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LTo insure insortion our Correspondent eliould mail their Items nol later than ' l . day i. m. ofeacli treek. If sent later tliey are likely to beicrowdodout.") WEBsriiK. A great number of peoplo assemblee at Mr. A. Valenüne's residence Jas Saturday niírht. It was the annual fair held by the Home Missionary Societies of Webster and Hamburg. Father Goldrick, of the Northliold Catholic church, was present, took partin the discussions and did much to make the a success. The Webster Literary Society met last ween: and elccted Miss Anna Latson, pres.; Will Scadin, vice; Miss Kate Smith, sec. and .treas., and Wil Alexander, librarían. - Supervisor Kenny is attending the meeting of the County Board at Aun Arbor. Rev. Morehouse preached lust Sunday in the Cong'l church. It is repoited that Rev. Eggleston will not move to Webster as formerly supposed. Kev. Pearce now preaches in the M. E. church at 2:30 p. m. Sundays. A home dr partment for the S. S. is now being established in Webster. .Any one who does not go to Sundi.y School may join. Also a Sunday School convention is being talked of to take place in a few weekg, W. E. Boyden has flnished harveeting 1200 busheis of potatoes; not a very sniall erop for this year. Miss Jennie McColl has returned from Toledo. The social at J. W. Alexander's was well attended. The rooms were tastefully decorated with leaves, and ateo fruits. Quite noticeable, was a huge pumpkin with sparkling oyes and tire streaming breath, suspended from the ceüinj. HILAN. The Presbyterian Circle will meet at the residence of Mrs. Tripps, on West Main-st., Tuesday. Mr. George Halstead, of Detroit, is visiting Milan fi'iends. The Milan high school has 36 foreign pupil-. Mr. Wm. Woolcott entertained the Rip VanWinkle troupe. There were 33 members in the company. Mesdatnes Kelley and Zimmerman returned from their Detroit sojoura, Saturday. Mrs. Elon Gauntlett, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. McCormick, from Gscoda. Mrs. Burchard is seriously ill at hor home on County-St, Rev. and Mrs. Carrick, of Petcrsbourgh, were the gucsts of Prof. and Mrs. Carrick, last week. Rev. A. Roberts preached at the Union church Sunday. Mrs. Maurice Day and Imo have returned trom Pittsücld. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jackson have moved from their farm near Nora into thoir home on Firat-st. Mrs. Lucy Clark visited Toledo, Saturday. Milan has a uow doctor. W. K. Turner, a gradúate of the U. of M. LI .11 A . About fifty couples attended the dance last Friday night. Miss Emma Staebler is visiting her brother Jake, near Ann Arbor. O. C. Burkhart is nioving to Chelsea.. Lew Wright will work Mr. BurkluuV's farm. Itev. Nickerson, of Chelsea, will poreach here Sunday. The next Grange meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson od Thursday, Oct. 28. Gus Sodt left here Tuesday for Aun Arber. He will work for H. G. Prettyman for the next year. There will be a dance at the hall Friday night. H. G. Prettyman and four friends of Ann Arbor, spent Friday hunting with Arl Guei'iu. The barns, stacks and grain on the John Gri'gory farm burned up last Friday. They caught fire from a threshing machine. .. - - - M STONV CREEK. Thero will bc a Calicó social at Mrs C. Pearson's, Oct, 29, to which all aro invited. All the ladies are expected to wear calicó dresscs and the gentlemen calicó ties. If any appear in other kinds of ties or dresses they will be expected to sing a song or teil a story. Mrs. T. E. Saladay is entertaining friends from Ovid, N. Y. Mr. Herringway, of Detroit, aDd Mr. Bert Jackson, of Cherry Hill, formerly of this place spent Sunday with. Mrs. Ives. Several youag people gave the Mis3es Emme and Minnie Warren a pleasaet surprise Thursday evening. Mr. Clarence Davis entortained Mr. Lemon, of Dexter, a few days' last week. The social at Mrs. P. U. Crittenden's was a pleasant afïair. The rooms were filled, there being between 80 and 00 Deople present. The program of music was furnished by ladies, and Miss Wurd of Milan, gave several recitationa. All wcre appreciated by the companv. Miss Ida Crittenden and Miss Emma O'.cutt, both of Ypsilantl, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ella Gardner, of Ypsilanti, spent Saturday with friends here. NOUTHFIEI.D. Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteman, of Benzonia, are visiting friends and relatives here, Mr. Georg-e and Fred Pfeifte are attending school in Ann Arbor this year. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ovenshire, of Plainwell, are spending a few weeks with parents-and friends. A social will be held at Miss Nellie Brokaw's, Friday evening, Oct. 22, for the benefit of the school. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Dora Ovenshire and Mr. Burt Nelson, of Salem, Wednesday evening, Oct. 27, Miss Lillle Dlgby and Mr. William Treadwell attended the Epworih League conference at Northville, as delegates from Emery, and report a very good time, 1IANCHKNTEB. Bert S. Waite has returned home 'rom Canada. Dr. G. Kuhl, of Saline, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Milo Rowe, Mrs. P. L. Stark and Mrs. Sarah McCord attended the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society at Jackson last week. G. J. Steiner, of Denver, Col., is spending the week in town. Mrs. A. O. Goodell spent a few days ast week with friends in Jackson and Norvell. Harry Case, of Pittsford, was in town Friday. Mrs. Geo. J. Nisle is entertaining iier friend, Miss Louise Greene, of Denver, Col., this week. Di. J. E. Ohlinger has concluded to leave here and go cast for the winter to take up a special course in medicine. His daughter, Miss Mande, goes to Ohio to study music, and his sons, to Holt to live with their grandparents. Miss Maude Goodell visited friends ín Norvell from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hill, of Jackson, spent Sunday in town. Dr. Chadwick, of Qrass Lake, who has been coming here every week to do dental work. has sold his dental parIon here to Dr. Stafford, of Brooklyn. SALINE. The smiling face of Turnkey Canfield was seen on our streets Thursday. Dr. Nancrede, of Ann Arbor, was a Saline visitor Thursday. Dr. Sheeder was in Toledo, O., Monday, on business. A Choral Union was organized in this place Thursday with the following otüeers: Director, D. A. Bennott: president, Rov. F. E. Dodd; vice, Mrs. Dr. Underkircher; secretary. D. A. Bennet.t; treasurer, Mrs. Dr. Chandler: organist, Mrs. C. F. Underkircher. Mr. Furster, of Willis, father of Mrs. Lampkin, of this place, died Friday and was brought here for burial Suuday. Miss Mable McKinnon, of Ann Arbor, took dinner with Miss Gertie Stang, on Sunday. The social and oyster supper held un der the auspices of the Epworh League of the M. E. church Friday night was a grand success in every respect. C. E. Weaver and wife, of Adrián, were the guesls of O. Lampkin and 'umily over Sunday. Jno. McKinnon was home over Sunday. Miss Agnes McKinnon, of Ann Arjor, entertnined Miss Lou Harmon, of this place, Sunday. (■co. Schmidt and son are now prorietor3 of the Meat Market formerly )wned by Seckinger Bros. Another of our Saline boys has lcft is. This time it is Frod Gillen, who eft Wedncsday for Chelsea where he will be chief clerk in the Chelsea Steam Laundry. May he have fine uc-cess in his new field of labor.


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