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, . FRED. W. BUSS, PROPRIETOU OF THE LEADIKG HARNESS SHOP. Wooffortho public a laige assortmeut ai Hand-Made HARNESS a BLANKETS - ROBES VVHIPS And all other Trapplngs at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly, Cheaply and Neatly Done. Tranksaad Valises at Moderate Pricer. American Stock and Poultrff Vood kept on Sale. FRED. W. BUSS, 12 W. I.ilxrty St., Anu Arbor. ftsm Tarar R E V I V G WPkl RESTORES V1TALITY istDáy-tflJWell Man: löthDay. ffl of Me. THE GREAT sotli Iay. produces the aliovo rcsulls in 30 daya. It acte powerfully and nnicUIy. Cures ulicn all othersfail ïöUDgmeu v.-ill rctiaiu their loet raanhood.and old men will recover tbeir youtbtul vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and Burely restores Nervous ness. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Niglitly Iimissions, Lost Power, Faihn;? Icmory, Wastiun Diseases.anC' all effects of self-abuso or excepsand iudiscretioc, which unflts ono for Btudy, business or marriage. It not only cnres by starting at tho soat of disease, but isagreat nrrve tonic and blootl builder, bringii:g back tlie p:nk fjlvï to pale eheeks and ro storing the iire of yonth, It wards oLf Tnsanitj ind Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO et j .ïther. It can bo carried in vest pocket. By mail I 31.00 per parliagp, or six for 5.O0, witU a pos! tivo written jruarantee to cure or rofua j íhe money. Circular f reo. Addresa Itmai MfHirífií Cí 269 Dearborn St. ! oyai iiea!cine o=s chicaqo.ïll. ■ For Bale by Ebertaeh and j Chemical Co., Aan Arbor, Mioh. QUËEN & CRESCENT. During the Tcnnessee Centennia and International Exposition at Nashville, Tenn., a lovv rato-special tari ff has been estabhshed for the sale of tickets from Cincianati and .other terminal points on the Queen & Crcscent Route. Tickets are on sale daily until further notice to Chattauooga at $6.75 one way or $7.20 round trip from Cincinnati, the round trip tickets being good seven days to return; other tickets, with longer return limit, at $9.90 and at $13.50 for the round trip. These r;ite3 enable the public to visit Nashville and other Southern points at rates nevcr before offered. Vestibuled trains of the nutst class are at the dis posal of the passenger, aiTording amost pleasant trip, and enabling one to visit the very interesting scencry and ircj portant battle-grounds in and about Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Chickamaupa National Military Park. Tickets to Nashville to visit the Centennial can be repurehascd at Chattancoga for $3.40 round trip. Ask your ticket agent foc tickets via Cincinnati and the Q. &C. Route South or.wiite to C. 0. BAiHD, G. P. L, Detroit. OR W. C. RÍNEARSON, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Cincinnati.,O. SCIIEOl :LIi OF TEAOHEUS' JESXAM1NATION8. The resular examinattons for all grades wil] be beid al Ann Arbor tlie thlrd 'fhursday and Frlday of August, 181)7, and the last Thursday and Frlday of March, 198. ExHininatlons for Btcona and ihird erades at Ypnlluntl, ihc Ihlrd ïhursday and Friday of October, 1897, snd at A r.n Arbor the tliird Thursday and Fiiday of June, 1898. Special examtnailons for tblrd srade onlyatSalin I he I liird Friday of September, 18Ö7. tf V. N. L1STKK, Commissioner'


Old News
Ann Arbor Register