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Real Estate Transfers

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Alice Barnes to D. C. Grülia Superior $ 900 00 Eliza Goodman to Frank Goodman, Ypsilanti 100.00 Katherine Fisher to Maegie M. Novvlin, Ypsilanti 103 00 Oliva B. Hall to Benry and Bleton, Ann Arbor 5C0 00 F. D. Pierson to Jonnie E. Pierson, Ypsilanti 400.0") Clara S. Coleman to John W. Maulbatch, Ypsilanti 771.00 Geo B. Alexander to Geo. R. Alexander, et al 100.00 Sara J. Sutherland to Newton A. Levvis, Pittsfield 100.00 Sara J. Suthcrland to Rusc T. Lewis, Pittslïeld 100.03 Rusa T. Lewis to Newton A. Lowis, Pittsiield 1000.00 S. W. lViehell to Chas. Staudmer, Ann Arbor 510 00 A. H. Travor et al to Isaac Sherman, Ann Arbor 550.00 H. Olcott to C. L. Dowan,Ann Arbor 2800,00 T. Laubengayer to Virginia Stablor, Ann Arbor 4500.00 L. W. Gleason to Jos. H. Tajlor, Ypsilanti 400.00 Mary S, Tibbals to Bruno St. James, Ann Arbor S00.00 LuolliaCase to Eleanor Koot, Manchester 300.00 Wm. Wagner to N. Sohmidt, Manchester 275.00 Herman Pierce to Sherman Pierce, Lima 100.00 Sherman Pierce to Herman Pierce, Lima 100.00 Conrad Schnidor to John Koch et al, Ann Arbor 100.00 Rebecca Vinkle to Geo. Vinkle Dexter 100.00 Geo. Vinkle to Josephine H. Vinkle, Dexter 100.00 Hattie Lambie to Marguta Marsh, Superior 2 150.00 Lewis J. Becker to Parson L. Bodmer, Ann Arbor 100.00 Chas. E. Collins toClaud Collin3 Lyndon 200X00 Chancey Stephens et al to Sarah A. Burlew, Chelsea 230.00