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InvitatioDS aro out tor the marriage of Miss Caroline Sanders, of tuis city, to Edward Conklin Wükinson, of Marquette.- Ypsilaatian. Olive Lodge, No. 156, F. & A. M., will eroct and own the sec nd story of W.,T. Knapp'.s new building on west Middle stroet. - Chelsea Ilerald. Janitor Stitt, of the Normal, feil into tho empty swimming tank in the gymnasium basement while at work last weck, and broke liis arm.- Ypsilantian. Grace B. Davis and (!eo. V. Cook were married Wednesday evening, October 6, 1897, at eight o'clock at the home of the bride. Tlio ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Q. Barry.- Dexter Leader. Married, Saturday morning, at the residence of Mrs. Lulu Bucbanan, on Summit street, by Rev. Thomas Holmes D. D., Mr. Charles Kreger and Miss Belle Hathaway, both of this place. - Chelsea Herald. On Wednesday, little Eunico and Maude Swarthout discovered some nightshade berries growing in the door yard, ate some of thern, were consequently badly poisoned, and had a very narrow escape from death. They are still very sick. - Mihtn Leader. Saturday night the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner, of Dcxter, was entered by burglars, who stole jewelry, clothing and other goods, worth in all about $40. A pair of ladie's white kid gloves were dropped by the thieves and may prove a clue to the burglars. Justice Joslyn gave John McDowell twenty days in the county jail MoncUy, for uaing indecent language ia the presence of women. This ís the flrst case of prosecution in this city under the newlaw, whieh provides for punishment for using immoral and indeeent language before women. - Commercial. John W. Knight on last Saturday, wliile building a corn crib, feil froin a ladder a distance of about 12 f eet and struck upon his fect. As hiá welffbt is probably not less than 200 pounds, his iall wrenched his ankles seriously and he will probably be confined at home for some days. - Grass Lake News. The Leader says Mr. John Steele, of Scio, started his feed mili one d.-i.v ' ist week when his coat caught and vvound aroulid the main shaft. i he clothing was almostentirely torn from the upper part of his body and he was drawn around by the shaf t sevaral times before help ar ri ved, although by exerting $][ his btrength he had almost stopped the Qwen Sloan stopped the mili and saved Mr. Steela's life. Warren Lewis, of Ypsilanti, has sold over $1,300 worth of dogs this year. Tbat is, we roean he has received that sum for dogs sold, for there isu't tweïve hundred dollars wortli of dogs in the country. But that doe3 not cut any ice with Lewis, and so loDg as he pulls in $100 per montll for mastiffs, poodles, spaniels, pointers, hounds or setters, ït shows that he breeds canines to some puppus.- Adrián Press. Justice Childs is fast attaining a fine jTjiputüqu as Ljn expert in reading a roan's appearanóe frdm his hand writing. Some one at the Hawkins House last Saturday, was telling of the Justice's abilities at reading men from their signatures on the register, and explaining that short, fat men general ly wrote a large round hand, when a drummer, who was ncither short nor fat. but yho wrote a large hacd, pro pbsed to. test Childs. Ke signed the register and waitcd developments Pretty soon along canse Leo and the Justice, and they straightway put hitn on tria!. Qut he was gaine, anti sak the man was inclined to be tall an: thta. and was of dark complexión, thu


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