackson, once a resident of the Northside, Ann Arbor, was aa Ann Arbor visitor this woek. Mr. Traver was here to plaae a son in chool. He sees many chang-es in Anu Arbor since he left here 25 years


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