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Words Straight From The Heart

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THERE IS NOT A WOMAN IN THE LAND WHOSE SYMPATHIES WILL NOT 60 OUT TO MRS. ROBEBSdN. Some Suggestions to Viothers who have Young Oaughters. - From the Neiv Era, Greensburg % Ind. fhio paper recently detailed a reporícr to ■visít West Fork, Crawford County, Indiana, and interview Mrs. Clara M. Robersoii. He nuide the journey but Mrs. Eoberson was not at home. Whercupon he left a note for her, requesting that slio write liim the facu askecí for, whicli in a few days slie did, in the following most grattful manuer. West Fork, Ind., Sept. 29, 1896. "DearSir: In response to your note of inquiry I trust you wül not expect me to wrlte all I feel, for I oannot do so iu an ordinary letter. "I am now past my fifty-fifth annivcisary, and am iu possession of better healtli tlian at any time within thirty years. Froni my twenty-fourth year, when my third child was boni, until the spring of 1894, when I had the good fortune to begin the use of Pink Pilis, I scarcely knew wiiat it was to be free from pain, though naturally of a robust conetitution. The hardshipsof lifefor a farmer's wifu in those days can hardly be estij by woraen in the same station now-a-daye, for in those days farm labor was more onerous. "Atthebirth of my third eliild, my youth seemed to suddcnly fade away, and my once robust eonstitution to colldpse, but my husband cquld not afford hired help, and though ill-healtli brought its train of miseries, it brought no relaxation from the burdens which devolve upon a poor man's wife. Falling of the womb, my first compl.iiiit, was soon followed by dyspepsia, bladder complaint, rlieumatism and neuralgia till I prayed of'ten for that peace which tlie world cannot give. Local doctors gave me no relief. ïhen I began the nee of patent medicines, but was rewarded with failure. I lost faith in all adven iscnients. I had actually despaired of ever flnding relief, and the culmination of my despair was reached when five years ago an ugly sore broke out upon my left sliin, despite all efforts to cure or check it. The doctors told me, that, owing to my age, I could expect no relief except by amputation or bone craping. "Iu April 1834, Mïs. A. II. George, of St. Croix, Ind., yisited me ana became ognizant of my troubles. She had used Pink Pilis with such beneficial efFects that her enthusiasm partially inspired me with eonfidence. By her advice I procured a half dozen boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People from Dr. H. II. Setser, of Leavenworth, Ind. I improved rapidly from the first box. Before the six were taken, I had eo much improved t!ut I geenred a dozen more boxes, all of which I took. Ere three nionths had pessed I w is absolutely free from pain, and I could eat anything set before me with as much avidity as diiring my girlhood. There was no more retching or belchiiig; no more spitting up of food, as there had beer. during more than fifteen years. My sicep was eweet and refreshing. There was no more risini; during the night by reason of disordered kidueys, and none of those famting spells which my f'amily dreaded more any other symptoms of my enfeebled condition. By the end of 6x months my sore Jeg was perfectly heale, and every i of my rlieumatism gone. To-day I ani in the pride of health, able to perform as much work as any of my daughters. But I have not abandoned my friond Pink Pilis. I liavc thera always on band, and as one pnnce of prevention is worth sixteen of cine, I take a few doses occasioually to prevent a rence of those maladies Tvhich will always act like ;i nightmare upoii me. "I can liever be ihankiul enough for the benefits deriyed frorr. this wondenul medicino, and if my testimonial will extend ils ose, and carry tlie blerafoe of healtfa to Borne sufferiug sister, I eonsider it a plonsant tn aid in spreading tlie glad tidings. Many of my ueighbors wko were aware of my long sufferfug, despondency and cure, have ayailed themselves o!' the agency of Pink Pink to relieve their ills, and 1 never heard of disappointment following their use. "Iearnestly pray tbat the manunicturers of tliis excellent medicine may live long to serve their God by serving liis suffering childi'fn, fbr tliis is serving him in the most Christian nianner. (Signed) "Mks. ClaraM. Robeiïson." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of September, A.D., 1896. WlIXIAM j. McDlUïMOTT, Notary Public. In and for the County of Crawford, State of Indiana. BE CAUEPUIi OF YOtJR DAÜGHTER'S HEALTH VVHILE IIS HERTEENS, A very peculiar case was reported to this paper regarding Miss Mattie, the 13-year-old daugliter of James Everett, editor of the Dearborn Independent. ïhe reporter called at the house of Mrs. Everett in Aurora, Ind., to learn the particulars and was very graciously entertained by Mrs. Everett, He was anzious to hear about the case of Miss Mattie, and at his request Mrs. Everett said: "Our daughter has not been strong since her siege with the fever two j'ears ago. She diiln't fully recover, and was just entering a delicate age. She became al] run down, her blood got out of order, and she was almost continually troubled with sick beadacbe. She studied hard, being so ambitious, but linally became so bad t-he could not gtudy, and we were compelled to keep her froni schoo]. Wc doctorea with her for a long time, trying all remedies, but she failed to improve. " Mrs. Mary Groves, of jonesboro, was visiting a neighbor and Iearned of our daughier's ttïse. Lh bama iutrttd ainl dyise us to get Dr. AVilliams' Pink Pilis for her, as lier roh had been curcd by their use. We at once procured the rncdithe firit i't'vloses belped her, and after taking them for a time she was greatly benefited, and was alile to return to her studies at school. Hér energy is retnrned, her blood in good condilion, and she i'els mueh strongcr. hlu' has not been troubled with :he since she took her first half box, and is now usinir the last of the sceond box. We fee! vfi-y gratefu] to Dr. WiUiams' Pink Pilis for Pule Prople, and are confident that they, and tlioy alone, restorcd Mattie to her former hcaltli," Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People contain,iu a condensed form, all the elemente necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore sbattered nerves. They are an unfailii Tor such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partía] paralysis, St. Yitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatísm, nervous headache, after effect of la grippe, pdlpitation of the heart, pale and sallow ctimploxions, all fonos of weakness eitlicr in male cr female, and all diseases resulting from vitïiitoil bumors in the blond. Pink Pilis are sold by all dealers, or wil! be sent post paid on receipt of price, 60 cents a box, or ,%ix boxes for S2.Ü0, (they are nevcr sold in bulk or by tlie 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:, Schenectady, N. Y.


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