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LEGAL NOTICES. CjminUslonera' Notlce. STaTE OF MIOHIGAN, i COÜNTYOF W.ISÜTEnAw. SHThe anderslgned haring been appolnted bythe Probate Cour) tor sald County, Cfommlssionera to receive, examine .-nul ad iis V, .c ;'rv ■"''''■'"■""''f 11 ix-iM.isi,.',, ', the estáte of Bárbaro Allmlndlnger, late o saWcounty.deceased.hereby gire notlce tha onths from date are allowed bv ordei 1)1 t, for cn-dit , i's v .,','- sen thelr claims agalnst theestate of Ja?d '''.■':! thai the wlll meet at the office o (. rorife W. Seyfried in the City ol AnnArbor No. U3 8. Fouvt!, Are, ín sald City, In sald Oounty. on the h day of l„, 4,o fhetthdayof Apïll, 18M cftitm wamtae and adjust sald ijatcci October 4 1897 GEOKGE IVEBNEB l„ S EruKNKdKSTKiiUN.Jr "Conir's. Sale ol'Sewer Bouds. I.M'KUAl. SKWKKIirSTIlrCT NO. H. S.'aled bidsfor twelve tlxousand Uve hundjedelghty-flve and [85 100 dollars of tos oftnet ityof Aun Arbor, Mii-h will herí celved by'Glen V. Milis, bltj üi'erk af sid rnyono, before Mon&y. cetüber 18 AI) IHWT. 91 S i). in. (loeai Udiü), Dondsareto be sold to defrav thp expele and to enable the city of ï {,. , „T ?' "!-'.' l'(l lateral sewerln Lateral Seweï UlStrlct .N(j. o, and are authorized bv a sneelal act of thé Ltgtalatnre of tl', ■ ?t t of Mlchlean entltled "An act to anthortee and empoww and enable the Cltv of A n,í n -ir-uri andm&intalnasystemofs. ralsethe nec-essary memey therefor" appt , edby tho Govei-noöl tne Itatoof an May 21. 183, also by viitue of ai ordtoance entltled "An Oralnance Eelatlve to Sewers, etc.," duly pausad by the mon CV.uncil of said city May 21 rasi aiprOTLdlMay2a,1894. Tfiaa ","-"'" Wll[i ptembwL office of tlu: Öttj Trcasur.uof thftitv of v"" Vrhor. m,.. nrtnclnftl ydü mature ■ ual annual lortanïïents aad are payfon. the Hrst da of March of aaeh year. The bonds aie to be Issued In de ia tlon of 5560 each e.xcept tbe necessarV mal part of50(J due each y.-a" Thebondswlll nor be sold foj ji-. th,,.. face Talue and accrued lni ;,s Therlghi to reject. aaj a'ud SI] uids is !■■ .i.ythrCilvoíAnnArhoio,.t. v. M,tx.j,st, (.UtyCIerk. Piotlfte To Crcdltora. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, I kj ( OU.STY of WABBTKBAW, I3S-. ,:' :, Vi : ; ''■.'■' '■' '-; . M, hit ny au order of the 1 robntel ,,i Mr t)]e Cuunty of Washte n.i.i. i-;;.,-.... the ITthday of September, A. ). iu m montha trom that dato were :iItor crpditora to present theli claims salnstthe estáte of Johu M. Wagner, Inte f said Oounty, deceased, ad that ailcred■■n- m,uired to present Tóbate Court. at the . Uffleeintheoityof Aun Arbor, for aamlnatlpn and allowance, on or bef ore ■ til day ol M itch next. and that such cl Uil bekeurd bef ore said C'ourt, on the 17th ' ,L" mtjer and op the lTili dav ol larch. 1898 next, at ton o'clock in the forpr iool of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Septeinbe ÍTffc, A. t. '' 11. VVTMBWKIRK, uo Juclgo of Probate. Wauted. If you want a young man to wail abie, wash dishes, or do any ktnd of work iu payment for bo-a, cali at the behoól of Shartlianö, gager Bik., S. tate-st., agd. your wants will be sup89 To be riant Iu style take yoor Jn 'riating to the Register Oltioe, 3O JK. Iuruu Ht. Probate Order. OTATE .OF ) OCOUXTY OF WASHTESAW ] 3S' bil;.v,,nt, H. Wlrt Newklrk.Judgeof ITol--.!"t'i"!d;(iftl'eEstte Carülil" I(certaln Instrument now o . fi ' i fú.fs (■ ,nri ïegister.anewspapei printed and circuí? . . U. W1IÍT NBWKIKK Apll.r.T&1ANJeoUbate. Probate Itegister, (89 ty Crdinance. rdinance Relative to the Public Health" ffliffltfínBr.w secti" poison, uoisonoua mixtures or esmMundS witbui tKaUmltsoitheOity "f Á i PÁ?bor ThtoowMnance shall tako elfect and beto ggee. and af ter ten day. from legal ,mblix-ípuber, ?w.mOnCOUnCÍ1 tWS miHlaïot RÍEN V. MILLS Oitv Olerk Approved thU37thaayof Sepiemlwr, 1891.' 0BA8. E. HI8OOCK, Mayor. Notloe To Crcditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, I O COUNTY 01 . (SS. Noticc is iicvcby glven, that by an order oí axaicst the estáte of Isaac N. S Foster connty, deceased uid'thtt li crédito ofgald dweased - re -ai 'rd to '..MKif-lai.usto suid frob; te Court" at the Probate omoe In the City of Aun Arh??; forf,exn"""tH)n and allowanct Snoi before tho i-tli day of March, noxt, and ttWjfUObolalmswíll be heard before 4"d thday of December and on ld.An Arbor. Bgr : a, D. A. é1 Judge of Probate. _ lííth National Encampment Union Veterans Legton at Coluinbus, O., September íta aud Ü3 The low rate of one cent per mile via Ohio Central Lines from all stations tickets on sale September 21 and 22, gooi returning until September 27, wilh_privilega of an extensión of limit tor 15 dayBby depositing ticket with Depot Ticket Agent of Ohio Gentral Lines after arrival in Columbus. (87)


Old News
Ann Arbor Register