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LEGAL NOTICES. C.mi miiloiicr' Notlt e. STATE OK MICHIGAN, i ."" COCNTYOF WA8HTENAW. f The undersigned havlng beon appolnted y the Probate Court for satd County. OomLsslonersto receive, examine and ad.luM. :ill clolma and demanda oí ül persons asalnst tlie etate of Bárbaro AUmlndlnger, laír ol said county deceascd.hcrefoy glve noticetliat six montlis from date are alluwed, by ordor of said Probate Court, for credltors to present their claims against theestate of s:iid deceased, and that tht'y will meet at tho office ofQeorgeW. Seyfried in the City if Ann Arbor, No. 113 8. l'onrth Ave, In sala City, In said County, on the 4th day ol January, 1888, and on the 4th day of April, 181)8 next, at ten o'clock a. m. of eacli of said days, to receive, examine and adjnst said cluims. Dated Ootober4, 18DT. QEORGE WEBNEE, ) rnrtiT'a Sale ot Seiver Bondi. LATERAL SEWEBDISTBICT X0. 6. Sealed bids for twelve thousand flvc hundred eighty-fl ve and 25-100 dollars of honds of the City of Anti Arbor, Mich., will be recelved by Gli-n V. Mills, City Clerk of gaid city, on or before Monday. October 1, A. D. 1897. at 5 p. m. (local time). These bonds are to be sold to defray the expense and to enable the City of Ann Arbor to construct a lateral sewer In Lateral Sewer District No. IS, and are authoried by a specia 1 act of the Ltpcislature of the State ot Mlchlxan entitled "An act to autliorize and ompower and enable the Citv of Ann Arbor to construct and malntain a system of sewers and to raisethe necessary money therefor, approved by the Governor of the State of Michigan May O, 1OB, also by virtue of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative toSewers, etc," duly passed by the Common Council of said city May 21, 1884, and approved May Si, 1894. The above mentioned bónds willdrdw interest from September d. 18T, at Sper cent per annum payable at the office of the (Jity Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor. The principal will mature in four equal annual iustallments and are payable on or before the iirst day of Maren of each vear. The bonds are to be issued in denomiñation of SSÜO each except the necessary fractional part of 8500 duo each year. The bonds will not be sold lor less than face value and accrued interest. The rifiht to reject any and all bids Is reS( rved by the City of Ann Arbor. By order of the Common Council. 90 GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. Notlce To Credltors. STATE OP MICHIGAN, I gg COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( Notlce is hereby glven, that by an order of the Probate Oourt lor the County of Washtenaw, made on tho lTth day of September, A. D 1897 six months f rom that date were allowedfor credltors to present thcir claims againstthe estáte of John M. Wagner, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court. at the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the lTtli day of Match next. and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on the Wh day of December and on the day'ot March. 1898 next, at ten o'clock m the foreuood of each of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, September, A. i. 1S9T' U. WIET EWKIEK, 90 Judge of Probate. Nottee To Creditor. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 „ Ö COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ) Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Coart for the County of Washtenaw made on the 28th day of September, A Yi.TsfiT. six montlis from that date were alïowed fot creditors to present their claim aiialnst the estáte of Isaac N. b. ïoster. hite of sald county, deceased, and that all cieditors of said deceased are requlred to nresent their claims to said Probate Court, Sï the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor for examinatlon and allowance, on or befóre the S8th day of March, next, and th-Lt such claims wfll be heard before said Court on t e 28th day of December and on the 28ti day of Maich, 1898 next, at ten o'ctock in theforenoon ofeach of sald day. Dated,Ann Artor temborA, D. 1897. 01 Judge of Probate. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) s3COUNTY OF WA9HTENAW. i At a session of tho Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the 1 roh'itp Oflice in the City of Aun Arbor, on Thnrsday tne Tth day of Uctober in the yeiir one ihousand eight hundred and ninetyreS, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Prol3iItn the Matter of the Estáte of Eliza Xorth, aon";":uiiu:'":1;i:rinnnBthepetition, dUiy vcrfflèd'. il: nul, E.tíílson prayins among otheiliw that the anclllary adn-imstn - Umi of salS estáte with wUl annexed, may bo V,.'",,, ,1 to A.i.lirw E. Gilson or to some oth suitablc person Frirday, the 5th Tdw of ÑorembSí n5t. at ten o'clock n il asslgned for tbc hearing of siulpotition.aiul that the heirs at law 'of tl fli-iVised and all other persons Interested i .. s ai 1 osi á"e are required to apnear at t sosiii.n Ol sai.l Oourt, the. to be holden at ?hree sucessive weeks previous to saidday of hearing. WJRT NEWKIRK, [Atruecopy.l Judge of Probate. L p. J. LEHMAN, (93. Probate Register. WNrEDTrustworthy and activo fienThe Dominion Oompany, Dept. ., Clucigo. 01 -


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Ann Arbor Register